Cyberbullying in the United States

7th Grade Technology

Danielle Dolinski




There is a national problem that is unfortunately continuing to happen throughout our nation, cyberbullying. With the increased use and accessibility of the internet whether at home, school or on the move, cyberbullying is happening and it needs to end. With the use of more devices and more time online due to the pandemic the easy access is causing more cyberbullying to occur, how can we stop it, through education.


At the end of this WebQuest you will identify cyberbullying and how it affects American students.

You have the choice of various way to present your findings, here are a few options:

        Oral Presentation

        Google Slides


        Newspaper Article


Though the above are a few choices, you are not limited to them, however they must be approved by Ms. Dolinski.

If you need help with your presentation here are a few sites to refer to to help you create your presentation:

Oral Presentation:



Newspaper Article:


*You do not have to use all materials mentioned in this video, this is just to help you organize yourself*

Process/ Resources

Process: To complete this project you will have to follow the steps below:

  1. You must have a title for your project with each person’s name attached as well that worked in the group
  2. The Problem: Explain it, why is it happening? Explain the causes and effects and how to prevent or stop it.
  3. Evidence: While we know this is a problem, evidence needs to be provided to prove this problem exists. Here you should think about using statistics, primary or secondary sources from articles or videos
  4. The Cause: What is the cause of cyberbullying? Why do young teens especially do it?
  5. Evaluate
  6. Describe cyberbullying. What is it? How is it different from bullying?
  7. Data collection, share statistics from your research how students are grouped, detailed instructions, curated resources


Public Policy Analyst (PPA) Steps:

Step 1: Define the Problem

Step 2: Gather Evidence

Step 3: Identify Causes

Step 4: Evaluate Policy

Step 5: Develop Solutions 

Step 6: Select Best Solution

Step 7: Identifying Benefits & Costs


You will have 6 class periods to collect your information and 2 periods to create your visual presentation. The Final class period will be for groups to present out.

Each day will consist of something new to research and create, you should follow the schedule below:

Day 1: Bullying Flocabulary (Vocab Cards, Vocab Game, Read & Respond, Quiz)

Day 2:

        EdPuzzle (24:08) with open-ended questions - How Cyberbullying effects Students

        EdPuzzle (5:50) - How to Prevent it and Protect Children - For Parents

Day 3: What are some ways cyberbullying is portrayed?

Day 4: How can students stop cyberbullying?

Day 5: How can parents stop cyberbullying?

Day 6: How can schools stop cyberbullying?

Day 7: Creating your visual presentation

Day 8: Creating your visual presentation

Day 9: Present

**Amount of time may change due to unforeseen testing, days off, etc.**




Useful Videos: - appropriate?





Students learned how to identify cyberbullying on devices/apps/websites. Students investigated how they as young teens could stop cyberbullying as well as how they can educate their family members and on identifying, preventing and stopping cyberbullying. Upon investigating the effects of cyberbullying students reflected on their own actions and how it affects individuals. Students are young teens with easily accessible technology, the internet can be a great place of knowledge and connection, however this can also be a scary, negative place to be. With education, knowledge is power and students can stop cyberbullying by taking steps they learned and passing it along to those who could possibly affect other individuals. In the mix of learning, educating themselves, my students can come to the realization that what they put on the internet can hurt another person and those comments/posts will stay forever, affecting their own futures.


ISTE 1.1 Empowered Learner

ISTE 1.2 Digital Citizen

ISETE 1.4 Innovative Designer

ISTE 1.7 Global Communicator

ISTE 1.5 Computational Thinker cite/list standards from at least 2 subjects