Webquest by Ms. G. Watson

Adlai E. Stevenson High School








You and your family go out for Sunday dinner at a well-known restaurant. Your parents had planned this evening for many months since the family rarely gets a chance to go out to eat together. You and your three brothers are so happy. You arrive on time for your reservation. Your parents are pleased with the decor.  The waiters and waitresses are cordial and well attired. The menu is impressive and hard to hold with its large size and fancy print. You are so glad you wore your tie and regular shoes after arguing with your parents about what to wear. All of the other teens and parents were dressed like your family. What a surprise! You order a chicken dish, your parents order fish, and your brothers order roast beef. All dishes come with a salad and a beverage. During the meal you notice the chicken appeared red closest to the bone but it tasted so good. Everyone probably had complaints but kept it a secret. Now you have a stomachache and so do other members of your family.


This scenario occurs throughout NYC and the entire country regularly but awareness can possibly keep you from becoming a victim of food borne disease (food poisoning).  Could that undercooked chicken become the reason for your stomachache and possible reason for medical treatment?


You will investigate this possibility as NYC Sanitarians. As Sanitarians you will study and investigate the causes of such illnesses. What is a Sanitarian?

A Sanitarian is    http://www.dictionary.reference.com/search?q=sanitarian





You will work as a group of sanitarians to explore all possible aspects of food borne disease (food poisoning). You will define it, its prevalence, how one gets this disease, how to best avoid it, any unsolved problems with this disease and where we can learn more about this disease. 


You will work in groups of 4-5 to produce separate informative story boards based on various aspects of this disease based on your individual research on the subject. You will be expected to do a presentation on the specific aspect of food poisoning from a list of topics suggested for presentation on the storyboard.





1.    Each individual in a group should concentrate on the use of Worksheets #’s 1 through 6 of the Public Policy Analysis Process. We will go over the Public Policy Analysis together. The PPA Process will help you with the steps to take to complete your task. PPA Process Introduction



2. You will work in groups of 4-5 to produce separate story boards based on your separate research papers.  You can use books, the internet, periodicals and any other resource to obtain your information for your research paper and storyboard.


    3. You can use graphics, statistics, surveys and any other visuals to complete the research paper and group story boards. You can also use glue, markers, scissors, rulers, and construction paper which will be supplied in the classroom. However, if you have these supplies at home you can use them there. Class time will also be given to complete these projects along with visits to the computer room.


4. These are some of the aspects of food born illness that must be explored in your groups and in your papers. You must explore at least 5 of the aspects  individually and in your groups.


Group 1            ----What is a food borne disease/illness? 

----What are the most common food borne diseases/illnesses?  

----What happens to you after the microbes that produce the illness are ingested?

----When should you contact a doctor about diarrhea associated  with these diseases?

----How are these diseases diagnosed and treated?

----Are there any new ways to handle these food borne illnesses?


Group 2            ----What statistical information is available on food borne       illnesses?

----What is the number of reported cases in the US yearly?

----How does the health department track these diseases?  

                        ----How do they investigate these diseases?

----Are any of these types of diseases changing?

----Do you suggest/have any new ways of handling these diseases?


Group 3            ----How does food become contaminated?

----What foods are associated with food borne illnesses?

----What can we do to make food safe to eat?

----What can we do when you eat out in restaurants or prepare food at home to insure it’s safe to eat?

----Are some people more vulnerable to these diseases to others?

----Do you have any new ways of handling these diseases?


Group 4            ----What are various agencies doing to control and prevent       these food borne illnesses?

----Are there some critical unsolved problems in food borne diseases?

----What agencies do we contact if there is a suspected food      born illness/disease outbreak?

----Where do we find more information on food borne illnesses?

----What pamphlets are available on the topic for the public to    use? Have pamphlets to distribute.


5. Your group of sanitarians will be expected to present your research papers along with your story boards to the class on a designated day. You will be given 15-20 minutes per group for your presentations.            





Below are computer resources to use for your research papers and storyboards.

Press the control “ctrl” button and then “Click” to get to these websites.













The following is a rubric. It is the means by which you will be graded or evaluated for the research paper, story board and Power Point presentation. 12 points is the highest number of points your group can receive for your research papers, storyboards and power point presentations.





Teacher Name: Ms. Watson, Family &        Consumer Sciences






4 Points

3 Points

2 Points

1 Point


Research Paper

All content is in the students' own words and is accurate.

Almost all content is in the students' own words and is accurate.

At least half of the content is in the students' own words and is accurate.

Less than half of the content is in the students' own words and/or is accurate.



Storyboard is neat, easy to read, and labeled well. Others could easily understand its content and presentation. Re-creation by others is easy based on clear understanding of its presentation and content.

Storyboard is easy to read and most elements are clearly written, labeled, or drawn. Another person might be able to re-create the storyboard presentation after asking one or two questions.

Storyboard is hard to read with rough drawings and labels. It would be hard for another person to re-create this storyboard presentation without asking lots of questions.

Storyboard is hard to read and one cannot tell what goes where. It would be impossible for another person to re-create this storyboard presentation without asking lots of questions.


Power Point Presentation

Worked cooperatively with the group all the time with no need for adult intervention. Showed use of the PPA Process in the presentation.

Worked cooperatively with the group most of time but had a few problems that the team resolved themselves. Showed a few problems in using the PPA Process and presentation.

Worked cooperatively with the group most of the time, but had one problem that required adult intervention. Had numerous problems with the PPA Process and presentation.

Worked cooperatively with the group some of the time, but had several problems that required adult intervention. Had no idea how to use the PPA Process and how to perform the power point presentation.



 12 Points

9 Points

 6 Points

3 Points















State Standards met–


CDOS       Standard 2–Students will demonstrate how academic knowledge and skills are applied in the workplace and other settings.


ELA          Standard 3–Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation


As listeners and readers, students will analyze experiences, ideas, information, and issues presented by others using a variety of established criteria. As speakers and writers, they will present, in oral and written language and from a variety of perspectives, their opinions and judgments on experiences, ideas, information issues. 


MST Standard 7–Students will apply the knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address real-life problems and make informed decisions.


H, PE, & HE–Standard 2–Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.





After completing your research paper, your group story board and power point presentation, you will become more analytical and have a greater understanding of how one gets a food borne illness or food poisoning. This knowledge can further help you in trying to avoid risky circumstances that may bring on such illnesses.

You will also know what to look for in your environment (a restaurant or in your home kitchen) that will help you avoid these illnesses. If you do contract one of these illnesses you will know how to treat the illness yourself, or to see a doctor before it is too late.

You can also write to specific organizations that handle these illnesses to suggest your ideas for better food handling so food poisoning outbreaks can be less prevalent. This information can be passed on to your family and friends to help them understand what an unexpected stomachache may mean and what to do should one occur.