Mr.  Stevens


Harry s. Truman hs





Have you ever been searched by a police officer, teacher or store clerk for any reason?  If not do you know anyone that has?


If so, why do you believe you were searched? 



Did the searcher find anything on you?



Do you feel like your rights were violated?





Search and seizure is a big issue in the today’s world.  Here at Truman High School a student was searched after he was caught in the hallway with his cell phone in his hand. This search led to the discovery of a knife in the student’s pocket.  This discovery led to the expulsion of the student for the remaining of the year.  The child’s parents are now suing the school district because they believe their child J.H., was illegally searched which led to his expulsion.  Was this search legal? Your job as the school district attorney, is to find out the facts of this case and figure out if the search was legal or not.  You should complete your objective by reviewing older law cases that deal with the same issue.  One landmark case that deals with the search and seizure issue is New Jersey v T.L.O.






You are required to use the Compulegal website and the other websites listed below under resources to research New Jersey v T.L.O. as well as the previous law cases in America, that deal with the search and seizure issue.  You will then be required to debate this issue, depending on your belief. After the debate you will be required to write a two page essay supporting your argument pertaining to this issue. Also included are some visual aids and the underlying facts of each case.






1.     Use Compulegal website as well as additional sources to research New Jersey v T.L.O. and any other cases that deal with search and seizure.

a.      Read the facts of the case.

b.     Use additional resources to support your decision.   

2.     Use the information you learned from your research to make a decision on whether the search at Truman HS was legal or not.

3.     Once your decision is made break into groups that are for or against the ruling (2 groups).  Your group will need to have at least 10 facts supporting your decision.

4.     Complete a graphic organizer with your team’s facts and arguments to help you retain the information.

5.     Once debate is over, you are then required to compose a two page essay defending your decision and supporting your argument with as many facts as possible.  Be sure that you are able to explain your decision in accordance to the amendments.  Be sure to pay attention during the debate.




 These other court cases are related to New Jersey v. TLO





Social Studies

Standard 1:   History of the United States and New York

Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York.

Standard 5:   Civics, Citizenship, and Government

Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the United States and other nations; the United States Constitution; the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.

English Language Arts


Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.

As listeners and readers, students will analyze experiences, ideas, information, and issues presented by others using a variety of established criteria. As speakers and writers, they will present, in oral and written language and from a variety of perspectives, their opinions and judgments on experiences, ideas, information and issues.













Shows understanding of the topic.  Includes many facts.  Has the ability to defend their arguments.


Shows an excellent understanding of the topic. 

Presents satisfactory understanding of the topic

Shows little understanding of the topic.

Shows no knowledge of any of the cases or amendments.

Completion of Task

Addresses all aspects of the task.

Works well in a group.

Addresses all aspects of the task.

Addresses most aspects of the task.

Attempts to address topic, but uses vague and /or inaccurate information


Did not address the topic or task


Supports topic with relevant facts, examples and details

Includes relevant facts, examples and details, but not support all aspects of the case

Uses some relevant facts, examples and details.

Uses little facts, examples, or details.

Included no relevant facts

And or examples



Paper is 2pgs long.  Includes all facts of the case and shows a clear understanding of the cases and amendments.

Includes many facts, but doesn’t show an understanding of the amendments.

Paper met most of the requirements.

Paper does not meet any of the requirements.

Did not do the paper.



By completing this activity you will learn how to use the internet to conduct research and further enhance your education.  You will also become more familiar with landmark cases that helped shape American life.