Does It Matter

If You Are

Black Or White?


Carlos Santiago

Pelham Preparatory Academy
























             June 17, 2001 -Decades after civil rights battles

             and triumphs and tragedies classrooms across               

             the country are integrated in principle, but still    

             segregated in practice.

                                                                                 -Bill Redeker

                                                                                  ABC News




In NYC, students are placed in schools, which are racially, and/or economically segregated. Students in schools that are predominantly Black & Latino perform lower than students that are in predominantly white schools. In the end, students in lower performing schools are destined to lower paying jobs, while their counterparts earn higher salaries.


In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Brown V. Board of Education, decided that it was unconstitutional to have racially segregated schools.

In 2004, our schools, although not intentionally done, are still segregated racially and economically.


Look around… Who do you see? Are you in a lower performing school, or in a higher performing school? Do you feel it is fair? How can we create a more positive situation for all students regardless of their race, and economic status? 





Your class is a consultant group working for the New York City Department of Education. You are investigating the racial  and/or economic segregation within New York City Schools.


Your group will create a report (written, oral, Powerpoint, video, etc…) which:

·        Provides evidence of the problem

·        Analyzes current Department of Education Policies on segregation of students based on racial/ethnic background and/or economic status

·        Makes recommendations for new policies aimed at alleviating the problem. Explain why your recommendations will be successful

·        Also produce an advertising in the form of a poster, video, or audio addressing the issue, and supporting your recommendations




STEP 1:  Identify the problem


STEP 2:  Gather evidence ->

Use the RESOURCES listed below for your research.


STEP 3:  Identifying the causes of the problem


STEP 4:  Evaluate a policy


STEP 5:  Develop solutions


STEP 6:  Select the best public policy solution



Internet Resources


Public Policy Analyst Website


Search Engines











D (69-60)


Step 1-Intro

Background information

Thesis statement and examples 

Thesis statement and examples of racial and/or economic segregation

Thesis statement and 1 example

Thesis statement

Background information

Step 2-Evidence

Show evidence from text to prove thesis (at least 3 for each character)

Show evidence from text to prove thesis (at least 3 for each character)

Show evidence from text to prove thesis (at least 2 for each character)

Show evidence from text to prove thesis ( at least 1 for each character)

Provides evidence and thesis statement as a unit

Step 3-Causes

From research show possible causes for problem(at least 3 causes

From research show possible causes (at least 2)

From research show possible causes(at least 1)

From research show possible causes (at least 1)

Shows one possible cause of problem

Step 4-Policies which existed

Cite at least 2 policies which helped the U.S. to fight against racial segregation

Cite at least 2 policies which helped the U.S. to fight against racial segregation

Cite 1 policy which helped the U.S. to fight against racial segregation

Cite 1 policy, which helped the U.S. to fight against racial segregation

Does not Cite a policy that verifies claim

Step 5- Reform possibilities

Give at least 3 possibilities

Give 3 possibilities

Give 2 possibilities

Give 2 possibilities


Step 6- Best solution

Of the three choose the best one

Of the three choose the best one

Choose the better of the two choices

Choose the better of the two choices

Gives a recommendation

Spelling, grammar and punctuation

There should be a minimum of 5

There should be a minimum of 6

There should be a minimum of 8

There should be a minimum of 10

There should be a minimum of 11





By the end of this project, students will have obtained a greater knowledge on the impact of Brown v. Board of Ed on this nation’s schools, and in particular, on NYC’s Educational system.


Students will also be more knowledgeable on issues pertaining to the unintentional economic and racial segregation within NYC schools.


Finally, they will be more knowledgeable about the causes of this problem and will be able to suggest alternative solutions to minimize these problems.





E1c- Read and comprehend informational materials

E2a- Produce a report of information

E3b- Participate in group meetings.