Lorraine M. Nowlin

Jane Addams High School for Academics and Careers

TIPS Webquest


Teen Pregnancy and Parenthood

Book Cover   The First Part Last, By Angela Johnson




Teen pregnancy has become a common occurrence in our society. In fact, it has become chic or the in thing to do. You are a youth advocate researching the various social ills that contribute to teenage pregnancy.  You were offered a large advance from a major publisher to write a book about your findings. Your book will answer many questions that social policy makers need answers to in order to solve the problem. What makes it appear so attractive to today’s youth? Is there a difference between the attitudes of teenage males and females? Are teens from single parent homes more likely to become teen parents? Your research should focus on teens from both the urban, suburban, and rural areas.




Your task is to research and write about teen pregnancy and parenthood throughout the United States. The First Part Last, by Angela Johnson, should serve as a starting point for your research.  Upon completion of your research, you will write a 2-3 page paper summarizing what you explored. It is important not limit your project to one particular demographic. You have the option of creating a powerpoint presentation consisting of approximately 10 slides in addition to a paper.  The powerpoint presentation can be done in lieu of the traditional presentation.


1.    Working in groups of four, you will explore the causes and possible solutions for teen pregnancy. Explore what life is like for those who have decided to continue their pregnancies and become parents. You must use the websites provided below. Also, you may use books, magazines, and interviews with teen parents. Do not limit your focus to the point of view of the teen mother. Include teen fathers in your research.


2. Using the websites provided in the Resources section below, summarize your research on the following PPA worksheets:

Define the Problem Worksheet 1: Defining the Social Problem

Tell your readers what the social problem is.


Gather the Evidence Worksheet 2: Gathering evidence of the problem


In addition to the sources provided, what other sources will you use containing evidence that this problem exists? Record those sources on this worksheet.


Identify the causes Worksheet 3: Identifying the causes of the problem


Identify specifically what leads to teenagers to become parents. Peer pressure? Home environment?


Evaluate a Policy Worksheet 4: Evaluating existing public policies


Identify a current social policy used to alleviate the social problem. Is it effective?


Develop Solutions Worksheet 5: Developing public policy solutions


What policies should be put in place that will solve the social problem? Identify and record them on this worksheet.


Select the Best Policy Worksheet 6: Selecting the best public policy solution


Of all the policies explored, which (after a careful evaluation) would solve the social problem?


  1. Using the research you have gathered and the ideas you have developed, write a 2-3 page report on teen pregnancy.  The report should include a description of the problem (definition, evidence, causes) and of the solution (existing public policies and your own original policy solutions).  The report should be typewritten (preferably on a computer – size 12 font)


  1. Your group will give an oral presentation based on the

    research (as outlined on the 6 PPA worksheets above)

    paper. Your presentation will be approximately 5 minutes

    in length. You may use visual aids (posters, pictures) to

    enhance your presentation.  For those of you who opted to

    do a powerpoint presentation, you should have no less

    than 10 but no more than 15 slides. Powerpoint

    presentations may be as long as 10 minutes. Remember to

    limit each slide to the key points only.  


    Written reports should be no less than 2, but no longer

    than 3 typed double spaced pages. Be sure to include a

    bibliography of  all sources used. Remember, The First

    Part Last should not be used as a source because it is a

    work of fiction. It should only be used as a guide to the

    issue explored through research.





Teen parenting


t e e n p a r e n t s . o r g


When Children Have Children - AACAP Facts for Families #31


The Daily Mississippian - Program offered for teen mothers


National Center for for Fathering: Gaining Knowledge About Teen Dads: The Orlando Teen Fathering Project


Teen Fathers Often Overlooked
















Writing shows in-depth analysis of teen violence and offers insightful proposals according to the Public Policy Analysis methodology.

Writing shows basic understanding and analysis of teen violence and offers adequate solutions.  It briefly addresses each of the steps of the PPA.

Writing shows summarization of the research information.  It may contain vague references to the steps of Public Policy Analysis. 

Structure and Organization

Writing is generally well organized according to definite plans.  Topics or ideas generally clear.

Typically clear beginnings and ends.

Most transitions smooth and logical.

Details generally varied and vivid. 


Controlling topics, ideas, or overall plans always present but do

not always focus the writing.  Endings may sometimes be awkward or abrupt.

Transitions are typically logical but may on occasion lack depth and/or direct relevance.


Topics or overall plans may not be clearly present.

Possible digressions or elaborations confusing to reader.

Beginnings and endings may be awkward or abrupt.

Key elements may be unevenly developed or omitted.

Details used inconsistently.



Sound reasoning. Clear position. Opinions thoughtfully supported. Credible evidence.  Avoids exaggeration.

Compelling arguments. Fact/opinion distinguished. Conclusions well-grounded.

Displays evidence to advantage. Believable and defensible. Convincing.


Few surprises. Predictable, well-worn arguments. Credible but limited support. Acceptable, knowledge as

evidence. Fact/opinion sometimes overlap.


Minimal content.  Unsupported statements.  Weak, questionable evidence. Position weak/unclear/shifting. Overly reliant on repetition and exaggeration.



Oral Presentation













All aspects of the PPA analysis are present within the presentation. The use of visual aids such as posters and charts illustrates creativity




Each slide is readable, contains only pertinent information

Few examples of creative effort. Credible but limited arguments and facts. Facts and opinions sometimes overlap.



Font and color is moderately readable, too much information is contained on each slide

Minimal content.  Unsupported statements.  Weak, questionable evidence. Position weak/unclear/shifting. Tendency to rely on repetition and exaggeration.





Font and color hinder readability, each slide is too wordy or repeats what is contained in the report verbatim



This Webquest addresses the following New York State ELA Stanards:

New York State Performance Standards in English

E1c: Read and comprehend informational materials.

E2a: Produce a paper on information and observations.

E3b: Participate in group meetings.

E3c: Prepare and deliver an individual presentation.

E4b: Analyze and subsequently revise work to improve its clarity and effectiveness.



During your research, you learned about the causes of teen pregnancy throughout the United States. You explored Ways to reduce pregnancy among teens. You used a variety of resources to gather information. These included but were not limited to the internet, periodicals, and non-fiction books.