Text Box: Bridging the gap - The Intergenerational experience





The Department for the Aging has actively promoted the value of an intergenerational exchange between young and old.  

Presently Christopher Columbus High School is one of 23 New York City schools that participate in a New York City Intergenerational initiative.  Students participate in the program supporting senior citizens in local Community Senior Centers, and Residential Care Facilities.





 This program:

Fosters mutual respect, and the building of common experiences.

Creates a forum for ongoing dialogue and communication between the generations.

Increases positive and productive images of the elderly.

Changes perspectives about stereotyping individuals.

Provides a forum to include senior citizens and acknowledge their value.

Text Box: Introduction 



Only in America! The wealthiest country in the history of the world has living standards beyond the wildest imaginations of those who lived in the past. Many Americans worry more about the size of their televisions and the value of their cars than survival. YET..in this environment of affluence, there is a large segment of the population that feels alienated, forgotten and misused. There is irony here. It was this group that created the “affluent society” It is this group that has allowed present generations to live in luxury. Yet it is this group that has been neglected. They are the ‘ELDERLY” Only in America are the old discarded as unproductive members of society. They are housed in separate facilities, often abandoned by their friends and family. In other societies, these “discards” are viewed as the “wise” and looked to for advice and consent.

 What can be done?? This will be your task for this web quest!

There has been a rise of student violence and numerous incidents at Christopher Columbus High School. Recently the school has been on the news and has been portrayed as one of the most violent schools in New York City.  People do not understand what Christopher Columbus High School currently offers students.

The Intergenerational Work Study Program is a program currently offered to senior students.

Text Box: Defining the Social Problem      



The isolation and alienation of seniors today is a concern for many elderly citizens.  They are isolated from everyday activities due to physical frailties, age, medical conditions, lack of family and friends.  In many cases they are individuals that society has forgotten and set aside. People today look towards the younger generations to provide that “hip” energy and direction. There is a need to expand senior services and experiences for the elderly. Seniors need to be included in our communities. They are vibrant people with a wealth of experiences and knowledge.

Text Box: Task   


You are now assigned a critical task..

The New York City Mayor’s Office is looking for high school students to participate in an intergenerational project at local senior centers throughout the city.  The Department of Aging which is under the auspices of the New York City Mayor’s Office has chosen Christopher Columbus High School as one of the potential schools to participate in a special initiative. The Director of the Office of the Department of Aging has contacted the Principal of Columbus High School to inquire whether Columbus High School would be interested in such a program. This initiative pairs the young and old, sharing mutual experiences.  The aim of the program is to develop ongoing relationships that can bridge the gap between the two generations. You are one of the Christopher Columbus High students who have been chosen to participate in this Intergenerational Program.   It is your responsibility to represent your fellow students and participate in this program.


You will be part of an intergeneration council that will advise the Principal and the Mayor’s office to revise the policy for the elderly in New York. You will use the “intergenerational experience” as a guideline

Students will be required to complete a research project. You will complete this research project with other students in an assigned group. Use the Public Policy Analyst Worksheets listed below, and your research findings to investigate this social problem and advice the Intergenerational Council about possible revisions of present policies for senior citizens.  Use your resources to take a look at current services and or programs available for seniors today.


Text Box: Process 


Step 1: Group project: Your class will be divided into groups of 4 members each.

 Groups will be responsible for a presentation made at the end of this project.

 Group members will assume the following roles; a leader, a recorder, a timekeeper, a presenter.
a. The leader will make sure the group is working on the given assignment. The leader will assign certain duties and responsibilities to other group participants making sure the group stays focused on the given task.
b. The recorder will maintain records of all information that has been found.
c. The time keeper will keep the time and make sure that the group does not go over the time limit.
d. The presenter will present the final product to all other members of the class. (There can be more than one student participant presenting, group members should share the responsibility)

Step 2:  RESEARCH PAPER: Complete a typed 5 page, double spaced research paper including the following items.

 Utilizing the Internet, compile information on the topic of senior services available for the elderly.

1. What services exist today?

2. Are local community facilities offering seniors positive experiences?

3. Does New York City offer programs for senior citizens?

4.  Do these programs have any impact on their lives?

5.  Who organizes services for seniors today?

6. Based on your findings, formulate suggestions to revise services for seniors

 Each group will utilize the Public Policy Analyst (PPA) method to investigate this social problem.  You will need to complete the following online worksheets which are designed to assist you with your project.

#1 Defining the Social Problem

#2 Gather evidence of the problem
#3 Identify the causes of the problem
#4 Developing public policy solutions
#5 Selecting the best policy solution

Fill out the worksheets located at the above links.

Step 3: Use the Internet to research the topic of services provided for senior citizens in our communities.  Listed below are Internet search engines that will assist you with your research of senior services.

These internet sites will also help you complete the PPA worksheets.

Text Box: Suggested Resourceswww.altavista.com



Utilize suggested resource sites listed below. 



You can find your own resource sites.













 Step 4:  Upon completion of this research project each group will be responsible for a presentation. 

The presentation will include your Internet research and your investigation of public policies regarding services to the elderly. Remember that you are members of the Intergenerational Council which can advise the Principal of Columbus High School and the New York City Mayor’s Office about revisions to present policies.  As public policy analysts your group can make recommendations about present policies. Should they be changed? Is there a need for improvement of services?

Text Box: Evaluation



The Project grade will be based on the following guidelines.


Grade of A = All questions are completely answered

   B = All of the questions are answered however some are not complete

   C = the questions are not completely answered; the information is copied word for word with no student input.
   D = the topic has not been researched properly. The answers are incomplete.

Research and survey

Grade of A = Student demonstrates full knowledge of subject matter
               B = Student demonstrates some knowledge of subject matter
               C = Student demonstrates a little knowledge of subject matter

               D = Student do not know subject matter

Oral Presentation Rubric

Grade of A

Everyone in group presents

Excellent eye contact

Clear and loud speech

Logical, clear, organized and focused presentation

Creative use of visual aides, informational hand outs

Grade of B

Everyone in group presents

Most people maintain decent eye contact

        Volume and clarity of speech is sufficient

        Logical, clear, less organized and focused presentation

        Visual aides, informational hand outs used appropriately

Grade of C

        3 people in group present

        Eye contact half of the time

        Presentation is weak and lacks focus, not completely clear

        Can understand most of time

        Some use of visual aid, informational hand out, may be inappropriate

Grade of D

      Only one person in group presents

        little eye contact

        Presentation is very weak, illogical and unorganized

        Difficult to understand and hear

        Minimal or no use of visual aids


Grade of A =There is strong evidence that all group members participated equally

               B = There is some evidence that all group members participated equally

Text Box: New York State Standards               C = There is evidence that most group members participated equally

               D = There is little or no evidence that all group members participated


Standard 1:   Language for Information and Understanding
Standard 2:   Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation
Standard 2a: Produce a report of information
Standard 3b: Participate in-group meetings

Social Studies

Standard 5:    Use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation

Standard 1

Text Box: ConclusionStudents will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, themes, developments and turning points in the history of the United States and New York.


Upon completion of this project you have formulated conclusions about the focus of Intergenerational Programs. You have determined that the program provides a service that can teach the young to respect and learn from their elders.  It gives seniors the opportunity to enjoy the younger generation, sharing their wisdom and life coping experiences with them. You have made suggestions about possible revisions to present policies affecting the elderly today. Your investigation into this topic will have provided you with a better understanding of how the elderly can be best served by society today.

You have a greater understanding of how to research, organize and compile information in regard to a specific topic.  The PPA methodology has increased your awareness that many problems challenge American Society today. 






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