Black Death


Astor Collegiate Academy


Ms. Kim’s Web Quest Project



Introduction  It all began in 1347, when a ship from Genoa in northern Italy docked in the Sicilian port city of Messina.  The ship was returning from a trading post in the Black Sea port of Caffa.  Many of its crew members and passengers had large black swellings in their armpits and groin.  Sores called boils and dark bruises covered their bodies.  Others, with more severe types of the illness, burned with fever, coughed and spat up blood.  Within a few days, the stricken people died.  As the ship lay at anchor, some black rats bustled off it and ran into the city.  In this way, the bubonic plague, known as the Black Death, entered Europe.


The bubonic plague (Black Death) epidemic of the Middle Ages may have killed about one third of all the population.  Priests died at a higher rate than ordinary people because they always went to the homes of the sick.  One half of all the priests during that time died of the Black Death.  Many people feared that everybody would die eventually.  Bubonic plague is caused by the bite of an infected animal or by the fleas living on that animal. 






·         You and others that are in the Congress have been asked by the government to find the social problems of the Black Death in Medieval Europe using the public policy analysis steps. 

·         Then you are to analyze the policies that were developed to deal with these problems.

·         The information gathered will then be used to create a Power Point presentation of at least five slides.





The process of completing your task is as follows:


1. You will use the worksheets described in the GHPPA website to record your research concerning the Black Death in Medieval Europe.  These worksheets can e found using the links below and are to be used to complete your project.

Collect information using your notes, text and the links available to you.


2. Fill out the worksheets for the 4 steps of policy analysis.  You can access them by clicking on the blue links below.


The 4 steps include:


·         Define the Social Problem


·         Gather the Evidence


·         Determine Causes and Factors


·         Evaluating the Policies Used


You will use the information on these worksheets as resource material for completing your task


Step 2-Your Power Point presentation should include:


l       Begin with a “front page” slide containing a heading of your topic, the names of your group members, and a picture related to the topic

l       Include pictures-photos, cartoons that illustrate the Black Death

l       Slides showing the social problems of the Black Death

l       Slides showing the policies that were developed at that time.

l       End with a final slide containing a bibliography of the sources you used. This will be your presentation.





Suggested Websites


·         The Bubonic Plague


·         Bubonic Plague


·         The Black Death


·         The Black Death: Bubonic Plague


·         Pictures








Very Good







All worksheets are thoroughly completed with an excellent understanding of the social problem, its causes and the public policy that arose

Most worksheets (4+) are completed with a good understanding of the social problem, its causes and the policy that arose.

Some worksheets (3+) are completed with a fair understanding of the social problem, its causes, and the policy that arose.

Few worksheets (less than 3) are completed with a poor understanding of the social problem, its causes, and the policy that arose.


PowerPoint presentation

reflects a thorough understanding of the social problem, public policy, and information.

PowerPoint presentation

reflects a good understanding of the social problem, public policy, and information.

PowerPoint presentation reflects a fair understanding of the social problem, public policy, and information.

PowerPoint presentation reflects a poor understanding of the social problem, public policy, and information.

Oral Presentation

Speaks very clearly, while involving all group members and maintaining audience attention.

Speaks very clearly, while involving all group members and maintaining audience attention.

Speaks somewhat clearly, while involving all group members and maintaining some audience interest.

Does not speak clearly, nor does it involve all group members.  Does a poor job of maintaining interest of audience.


Information, group work and oral presentation are extremely well integrated.

Information, group work, and oral presentation are well integrated.

Information, group work, and oral presentation are somewhat  integrated.

Information, group work and oral presentation are poorly integrated.  Final product lacks clarity.





By working on this project, you will have learned:


·         The causes of the Black Death.

·         The Social, Economic, and Political effects of the Black Death.

·         How to put together a Power Point project and present it to the class.



Thank you for your participation.