



Is Fusion the Answer?





Mr. Farley

The Bronx High School of Science




The United States is much too dependent on imported energy.  The majority of the energy used in the United States is imported from other countries in the form of fossil fuels.  This presents several major problems.  First, the burning of fossil fuels contributes to the production of greenhouse gases which are linked to global warming.  Second, the burning of fossil fuels contributes to pollution which can damage the environment and cause health problems.   Third, depending on foreign energy places the United States at the mercy of other governments that could become unfriendly or unstable.  These governments could, in effect, hold the United States hostage by refusing to supply the energy needed to satisfy US needs.  This could result in very serious consequences to the US economy and greater geopolitical instability.


Nuclear Fusion, the combining of light elements such as hydrogen, has the capability of producing vast amounts of energy.  The raw materials for the production of this energy could be obtained from ocean water, and the byproducts would be primarily harmless helium. 


Many experts believe that if fusion energy research were adequately funded, most of the world’s energy needs could be met within decades.




You are the member of a special Senate committee which will study the fusion issue.  Your committee will write a report and make a presentation to explain to other members without a strong science background the basics of nuclear fusion, how it could be used to meet world energy demands as well as the current hurdles that need to be overcome to make this a reality.  In addition you need to explain what kind of funding it will take to make fusion energy a practical source for energy production.






Your committee will consist of three students.  Your presentation and report will follow the format of the Science Public Policy Analyst developed at Syracuse University.  This will guide you step by step through the various components of the project.  The steps are as follows:

For each step, you may want to use the worksheets to help you outline your report and presentation.  Both should contain six sections corresponding to the Science Public Policy Analyst above. 




Princeton Plasma Physics Lab Fusion Site

General Atomics Fusion Education Site

Culham (UK) Fusion Site

IPPEX Fusion Site















Your group did extensive research from the recommended and other sites.

Your group did research primarily from the recommended sites.

Your group did a minimal amount of research from sites.

No or very little research was done.



At least five citations were made from your researched sources including ones you found.

At least three citations were made from your researched sources including ones you found.

At least two citations were made from your researched sources including ones you found.

No citations were made from your researched sources including ones you found.



Your group made very convincing arguments for the policies that you have recommended

Your group made convincing arguments for the policies that you have recommended

Your group made few convincing arguments for the policies that you have recommended

Your group made unconvincing arguments for the policies that you have recommended



There were no significant grammar or style errors.

There were few significant grammar or style errors.

There were many significant grammar or style errors.

There were very many significant grammar or style errors.



It was evident that all members of the group contributed to the product

It was evident that most members of the group contributed to the product.

It was evident that only one member of the group contributed to the product.

It was evident that the members of the group did not contribute to the product




This Web quest meets the following NY State English and Science Standards


v     E1c:  Read and comprehend informational materials.

v     E2a:  Produce a report of information.

v     E4b:  Analyze and subsequently revise work to improve its clarity and effectiveness.


v     S8a: Demonstrates scientific competence by completing secondary research.

v     S7b: Argues from evidence.

v     S7e: Communications in a form suited to the purpose and the audience.

v     S5c: Uses evidence from reliable sources to develop descriptions, explanations, and models; and makes appropriate adjustments and improvements.

v     S5d: Proposes, recognizes, analyzes, considers, and critiques alternative explanations; and distinguishes between fact and opinion.

v     S5f:  Works individually and in teams to collect and share information and ideas.

Applied Learning 

v     A2b:  Prepare a formal written proposal or report to an organization beyond the school.




          By completing this web quest project, you will have learned the following:

1.      The current problems associated with meeting the growing need for energy in the world

2.      How these problems are not only technical but also geopolitical.

3.      The basics of nuclear fusion and how it has the potential to meet these energy needs.

4.      Hurdles that have been encountered in using nuclear fusion to make usable energy.

5.      Issues involving the funding of fusion research.  Has funding prevented usable fusion energy from becoming a reality?


Furthermore, by completing this project you will have attained or developed the following skills:

1.  Produce a report of information in a logical sequence to improve its clarity and effectiveness.

2.  Demonstrate scientific competence by arguing from evidences gathered through research and by effectively communicating the results in a written report.

3. Capacity to analyze opposing views and explanations through research and collected data in the form of surveys; distinguish between facts and opinions to arrive at an ultimate resolve.

4. To present your information orally with audio visual media.

5. How to formulate effective public policies by means of a public policy analyst.