Ms. Vajeeprasee

CIS `166

Web Quest







The Great Depression


Theme:      Change





You wake up and go downstairs to open up the icebox to find food… there is nothing there. You proceed to turn around and look on the counter for food…there is nothing there. Your cupboards are empty. Then you go downstairs because you realized that…there is food. When you arrive there you join the line with a hundred other people in front of you. One and a half hours later you are handed a bowl with porridge. This might be your only meal for the rest of this day. This was the depression of 1929. How do you feel as a child living during the depression? How would you try and correct this condition?



You will write a three page report based on the cause of the depression. It will include a cover page, three bibliographies, and a group oral presentation. You must talk about the economic policy “The New Deal” that was created to help lift up the economic depression. How would you correct the conditions of The Depression? How would you get out of these terrible conditions?



1.       You will go into groups of no more than 4 people.

2.       You will use the internet sites for your resources.

3.       You must use the steps from PPA and complete the worksheets found in the TIPS website:.

      Define the Problem

       Gather Evidence That The Problem Exists

       Identify Causes of the Problem

       Evaluate Existing Policies

       Develop Solutions for the Problem

      Select the Best Solution

4.       You will work on two drafts for you final paper.

5.       You will edit and write your final copy.

6.       You will then create you group presentation based on a particular topic from the depression.



1.       Your textbook

2.       The Encyclopedias-Britannica, Encarta

3.       The Stock Market Crash

4.       The Causes of The Great Depression

5.       The Effects of The Great Depression

6.       The Causes and Effects of The Great Depression

7.       The New Deal

8.       FDR’s New Deal

9.       Challenges to The New Deal










Minimal attempt to complete task. Too many major errors and omissions. Group members work only when prompted. Oral presentation not engaging. Written report incomplete.

Important information  communicated.

There are major errors and omissions in facts. Group members not focused enough on task. Oral presentation could be better. 

Communicates ideas clearly and provides suitable materials to support. Ideas well communicated in print and orally. Group collaboration very good.

Clearly and effectively communicates the main idea and uses many sources to provide details. Oral presentation excellent, it catches listener’s attention. Written reports exemplary. Group collaboration excellent.



You should have learned from this Web Quest that the Great Depression was a time of great hardship, especially children. You have researched many aspects of life as it affects children.



Social Studies: Economics

Language Arts: Writing, Note taking, Speaking