
High School for Contemporary Arts

Ms. Moore




The breakdown of the custom of hospitality in ancient Greece




In the ancient Greek culture shown in The Adventures of Ulysses, there is a custom of hospitality towards strangers.  Hospitality means giving welcome and being helpful to people who are visiting you.  Whenever an unknown person came to a part of Greece, the people living there took care of him or her.  They would give the guest food, a place to sleep, and even provide a way for the guest to travel to his/her next destination.


The Greeks needed hospitality because their means of traveling was very dangerous.  The ships were small, and sailors might be shipwrecked in a strange place.


This hospitality custom was in place because many Greeks traveled by boat to other islands and peninsula.  Everyone benefited if it was observed.   It made it safe for people to come to new places and allowed people to trust strangers.


The Phaeacians, circled, showed hospitality to Odysseus (Ulysses).


The social problem:  This custom of hospitality was often observed, but sometimes it was broken, causing conflict between groups of people.  Sometimes the host tricked the guest, tried to kill him, or would not let him leave.  Sometimes the guests attacked the residents and stole from them rather than asking for hospitality.  


Here are three rules for hospitality:

1.     The host should give the guest food and a place to sleep.

2.     The host should help the guest go on to his or her next destination.

3.     The guest should respect the host and the property of the host.


          You and your fellow group members are leaders of different Greek islands.   It is your job to analyze this present policy of hospitality and find how it affects this social problem of disorder and violence.  How can you find a way to have everyone obey the custom of hospitality? 



The Task        


Your task is to complete two assignments:


·        First, provide examples from The Adventures of Ulysses of examples of people breaking the custom.   As the leaders, you will present these examples of reasons that the custom needs to be enforced.

·        Second, develop a way to enforce the custom.  To do this, you and the other leaders will need to do research, brainstorm strategies, and come up with a plan that everyone will agree to.


As part of your group task, present the examples and your plan.   For the whole class, act out your roles as leaders of different Greek islands.  Give an oral presentation that includes illustrations of the evidence, causes, the policy, and the evaluation of the policy.  The illustrations could be shown by a PowerPoint presentation.




You will have three members in your group.  Each of you will choose a role.  You will fill out the workshop for your particular task. To make sure you identify the problem so that all group members understand it, all of you work together to fill out Worksheet #1.  Then:



·        One of you will gather evidence of the problem.       Worksheet #2

·        One of you will determine the causes of the problem.  Worksheet #3

·        All of you will brainstorm to develop a policy to enforce hospitality. 

·        One of you will evaluate the policy.  Worksheet #4


Gather the evidence:   You gather examples of the breaking of hospitality rules in The Adventures of Ulysses.  


To show examples of incidents in which people violated the custom of hospitality, look at these chapters in The Adventures of Ulysses by Bernard Evslin.

Prologue p. x

The Ciconians, pp. 4-9

The Cyclops’ Cave, pp. 16-26

Circe, pp. 47-70

Calypso, pp. 106-123

Nausicaa, pp. 129-146

The Return, pp. 147-151


You need to choose which examples you want to present.  You want to convince the whole group that developing a policy is necessary.


Determine the causes:  Look at the examples from The Adventures of Ulysses (the evidence).  Then look at the web sites that discuss the issue of hospitality in ancient Greece.  State what you think causes people to break the rule of hospitality.  Again, you want to convince the whole group that developing a policy is necessary.


Develop a policy to enforce hospitality:  All of you work together to come up with a policy that will make sure all Greeks observe the custom of hospitality.  Use the evidence and the causes to help you determine a policy. 


Evaluate the policy:   As you look at the worksheet, keep in mind that the policy in place was a custom, not a government policy.  Why does that make it hard to enforce?




Share the problem and your policy solution with the whole class.  Act out your roles as leaders of different Greek islands.  Give an oral presentation that includes illustrations of the evidence, causes, the policy, and the evaluation of the policy.  The illustrations could be shown by a PowerPoint presentation.



On the custom of hospitality.


On aspects of daily life that made hospitality important.  Click on “Greek Families.” [How does the fact that the Greeks took slaves affect the hospitality custom?]


On how the geography of Greece affected Greek culture and travel.  Click on “Land and Time.”


Images on hospitality for use in your presentation.




High School for Contemporary Arts


Group Presentation on Greek Hospitality


Oral Presentation and PowerPoint








Names of Group Members:








Teacher: Ms. Moore













Position Statement

Position is clearly stated and consistently maintained. Clear references to the issue(s) are stated.

Position is clearly stated and consistently maintained. References to the issue(s) at hand are missing.

Position is stated, but is not maintained consistently throughout work.

Statement of position cannot be determined.




Supporting Information

Evidence clearly supports the position; evidence is sufficient.

Evidence clearly supports the position; but there is not enough evidence.

Argument is supported by limited evidence.

Evidence is unrelated to argument.




Structure of work is clearly developed.

Structure developed reasonably well, but lacks clarity.

Some attempt to structure the argument has been made, but the structure is poorly developed.

There is a total lack of structure.



Graphics, Sound and/or Animation

The graphics, sound and/or animation assist in presenting an overall theme and make visual connections that enhance understanding of concept, ideas and relationships.

Original images are created using proper size and resolution, and all images enhance the content.

There is a consistent visual theme.

The graphics, sound/and or animation visually depict material and assist the audience in understanding the flow of information or content.

Original images are used.

Images are proper size, resolution.

Some of the graphics, sounds, and/or animations seem unrelated to the topic/theme and do not enhance the overall concepts.

Most images are clipart or recycled from the WWW.

Images are too large/small in size.

Images are poorly cropped or the color/resolution is fuzzy.

The graphics, sounds, and/or animations are unrelated to the content.

Graphics do not enhance understanding of the content, or are distracting decorations that create a busy feeling and detract from the content.











Teacher Comments:






A = at least two 4’s and the rest 3’s

B = at least two 3’s and the rest 2 or higher

C = at least three 2’s


Standard 2:   World History


Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.


Standard 3:   Geography


Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live—local, national, and global—including the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earth’s surface.


Standard 5:   Civics, Citizenship, and Government


Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the United States and other nations; the United States Constitution; the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.


English Language Arts


Standard 1:   Language for Information and Understanding


Students will listen, speak, read, and write for information and understanding. As listeners and readers, students will collect data, facts, and ideas; discover relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and electronically produced texts. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language to acquire, interpret, apply, and transmit information.


Standard 2:   Language for Literary Response and Expression


Students will read and listen to oral, written, and electronically produced texts and performances from American and world literature; relate texts and performances to their own lives; and develop an understanding of the diverse social, historical, and cultural dimensions the texts and performances represent.

As speakers and writers, students will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language for self-expression and artistic creation.


Standard 3:   Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation


Students will listen, speak, read, and write for critical analysis and evaluation. As listeners and readers, students will analyze experiences, ideas, information, and issues presented by others using a variety of established criteria. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language to present, from a variety of perspectives, their opinions and judgments on experiences, ideas, information and issues.


Standard 4:   Language for Social Interaction


Students will listen, speak, read, and write for social interaction. Students will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language for effective social communication with a wide variety of people. As readers and listeners, they will use the social communications of others to enrich their understanding of people and their views.






By the end of this project, you will have an understanding of why the Greeks had a belief in the importance of hospitality.  You will also see what happened when the custom was observed and when it was broken.  You will have developed an understanding of one way in which the story of Ulysses connects with the culture of ancient Greece.   The literature was important to the Greeks, and it influences our culture to this day.


Through your oral and PowerPoint presentation you will have shared your understanding with other students in the class.


What do you feel you learned about ancient Greece by doing this project?  What did you learn about the story of Ulysses?  




What have you learned about preventing conflict that could help you prevent conflict at school?