The Human Genome Project


Ms. T. Coomaraswamy

Living Environment

A.E. Stevenson HS

TIPS Web quest



The Mission:

For your final project this term you will be to explore the implications of the human genome project. 

You will be divided into four teams, each with their own mission.  All projects will be due on May 25, no exceptions! Class time will be given for working on your projects but you will need to meet outside of class as well.  I will be available for help during periods 2, 7 and 8.  Remember to have fun!


Your Missions await!!

Team 1: researchers

Your mission is to search out all the information you can on the Human Genome Project and educate the rest of us.  You will have to create a power point presentation that will explain the following:

        What is the Human Genome Project?

        Who is running the Human Genome Project?

        Briefly describe how the DNA is being sequenced.

        What other organisms have they sequenced?And why?

        What have they discovered?


Team 2: Debate team 1 (pro)


Your mission will be to explore the benefits and possible applications of the Human Genome Project.  You should prepare a presentation (minimum of 10 minutes) and be prepared to respond to questions from the class and responses from the other debate team.

  You should discuss benefits to screening and health issues, as well as possible benefits in therapies, agriculture, and research.  You must evaluate the existing policies and how they hope to ensure that the knowledge gained from this project is used for our benefit.

I would prefer for the presentation to be in power point but you may also give you presentation orally as long as diagrams and posters are included. You must also have a written report and bibliography included for me.




Team 3: Debate team 2 (con)


Your mission will be to explore the possible consequences of the Human Genome Project. You should prepare a presentation (minimum of 10 minutes) and be prepared to respond to questions from the class and responses from the other debate team.

You must discuss the possible consequences of this information:

Who will have access to this information?

How will the information be used?

How does knowledge of genetic predisposition affect the individual?

Will this lead to discrimination?

These and many more questions need to be addressed… You must also evaluate the existing policies of the human genome project and suggest solutions that will help to avoid the possible problems associated with this new knowledge.

        I would prefer to have the presentation done in power point but an oral presentation accompanied by diagrams and posters is acceptable.  You must also have a written report and bibliography for me.




Team 4: Science-fiction writers


Your mission is to come up with a story set sometime in the not to far future that highlights some of the possible outcomes of the human genome project.  The story must:

        A definite plot (story line)

        More than 2 characters

        Deal with at least 2 possible outcomes of the Human Genome Project

        Be somewhat believable

        Be presented to the class

The format that you choose to present this project is up to you some options are:

        A short story

        A play (to be acted out in class)

        Diary entry

        Any others should be cleared with me

You must hand in a copy to me to review along with a bibliography.






Here are some websites that you may find useful, but feel free to look for some of your own.  Just remember to keep in mind where your information is coming from whenever you look things up.



Grading Policy:


Your projects will be graded according to the criteria below; all group members will receive the same grade. Projects will lose 10 points for every day that they are late.


Power point presentations must be at least 5 slides, and be in a format that is appropriate for class presentation, large font and easy to follow.  Pictures must be included, as well as a list of sources.


Oral presentations must be accompanied by a written report of at least 4 pages typed, diagrams, and a bibliography.


The science fiction team must hand in a copy of their story (4 pages minimum) typed along with a bibliography.








Could the class understand you?

15 points



Was the presentation planned out?

15 points







Was the report understandable?

10 points



Was your information correct?

10 points



Did you answer all of the questions posed to your group? Did you cover all the parts of the task?

20 points



Did you get enough information

5 points



Was the information too hard? Too easy?

5 points



Were your diagrams appropriate? Did you have any?

10 points



Did you cite your sources properly? Was the report copied?

10 points







S4 Scientific Connections and Applications






S5 Scientific Thinking






S6 Scientific Tools and Technologies




S7 Scientific Communication




