Ms. L. Rodarte

Introduction to Psychology

Herbert Lehman High School




MENTAL ILLNESS: What kind of treatment should our mentally ill receive?

INTRODUCTION:  Look carefully at the next ten people you pass on the street.  They’re almost certain to look perfectly normal.  But appearances can be deceptive.  Mental health experts estimate that at least three of the people you walked past will need help for an emotional problem at some time in their lives.

     Does having a troubled personality mean that these people are “crazy”?  Should they be locked up, drugged with tranquilizers, given shock treatments, forced to undergo psychotherapy?

     Imagine that a close friend or relative was suffering emotionally. Your close friend or relative is asking for your help to figure out what kind of treatment he/she is to receive.  You research all the current treatments so that you may provide your friend or relative with the most recent information. You especially research the effects of drugs and shock treatment because you are not convinced that these methods will be the most effective in the long run.  You want to propose all the options, including one of your own and that is to not take medication or shock treatment. Joining with a group of researchers, you will look into current public policies and methods and seek to judge what would be the best possible approach to mental illness


TASK: Using the 6 step public policy (TIPS Public Policy Analyst) approach found in the “PROCESS” section below, you and your team will determine whether or not our mentally ill are given proper treatment according to current public medical policy.  After you read each step, click onto the hyperlink (blue underlined terms) for a more in depth explanation. Each member will present their findings.


1.    Each member will fill out the worksheets found in each of the steps.  These worksheets should be typed and will be collected.


2.    Each member will present his or her findings to the class for a minimum of a 3 minute presentation.  The presentation will include the procedure and resources used.  The presentation will also include your personal opinion on whether or not you agree with current public policy to use.


3.    As a group, you will develop an alternative public policy to the current policies used to deal with the mentally ill.  Each group member will contribute their expert advice in the process.  Each member will evaluate the level of participation of each member.  The level of participation will be calculated on the amount of information, advice, and opinion provided.


4.    As a group, you will also determine how you will present the alternative public policy to the class.  This part of the presentation will be a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes.  In this part of the presentation, you will include a 2-3 paragraph description of the alternative public policy, several (at least 5) reasons why you think your public policy is more effective, and why you think it is more effective than the public policy currently used in our society.

5. Your grade will be based on the worksheets collected, a typed report of your individual, and group presentations.  All will be due by April 21, 2003.



PROCESS: 1. Each member of your group will be assigned a number that corresponds with the step listed below.  You will click onto the hyperlink for your number and fill out the worksheet using the Internet. 



1. Identify and describe the problem of mental illness in our society

à  Identify Problem         

2.   Using the internet gather evidence such as statistics, case studies, surveys, articles by experts, etc…  à  Gather the Evidence                                                                 


3.   Determine the causes of the problem with the mentally ill  à  Determine Causes


4.  Evaluate the public policy of the mentally ill (pros and cons, good/bad policy)

à  Evaluate the Policy

5.    Do a comparative analysis of two major cities in the United States

à  Do a Comparative Analysis

6.    Develop your own policy as an alternative policy to the current policy



2. Once all members have completed their steps, each member will report their findings to the group and you will work as a group to complete step #6.  Using each member’s findings your group will develop your own policy as an alternative to the current policy.


Remember you are imagining: that a close friend or relative is suffering emotionally. Your close friend or relative has asked for your help to figure out what kind of treatment he/she is to receive.  You research all the current treatments so that you may provide your friend or relative with the most recent information. You especially research the effects of drugs and shock treatment because you are not convinced that these methods will be the most effective in the long run.  You want to propose all the options, including one of your own and that is to not take medication or shock treatment.

find effective.

3. If you have completed your step, assist a member of your group so that you can complete step 6 in a timely fashion. 


4. Develop a name for your new public policy. 


5. Your group will present the alternative policy to the class.  Each member will present his/her own step and as a group you will decide how to present the alternative policy to the class.


 RESOURCES:  These are a sample of sources that you may use as you complete your assignment.  You are not limited to these sources/websites.  Press your Ctrl button and click to follow link.

            What is Mental Illness? - NAMI

          SAMHSA's National Mental Health Information Center

          DUAL DIAGNOSIS: Treatment, Program Development for Co-Occurring ...

          Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Centers (MIRECC) ...

          Mental Health Matters: Information and resources about mental

          Mental Health Matters: Alphabetical List of Mental Health ...


          Holistic, Physiological Treatment Mental Illness


Information on Illnesses and Treatments


Mental illness and treatment options in Washington


          The History of Mental Illness and its Treatment




General Search Engines:


EVALUATION:  Your presentation will be graded based on the rubric below.


Presentation Rubric


Teacher: Ms. Rodarte

Date of Presentation: __________________________________________

Title of Work: ____________________________________________________











Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information.

Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around.

Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow.

Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow.


Content Knowledge

Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject.

Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions.

Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate.

Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required)with explanations and elaboration.



Student used no visuals.

Student occasional used visuals that rarely support text and presentation.

Visuals related to text and presentation.

Student used visuals to reinforce screen text and presentation.



Student's presentation had four or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.

Presentation had three misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

Presentation has no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors.



Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for students in the back of class to hear.

Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation.

Student's voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly.

Student used a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms.








Teacher Comments:  Remember that each member must present his/her own step and as a group you will decide how the last step will be presented.






  The answer is not clear cut “medication” or “counseling”.  Most troubled people manage to cope.  They hold down jobs, raise families, go to concerts, attend school, jog, garden, and do just about everything that other people do.  But somewhere along the way, something pops up that interferes with their ability to manage their lives in a healthy and productive way.  Improved mental health care doesn’t always call for medication. It is possible to seek alternative help for emotional problems that formerly would have been kept hidden.




New York State Standards:


Standard 1:  Language for Information and Understanding

Standard 2:  Language for Literary Response and Expression

Standard 3:  Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation

Standard 4:  Language for Social Interaction


English Language Arts Performance Standards:


E1c: Read and comprehend informational materials.

E2a:  Produce a report of information.

E3c:  Prepare and deliver an individual presentation.