Rita S. Levin

Human Body and Disease













Teen pregnancy has a direct effect on many social issues including health care, poverty,

Welfare, education, jobs and fatherhood. This social problem must be defined and policies

That address this issue must be evaluated.

You are part of a panel chosen to respond to  requests from Congressional offices for technical

Assistance on legislative ideas to prevent teen pregnancy. Founded in 1996, the National

Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy’s goal is to reduce the teen pregnancy rate by one third by 2005.

You are on its Youth Leadership Team (YLT).

You are in the tenth grade in a Bronx high school. Your best friend has just told you she has missed her

Second period.











 A.   Working in groups of three you will use the Public Policy Analyst  to:


1.First determine the contributing factors that lead to teen pregnancy. 

       2.You must determine if teen pregnancy is a real problem in our society.

       3.How does teen pregnancy affect your community ie.healthcare and health costs.

       4.Research what has been done so far to address this problem.

       5.Propose legislation to furthur correct the problem


B.      Create a campaign based on your research aimed at sharing the consequences of

   Unprotected sex.


C.      Create, administer and evaluate a survey aimed at determining the factors that affect,

           Influence and determine teenagers’ behaviors.


D.      Create a six slide color power point presentation with grapics summarizing the findings of your analysis.


E.      Each group will prepare a 10 page research paper that will include completed worksheets,

Surveys and  data gathered in items 1-4, organized and presented in PPA format.








      1.Working in groups of three, first determine the contributing factors that lead to teen pregnancy

          WORKSHEET # 1     


  1. Working in your group, use the websites to gather information Worksheet # 2

     You must develop a policy statement and then present evidence to support your position.     

  1. How does teen pregnancy affect our communities- ie. Healthcare costs? Worksheet  # 3
  2. Research what has been done so far to address the problem. Worksheet # 4

5.  Propose legislation to furthur correct the problem. Worksheet #5

6   Present the evidence to the class in the form of a power point presentation and

           Convince them that teen pregnancy is real and that your solutions will work.Worksheet # 6

.     7.  Create and distribute surveys addressing the following questions:


Do teens influence each other?

What are the challenges of contraceptive use?

What is the role of parents?

Evaluate abstinence education programs

What is the role of boys and men?

At what age should parents begin talking with their kids about sex,love and relationships?

Do you think  your parents can do or say more to help you avoid pregnancy and/or

making bad decisions about sex?

What do you and don’t you like when your parents talk with you about sex?

What role does the entertainment media play in the lives of teens today?I

Is it reasonable to ask teens to wait until marriage to have sex?

       8. Each member of each group will participate in the Power Point Presentation.

           One will prepare slides, one will organize the information and one will present to the class.

       9. The cover page of your paper must include the names of the members in your group, proper

            school heading, teacher name and course name.

       10.Double space using font size 12 or 14.

       11.Cite websites- the sites provided plus two new ones of your own.

       12.Your typed report is due in six weeks.

       13.Your Power Point presentation is due two weeks later.

       14.This project is equal to a test grade.

       15.The campaign involves using the media,creating public service announcements and incorporating                                                                                   

          your policies into T.V. situation shows and documentaries.

















8.Search engines:  www.google.com , www.yahoo.com, www.Lycos.com












Grades                65%                                              70-79%                                80-90%                                   100%                       




Paper                 Fewer than 10                            10 pages with                        10 pages                    Beautiful                    

                            Pages                                          correct cover,                        Completed                 Wonderful

                            Worksheets and                         almost all work                       surveys and               I’m kvelling

                            Surveys not                                 sheets are complete             worksheets   

                            Completed                                  Survey not complete           





Presentation/     Not well prepared                     Complete with too few           Complete with            Complete

Campaign          but follows PPA                         analyses of the PPA             sufficient analysis       with a super-

                            Format                                       format for this topic                of the PPA format      ior under-

                                                                                                                                for this topic                standing  

                                                                                                                                                                     of thePPA  



                            Too few links to                         Adequate campaign             Effective, innovative      Created

                            Proposed policy                                                                       creative use of media    and per-


                            Undeveloped                                                                                                                      a TV sit-           

                            Campaign                                                                                                                           com       



Slides                 Fewer than 6 slides                   6 slides                                 6 or more slides            Creative        


                            Not clear                                     Some graphics                    Color graphics               with anima-

                                                                                                                                                                       ted graphic

                            No graphics                               Slides too busy                    Clear and annotated     and sound







                              This Webquest meets the following NY State English andScience Standards




v     v     E1c:  Read and comprehend informational materials.

v     v     E2a:  Produce a report of information.

v     v     E2e:  Produce a persuasive essay.

v     v     E4b:  Analyze and subsequently revise work to improve its clarity

                and effectiveness.



v     v     S8a: Demonstrates scientific competence by completing secondary    


v     v     S7b: Argues from evidence.

v     v     S7e: Communications in a form suited to the purpose and the   

v     v              audience.

v     v     S5c: Uses evidence from reliable sources to develop descriptions, 

v     v              explanations, and models; and makes appropriate 

v     v              adjustments and improvements.

v     v     S5d: Proposes, recognizes, analyzes, considers, and critiques

              alternative explanations; and distinguishes between fact and 


v     v     S5f:  Works individually and in teams to collect and share

               information and ideas.

v     v     S6c:  Collects and analyzes data using concepts and techniques in 

               Mathematics Standard 4.













                        By completing this activity students will learn how to use the Internet for research and

analysis. They will use critical thinking skills to make decisions on what policies would be most

effective. They will become familiar with Powerpoint presentations. They will use the power of the

media in all its applications to shape, convince and persuade teens to stop and think before they

make important life decisions. They will be able to draw conclusions on public opinions derived from

an analysis of surveys based on focused, well thought out questions specifically targeted to a narrow,

interested audience. Based on this knowledge, they will know exactly what the targeted audience

thinks and can approach policy makers with accurate information whose goal  is to replace

noneffective policies with better formulated, relevant and implementable new policies.