Talking Dirty


Elma Reingold

Grace Dodge Vocational High School.





















“Hey, what the f…”,” it’s so f…ing great!”, what’s this s…?”what’s his f…ing story?”         

Four letter words have become part of the everyday vocabulary of most teenagers today. Students use foul language in school, at home, on the street, everywhere.  It might be done to defy school rules, shock adults or impress those standing by, but for the most part they are unaware how they sound.

 However, the use of obscenities seldom creates a positive outcome. At school, cursing almost always create altercations between teachers and students and valuable teaching time is lost to discipline and defiance. Among students, foul language is used to impress or even hurt others. It causes others to feel vulnerable in an environment where they are supposed to feel safe. When young people inter-act in public and use obscene language, they are viewed with contempt, are less likely to land a job, and invite prejudice from strangers based solely on their speech patterns. To address this problem, you will become advisors to the Chancellor of the New York City Public Schools.



The Chancellor of the New York City Public School System is creating a panel to address the problem of foul and abusive language use by adolescents in the schools. He is aware that abusive language creates all kinds of legal, social, and interpersonal problems in schools. It ranges from simple cursing to the use of obscenities, as well as flinging abuse at peers. You are recruited to assist them to reduce the problem not only at your school, but also throughout the New York public schools. You will create a pilot program at your school that will solve this social problem of abusive language. An enormous task indeed! In  order to accomplish this task ,you will use the Public Policy Analyst on the TIPS website and you will complete the following:


1.      You will create a Power Point presentation of at least 5 slides and become a public policy advocate to reduce the use of obscenities at school.

2.      You will also create some visual means (it could be posters, buttons, etc.) to remind students to “clean up” their speech patterns in school.

3.      Create a simple five-line poem to illustrate the problem.











1: The class will be divided into groups of five.


2: You will use the various steps of the Public Policy approach and Public Policy Analyst worksheets to do the following:

·        Define the problem.

·        Identifying causes.

·        Gathering evidence.

·        Describe existing policies concerning the problem.

·        Develop solutions.

·        You will use the Internet resources below to gather information. You may also use printed or visual media, lyrics, etc.


3: You will use the information from the worksheets from the TIPS website to prepare a Power Point storyboard of a minimum of 7 slides.


4: You will then use your storyboard to  create your persuasive Power Point presentation with your team members.


5: You will present a five minute presentation including a  slide show to the class.

 Be sure your presentation addresses all” task” requirements. Your presentation will be evaluated using the rubric assessment below.


6: Display your concept to stimulate “clean speech”.


7: Read your poem,(it could be a rap), to promote language without curses.




American family Association.

7 Tips and tricks to end foul language.

Swearing of foul language

Vulgar language in the workplace.

Vulgar language in music.

Obscene and indecent broadcasts

Discipline and behavior

Sexual Harassment rules.

“Mind your language”

Conduct,discipline,rights and responsibilities


In researching this project, be sure to use the following search engines by using “foul language, vulgar language, verbal abuse, and obscene language.”





You will be judged on the following for your PowerPoint presentation and your visual effects:









Completes little of the task.

Completes part of the task.

Completes most of the task.

Completes the entire task of PowerPoint presentation.


Few aspects of topic are discussed in an organized way.

Several aspects are discussed, but not in a sequential manner.


Each slide addresses one aspect of the PowerPoint presentation.

Each slide addresses one aspect of the PowerPoint presentation and includes imagery to illustrate.

No format followed.

A format is followed.

A general format is used.


Format is well done.

Visual Artwork does not address


Message is un-clear in art.

Art displays good and design and clear message

Artwork is excellent in design and conveys clear message.



















At the conclusion of this web quest you will not only know how to advocate for ‘clean” speech patterns to you peers, but you will also know what to say to teachers and adults alike who deal with students who use obscene language. Who knows, this could have such a positive outcome, that other schools may invite you to model your campaign to them!


New York State Standards

The following New York State Standards have been addressed:


Standard 1: Language for information and understanding.

Standard 3: Language for critical analysis and evaluation.

Standard 4: Language for social interaction.


Standard 1: Creating, performing and participating in the arts.

Students will actively engage in the process which constitutes creation and performance in the Arts.

Standard 2:  Knowing and using art materials and resources.

Students will be knowledgeable about the most effective way to communicate their ideas graphically.

Standard 3:  Respond to and analyzing works of art.

Students will respond critically to a variety of graphic artworks when selecting the style they wish to use for their individual buttons.

Standard 4:  Understanding the cultural contributions of the Arts.

Students will become aware of the important roles artists can play to bring about change and create awareness within their own community. 



Words hurt. Care how you speak.