The Great Depression: Can You Stop It?


Ms. Pannizzo

Evander Childs High School





The 1930s were dominated by the Great Depression, which affected virtually every aspect of American life and caused ripple effects throughout the worldwide economy. With roots in an unregulated stock market speculation, a flawed banking system, and the overproduction of goods, the Great Depression was triggered by the stock market crash in 1929. Banks failed, and many people lost their life savings. The losses shut down businesses, producing widespread unemployment, homelessness, and hunger.


President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal launched ambitious programs to speed economic recovery. The New Deal dramatically increased the role of government in American life and strengthened the power of the presidency. The entry of the United States into World War II in 1941 finally put an end to the nation’s worst economic collapse.




You are a federal government agent under the Roosevelt administration during the Great Depression. While there are many New Deal programs and policies in effect to halt the economic downslide, it is your mission to create a brand-new policy to help stop the Great Depression. In order to do so, you must also evaluate the existing programs that are already in place. This will include presenting your policy to the class in a five-minute oral report and completing a one-page summary of your policy.





To complete your assignment of creating a new policy to help alleviate the Great Depression, there are several steps you must consider:


1.   Define the problem

2.   Gather evidence that supports your problem

3.   Identify the causes of your problem

4.   Evaluate a policy

5.   Develop solutions involving your policy

6.   Select the best policy for your problem



For Your Consideration


There are other factors you may wish to take into account while you are establishing your Great Depression policy:


*      How will my policy alleviate the suffering of starving and unemployed Americans?

*      Can my policy positively affect the national economy?

*      Where will the funding for my policy come from?

*      Will my policy be effective in the future as well as the present?

*      Will my policy affect every American, or only a specific group, such as farmers or industry?




Your policy will be evaluated based on the following criteria:


*      The research that you performed to create your policy

*      The effectiveness of your policy – is it logical and feasible?

*      The quality of your oral report and one-page summary



Research Websites


                           The New Deal Network  


                           The Great Depression and New Deal 


                           The History Net: Great Depression and New Deal         


                           Searchbeat: Great Depression and New Deal


                           Primary Sources on Great Depression and New Deal


                           PBS: The Great Depression


                           Creating Your Policy: TIPS Website


                           Yahoo! Search Engine


                           Excite Search Engine  





The Great Depression lasted for many years and affected practically every American. It caused starvation, unemployment, and a fear that the United States would never recover. President Roosevelt’s New Deal programs and policies helped to end the Great Depression, though it would require a war to completely halt the economic slump.  Your policy, if it were implemented during this terrible time, may have been able to help alleviate the Great Depression.





You will be evaluated based on the rubric below.









Excellent      Satisfactory         Poor


Accuracy in research



Very Accurate         Somewhat Accurate            Not Accurate



      5         4         3          2            1

research questions and paper


Good Quality             Average Quality                  Poor Quality


      5         4         3          2            1




Clear and Concise         Unorganized                    Vague


      5         4         3          2            1


Participation and conduct


Professional                 Reasonable                   Disorderly


      5         4         3          2            1


As Always: No copying from any websites, books or other reference materials! Plagiarizing is a crime and will result in failure!


100 – 90


90 – 80


80 – 70


70 – 65


below 65




New York State Social Studies Learning Standards


Standard 1:   History of the United States and New York

Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate Their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, And turning points in the history of the United States and New York.


Standard 5:   Civics, Citizenship, and Government

Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the United States and other nations; the United States Constitution; the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.