Jessica Pannizzo

Evander Childs High School



Will New York City be Prepared For a Bioterrorist Attack?





In the wake of the terrorist attacks on New York City, many factors now need to be considered. One of these factors is bioterrorism, which can be defined as the release of deadly radiation or viruses such as anthrax or smallpox into the environment. New York City is particulary vulnerable to such an attack due to its many transportation systems and its large population. Is New York City prepared for a bioterrorist attack? What policies are currently protecting the people of New York City?


You Are the new Head of the Department of Health In New York City. It is your job to not only evaluate the current policies that are in place for the city, but also to develop one of your own. 






As a group, you will create a written and oral presentation that addresses the problem of adequate security in New York city. Using the Public policy Analyst Approach, create a five-page paper with a citations page. The steps below will guide you.


1.       Define and describe the problem of bioterrorism security in new York city.

2.      Gather evidence that New York city is not adequately prepared for a bioterrorist attack.

3.      Identify the causes for this problem.

4.      Describe and evaluate the current policies in place for this problem.

5.      Develop an alternate policy for this problem.

6.      select the best policy for this problem.









You and your group will work together to complete several steps, which will be handed in for a grade. In a five-page typed paper will be the following:


·        Application of task steps to bioterrorism in New York city

·        A Description of your policy

·        A summary of the status of policies available for New York City at present







Research Questions


1.      Define: Terrorism, Bioterrorism, anthrax, Smallpox, policy.

2.      Before the September 11, 2001 attacks, were there any policies in effect for bioterrorist activity in New York City? What were they?

3.      What is the Department of Health’s role in preventing bioterrorism?

4.      how can someone living in New York City protect themselves from a bioterrorist attack?

5.      How are the current bioterrorist policies in New York City funded? Where does the money come from?

6.      what is being done in the local New York City Airports to protect air travelers from a bioterrorist attack? In the metro transportation system?

7.      How vulnerable to a bioterrorist attack are New York City’s Air and water supply?

8.      What are the effects of radiation? How can radiation be spread in New York City?








The following websites will aid you in your task:


Department of health Fact Sheet

Are NYC Nurses Prepared For Bioterrorism?

Senator Schumer Interview on NYC Bioterrorism

Protecting the NYC Water Supply

metro Transporation Safety

Bioterrorist Policy Funding                               

Preventing and treating anthrax attacks

Anthrax and smallpox

Nuclear radiation and new York City

More nuclear radiation and New York City

Preparation for Bioterrorism in New York City

Treating Bioterrroist attacks

Bioterrorism: Being Prepared

How Serious A Threat is Bioterrorism?


Search Engines:














You will be evaluated based on the rubric below.









Excellent      Satisfactory         Poor


Accuracy in research



Very Accurate         Somewhat Accurate            Not Accurate



      5         4         3          2            1

research questions and paper


Good Quality             Average Quality                  Poor Quality


      5         4         3          2            1




Clear and Concise         Unorganized                    Vague


      5         4         3          2            1


Participation and conduct


Professional                 Reasonable                   Disorderly


      5         4         3          2            1


As Always: No copying from any websites, books or other reference materials! Plagiarizing is a crime and will result in failure!


100 – 90


90 – 80


80 – 70


70 – 65


below 65






WebQuest Picture Credits


NYC Bridges and tunnels Picture: Mta

NYC Space picture: NASA

Anthrax and Smallpox Pictures:  DERMADoctor

Biohazard Graphic: Ocean.Ic.Net

Mystery powder Picture: Biohazard News

Gasmasked Subway Riders Picture: time/on Magazine

Yellow-Suited Workers Picture: War On Terrorism

Tribute of Light Picture: ESRs Lessons For Teachers

Biohazard Statue of Liberty: Biodefense Mobilization

Dirty Gasmasked Workers Picture: Excite

Biological/Chemical Weapons: ABCNews.Com



New York State Social Studies Learning Standards


Standard 1:   History of the United States and New York

Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate Their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, And turning points in the history of the United States and New York.


Standard 5:   Civics, Citizenship, and Government

Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the United States and other nations; the United States Constitution; the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.





Bioterrorism is a valid concern in New York City after Septermber 11, 2001. There must be sufficient policies in place to protect this beautiful and valuable city from attack. By completing the bioterrorism project, you have learned about the situation of the post-terrorist world and how to protect yourself and others from attack.