Kate Martinetti

11th Grade American History





The United States was attacked by terrorists on the morning of September 11, 2001.   One of the targets was New York City’s World Trade Center.  New York City was changed forever as a result of this terrorist attack.  Historically, the problem of terrorism affected other countries and not the United States. We felt safe.  However, since 9/11, our public policy has been to target areas of weakness in terms of security and many areas have been highlighted by the new Homeland Security Department.  For example, we are vulnerable from attack at the bridges, subways, roads, airports and tunnels.  Our water supply could be contaminated by biological and chemical weapons.  You will be assigned a specific problem area and will identify the causes of the problem and state public policy today as well as propose solutions to the problems.  You will use specific internet sites to help you in the research. 




As a group you will create a presentation that deals with Homeland Security in the United States in the wake of 9/11/01 with specific emphasis on New York City.  Using the 6 step process outlined by the Public Policy Analyst, you will answer the following steps:

                1. Define the problem.                                        

                2. Gather evidence of the problem using teacher supplied internet websites.

                3. Identify the causes of the problem using teacher supplied internet websites.

                4. Evaluate Existing Public Policy using the internet and input data.

                5. Develop Public Policy Solutions (input data)

                6. Select the Best Public Policy Solution as a group.




You will also be required to complete at least 5 worksheet.

You will be given a rubric for grading purposes

Each group will present to the class an oral presentation (10mins) and a two page typed report of your findings.  So the project will be graded in two parts i.e. a written and an oral component.

Written Component Criteria:

Each individual in the class must complete a two page report.  Do not plagiarize.  In other words, do not copy word for word from a website or book.  The report must be done in your own words and typed. 

Please include a cover sheet. Use the following format:

                Title of Report



                Due Date (to be assigned)

You can design the cover any way you choose. 

To save you time, use the search engines that I have provided as well as the websites.  How should you use the websites?  Collect any pertinent facts, articles, statistics, cartoons etc.  Be sure to record all information in your endnotes.  Then use this information as background to formulate in your own words a rough draft of your two page paper. 


Oral Component Criteria:

For the Oral Section of the Presentation:

1.        Work in teams of 5.  (assigned by teacher)

2.        Assign roles for each group member e.g. group leader, recorder, presenter etc.

3.        Each person will also be responsible for answering one of the following questions:

Question 1:  Define and describe terrorism and bioterrorism.

Question 2. What caused terrorism to become a problem for New York City today?

Question 3. Explain existing public policy in New York City regarding protection of water, air and transportation facilities in the wake of 9/11/01?

Question 4. Pretend you are an expert employed by the Office of Homeland Security and propose at least 3 solutions to the problem of terrorism and public safety.

Question 5. As a group select and explain the best public policy solution you came up with to deal with the threat of terrorism. 



Research Questions

The following questions will aid you in your research:

1.        How has the government responded to biological terrorism?

2.        Why is biological terrorism considered a serious threat to the United States?

3.        How would the spread of diseases like anthrax and smallpox devastate the population of the United States?

4.        How effective are vaccines against diseases such as anthrax and smallpox/

5.        Why has the Department of Defense mandated vaccines against anthrax for the Armed Services?

6.        If you are travelling on a domestic or flight flight from Kennedy Airport today, list at least 5 things you must do before boarding that flight.

7.        How can we defend the United States against biological weapons?

8.        What measures has the government used to protect the air and water supplies here in New York City since 9/11/01

9.        In the aftermath of 9/11/01, what restrictions have been imposed on our civil liberties?

10.     What are civil liberties?

11.     In times of emergency situations the Constitution allows for restrictions on civil liberties. Do you agree or disagree with the current public policy and the new emergency measures from the Office of Homeland Security in terms of limiting our civil liberties? 



You will need to use the following search engines and websites to provide research information for your work. 

Search engine: Yahoo!

Search engine: www.google.com

Search engine: www.askjeeves.com

Websites: http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/plegal/Tips/pubpol.html

               http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo/anthrax _ g. htm






   http://www.salon.com (news teacher or terrorist?)


http:// www.emergency.com/nycbio98.htm




 Your oral and written presentation will be based on the following rubric:



                                                Needs Improvement            Satisfactory           Exemplary


Quality of Information         General Information             Accurate info        Accurate info

                                                No examples                          1 example               2 or more examples


Format                                    No format followed              General   Format

                                                                                                Format used          is followed perfectly


Accuracy                               Serious grammatical             Few spelling          Grammatically perfect

                                                Errors                                     mistake


New York State Social Studies Standard 5

Civics, Citizenship, and Government.  Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the United States and other nations; the United States Constitution, the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.

New York City English Language Arts Standards

E1C  Reads and comprehends information materials

E2A  Produces a report of information

E3B  Participates in Group meetings.

Picture Credits

World Trade Center Series of Pictures – google.com – Architecture Week Image

Teacher or Terrorist Picture – salon.com

American Eagle Picture – yahoo.com.   www.af.mil.news/Oct.2001




Upon completion of this project students will be able to assess and evaluate the present day threat of terrorism and bioterrorism in the United States.  Students will also be able to research this topic through using the websites on the internet.