The Species are going



Agwu Justina

Walton High school


Tasmanian Tiger





The Ivory Bill   Wildlife and Habitat Conservation News and Opportunities for Public Participation.








There are several species that were once part of the biosphere of this great planet earth.  Was it their decision to leave this greenery? Human has been playing vital roles in the extinction of most of the species because of human population growth and resource consumption. Globally, extinction and endangerment of species have ongoing especially in Hawaii.  Hawaii is not only the “endangered species capital of the world”, but it is also home to a great many extinct species. Today, most of the world’s habitats are changing at faster than most species can adapt to.   The current efforts made by several governmental organizations have not shown significant improvement on the well being of the species. Even a great number of the species are been endangered.   The extinct species are plants and animals that are already gone to the great beyond while the endangered species, are plant and animal species that are in danger of extinction. Over 34,000 plant species and 5,200 animal species around the globe are threatened with extinction, and many thousands more become extinct each year before biologists can identify them. The primary causes of species extinction or endangerment are habitat destruction, commercial exploitation (such as plant collecting, hunting, and trade in animal parts), damage caused by nonnative plants and animals introduced into an area, and pollution. Of these causes, direct habitat destruction threatens the most species. The current global extinction rate is estimated at about 20,000 species per year, exponentially greater than the background extinction rate. Many biologists believe that we are in the middle of the greatest mass extinction episode since the disappearance of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.



How will you know?


The measure of whether a species of animal is extinct (no longer living) or extant (still alive), is whether or not it can mate successfully with another member of that species. In evolutionary theory, it is time and isolation that give rise to new species of animals.



The Effect on Biodiversity:

The irreversible loss of biodiversity has a serious impact on the ability of remaining species, including humans, to survive. Humans depend on species diversity and healthy ecosystems to provide food, clean air and water, and fertile soil for agriculture. In addition, we benefit greatly from the many medicines and other products that biodiversity provides. As many as 40 percent of our modern pharmaceutical medicines are derived from plants or animals. A small plant from Madagascar, the rosy periwinkle, produces substances that are effective in fighting two deadly cancers, Hodgkin’s disease and leukemia. Yet the forest habitat of the rosy periwinkle is rapidly disappearing to supply firewood and farmland for the impoverished people of Madagascar, and most of the endemic species there—that is, species that live nowhere else—are endangered.




1.    You are to work in a group of four to present and discuss at least 10 species that are extinct and 20 that are extant from these classes of organisms: mammal, reptiles, avecs, and amphibians and explain why they are extinct or endangered.

2.    You are to recommend ways in which further extinction of species should be prevented by writing an essay which will not be more than 300 words.

3.    Your are to complete the six worksheets in the six steps of public policy steps from this site






You are to use the steps of public policy analyst in carrying out your work. You are to use resources from textbooks, internets to facilitate your work. There are links listed below which will help you in doing your work. Complete the worksheets on these websites by using the Internet resources below.  Use these worksheets as resources materials to complete your task.





Science Standard: 


  Student will demonstrate the understanding of:

S2c: biological evolution such as biodiversity, and natural selection,


S2d: human effect on the environment,


S2e: environmental constraints. 


English Language Arts


Standard 2:   Language for Literary Response and Expression

Students will read and listen to oral, written, and electronically produced texts and performances from American and world literature; relate texts and performances to their own lives; and develop an understanding of the diverse social, historical, and cultural dimensions the texts and performances represent. As speakers and writers, students will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language for self-expression and artistic creation.

Standard 4:   Language for Social Interaction

Students will listen, speak, read, and write for social interaction. Students will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language for effective social communication with a wide variety of people. As readers and listeners, they will use the social communications of others to enrich their understanding of people and their views.







4,3,2,1 Rubrics


*    4  -contributed outstanding effort to work that demonstrates outstanding language skills

*    3  -report is compelling and moves the reader through the text -, and enhance the understanding of report -goes beyond all requirements-contributed good effort to work or project -shows good language skills

*    2  -report is interesting and keeps reader's attention; illustrations mostly accurate and appropriate -satisfies all requirements-contributed fair effort to work or project -shows fair language skills

*    1 -report is written clearly, using good sentence structure; neatly handwritten -illustrations somewhat accurate and appropriate -satisfies some requirements.




It is high time that the human species takes the right steps to protect and conserve the environment. As we know, whatever affects other species invariably affects us. From this web-quest, you should have learned that protection of our environment is paramount for our survival.