A WebQuest for grades 9-12 (Environmental Science)


Designed by


Sheryl J. Turk





You are a government official in India.  You are getting reports from the local farmers, miners, and hydrologists that there are too many people for India’s resources.  Do you limit the population growth of your nation?  Do you insist that family planners begin to counsel all families?  What are the causes of this exploding population?  Take a look at the map shown below.  How much darker can the red color of India get before it turns black?  The current population of India is 1, 014,003,817 people, (representing approximately one sixth of the current world population.  What governmental policies would you develop to assist India in solving it’s problem.




Figure 1.  World Population Density




1.                     India – Democratic – cannot impose the 1-child policy

a.       Family Planning – India has aggressive family planning policies but they cannot force them upon the citizens. The government is not as committed to family planning as China is. The large population consumes any economic advancement the country has. 35% of the population is made up of young people. There are no incentives or penalties when it comes to family planning

b.      Cultural Factors

1.      Large part of India is based on an agricultural economy – children are seen as labor, social security, and health care

2.      Preference for a son – Only with a son can the parents go to heaven

3.      80% of the population are Hindus – Hinduism is a pro-sex religion

4.      India is a patriarchal society and a patrilineal society (prefer sons)

a.       India – 50% illiterate; China – nearly 100% literate


Top 10 countries

World Population Data








Family planning education is one way India is attempting to curb population growth. (John McConnico/AP Photo)


You’ve been appointed as an advisor to the Indian government, and you need to identify the problems that are causing overpopulation in India.  You will present your findings in a letter to the leader of the country, convincing him or her on your stance of whether or not you want the government planning India’s families.  You will undergo a “fact-finding” session using the World Wide Web to gather most of your information. 



How to ...


In order for you to obtain your quest, follow the steps listed below.  These steps are designed to take you on a master web-hunt and to get you acquainted with the human resources surrounding you right in your own neighborhood.              



1.  You will work with one of your classmates to complete GETTING STARTED and THE

WEB BASED HUNT FOR INFORMATION listed below including the worksheets and

answers to the questions posed below.  Your FINAL END PRODUCT described in the

QUEST will be completed individually.  This means that only parts B and C in this HOW To… section will be completed by you AND your partner, while you will conduct separate interviews from your partner.  The letter described in the QUEST will also be completed INDIVIDUALLY.      





     Each of you will use the following web-sites in blue to find answers to the question below:


                             Demographic, Social and Economic Indicator Chart


·        Find India and The United States of America on the left-hand column of the chart.  Compare the total population figures, the Per Capita Energy Consumption, and the Access to safe water.  How does India’s title as a “developing country” support these figures? (hint:  use your textbook to determine what defines a developing country  vs. an industrialized country)


                             Reproductive Health Indicators


·        Find India and The United States of America on the left-hand column of the chart.  Compare the “Contraceptive Prevalence” statistics for the two countries.  What do you think the cause of this difference is?


                             The Population Crisis


·        Describe the effects that the population crisis is having on the crisis of resources.

o       Use the resource of water to give an example of what is occurring.


                             Family Planning Initiatives in India


·        What were the projects goals and how were they achieved?


·        What is family planning and how is it implemented?





                   1.  Below are some issues affecting the population explosion in India: 


v     Religion

v     Caste System

v     Lack of Education

v     Agricultural Society

v     Family Structure

v     India’s History

v     Elements of India’s Various Cultures


2.  Find the issue your group has been assigned to on the list below.  You can use the websites listed

     below each issue to complete the Worksheets listed in Steps A-F.  You can also find more information

     on each issue using different search engines, such as www.yahoo.com, www.google.com,





                             Customs, Traditions, and Rituals of India

                             Religions of India




                             Caste System in India

                             The Caste System now and then...

                             Discriminations in the Caste System

NPR's Report on the Caste System 








                             India's Agricultural Society




                Customs, Traditions, and Rituals of India          



                             India's Historical Background




                             Customs of Women in India

                                                                             Customs, Traditions, and Rituals of India



While investigating how these issues are affecting overpopulation in India, you will complete a series of worksheets designed to help you identify the problem, collect evidence, identify the causes of the problem, evaluate a policy to help alleviate the problem, develop solutions, and find the best solution.




A.  You and your partner need to print worksheet 1 and read it over.  It will help you

clearly define the problem- Worksheet 1.

q       Read the World Wide Web pages about the issue you’ve been assigned and answer the questions on worksheet 1.


B.  You and your partner need to print the following worksheet and read it.  It will help

you collect evidence - Worksheet 2.

q       Read the World Wide Web pages about the issue you’ve been assigned and answer the questions on worksheet 2.


C.  With your partner you will print the following worksheet and read it to help you

identify the causes of the problem - Worksheet 3.

q       Read the World Wide Web pages about the issue you’ve been assigned and answer the questions on worksheet 3.


D.  With your partner you will print the following worksheet and read it.  I will help you

to evaluate current public policies - Worksheet 4.

q       Read the World Wide Web pages about the issue you’ve been assigned and answer the questions on worksheet 4.


E.  With your partner you will print the following worksheet and read it.  It will help you

to develop your own public policiesWorksheet 5

q       Read the World Wide Web pages about the issue you’ve been assigned and answer the questions on worksheet 5.


F.  With your partner you will print the following worksheet and it will help you to

choose the best solutionWorksheet 6.

q       Read the World Wide Web pages about the issue you’ve been assigned and answer the questions on worksheet 6.





1.       How you will find subjects to interview:


In this hunt for knowledge, you will interview an individual who is either from India, or who has relatives still living in India.  You should make use of the people you pass by every day.  Next time you walk the halls of Dodge, be more aware of who you are surrounded by.  When you buy a candy bar at the local bodega, see if the employee is from India.  You may also have neighbors, relatives or friends from India.       


During this “fieldwork” component of your quest, you must be mindful not to assume anything!  It’s possible that you may ask an individual of Asian descent if they are from India, and they very well may not be!  You must approach the individual in a non-prejudiced manner.  Note:  Many Indians you are surrounded by grew up in NYC, and may not be familiar with the practices in their native country. 



          2.       How you will conduct the interview:


A.      Tell the individual you are a high school student from Grace Dodge Vocational HS, and that you are hoping to gather information for a class project on POPULATION.


                                                          B.       EXPLAIN the assignment to them.


                                                          C.       ASK THE INDIVIDUAL if it is o.k. for you to interview them.


D.      Have between 5-7 questions ready to ask them.  Have these questions written out in front of you where you can easily access them.  You may wish to have multiple copies of these questions available for the individual to answer in writing.  HINT:  It’s more fun if you ask the questions aloud and get into a discussion with the individual.  If this occurs, try to document everything said.




                   a.  The name of the individual


                        Ask the individual for his or her name.  If they are

     uncomfortable giving you their full name, just get

     their first name. 


                   b.  The location of the interview


                   c.  The date and time of the interview


d.  Any other relevant information that you thing may have swayed the








Your entire class will participate in a debate.  You and your partner will be split up for the debate.  One of you will support the PRO-Government Family Planning position and one of you will support the CON-Against Government Family Planning position. You will debate the PRO or CON side of the issue you have been assigned and working on.  All of the information presented throughout the debate must be based on the evidence you discovered during your QUEST for knowledge.  At the great debate, you must be prepared to be on camera, as I will have a Digital Camera and Video Camera recording your findings.


            JUDGEMENT DAY


Each student will be evaluated and graded on the following criteria. Note:  All of the percentages (%) add up to 200%, which means that this WEBQUEST will count as 2 exams!














Team Work, Both in the computer lab and debate


Worked collectively with your partner

Worked collectively with your partner, showed maturity and courtesy

Above and beyond satisfactory, showed leadership qualities




Getting Started Questions

Answered most questions adequately

Answered all questions adequately

Answered all questions adequately, Showed advanced understanding







Answered most questions adequately

Answered all questions adequately

Answered all questions adequately, Showed advanced understanding





Created and Implemented an interview

Created an interview questionnaire

Created an interview questionnaire, conducted the interview, and recorded all findings

Created an interview questionnaire, conducted the interview, recorded all findings and incorporated them into your letter




Composed a Letter to India’s leader regarding your stance on family planning in India

Wrote a letter stating the reasons backing your stance

Wrote a letter stating the reasons backing your stance and showed understanding of the reasons you stated

Everything in the previous box ß, and composed a letter suitable to publish in our school-wide TIPS newspaper






Participated in a class debate with your partner


Showed up prepared and assisted in team debate

Showed up well prepared and assisted in team debate, played leadership role

Above and beyond well prepared, team leader, great presenter







In the END...


                  As an advisor to the Indian Government, you have researched certain causes of India’s overpopulation.  You have sent

a letter to the top official of India, stating whether or not you think enforcing family planning will be an effective way

to ease the overpopulation problem.  You have debated this problem with your classmates.  Now it’s time to publish your findings in The Dodge Newspaper. 



                   Special THANKS


To all of my students for accepting this technological challenge and being patient, thank you.  To Bill Mulqueen, Howard Kreiger, Joe Montaclavo, Miss Battah, and Mr. Didonato, for all of your support and confidence that the final product would be this good…




                             S3e  Demonstrates an understanding of natural resource management.

                             S4a  Demonstrates an understanding of big ideas and unifying concepts.

                             S4b  Demonstrates an understanding of the designed world.

                             S5a  Frames questions to distinguish cause and effect; and identifies or controls


S5d  Proposes, recognizes, analyzes, considers, and critiques alternative explanations;

       and distinguishes between fact and opinion.

S5e  Identifies problems, proposes and implements solutions; and evaluates the

       accuracy, design, and outcomes of investigations.

S5f  Works individually and in teams to collect and share information and ideas.

S6a  Records and stores data using a variety of formats.

S6d  Acquires information from multiple sources.

S6e  Recognizes and limits sources of bias in data.

S7a  Represents data and results in multiple ways.

S7b Argues from evidence.

S7c  Critiques published materials

S7d  Explains a scientific concept or procedure to other students.

S7e  Communicates in a form suited to the purpose and the audience.

S8b  Demonstrates scientific competence by completing fieldwork.

S8d  Demonstrates scientific competence by completing secondary research.





Current World Population Clock