INTRODUCTION: “If you leave me I am going to kill you.” These are some of the words spoken to a loved one every day.  What some people don’t know is that this is the first sign of abuse.  Abuse is the harmful treatment of another person.  This treatment can be emotional, physical, or sexual. It can happen to a child, husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, or an elder person.  Most abuse accure in the home, and by some one we know and love. The biggest question on everyone mind is, if you love someone, how you can hurt that person.  



TASK: You are a psychologist; you were asked to testify at a trial where a husband and wife died. The only fact the police has is that this was an abusive relationship. Who was doing the abuse no one knows. Some say it was the husband, some say it was the wife. The parents of both, the wife and the husband want an answer. It is your job to give them a profile of what an abuser looks like. Your profile should be so accurate, that they will be able to tell who the abuser base on this information.



PROCESS: Students will be divided into groups. Each group will be responsible to answer one of the following questions:

1.      What are some of the factors associated with a person becoming abusive?

  1. Does drug play a role in an abusive relationship?
  2. What was an abusive person childhood like?
  3. How does that person feel about themselves?
  4. Are women abusive too?
  5. Can a person who was abusive stop?
  6. Are there laws are that can protect the victim?
  7. In order to answer the above task questions, you must use the six TIPS PPA steps found at the TIPS web site (see link #7).




To help with the process, students will use the text book “Total Awesome Health”, to define and classify the different types and kinds of abuse. They can also go to the library to find articles on abuse. Along with the above resources students can use the following web site:  


















 Students will have to choose one of the following ways to present there web quest: A mock trial, news reporter, oral report or a play. Students (as a group) will be graded as followed:


5= Well in formed, had facts to back up presentation, was able to answer all the questions that were

      asked by classmates, used all 6 PPA steps.


3= Informed, few facts to back up presentation, was not able to answer all questions asked by classmates, used only 4 of the PPA steps.


1= Not informed, little facts to back up presentation, was not able to answer questions asked                                    

     by classmates and used only 2 PPA steps.




New York State Social Studies Standard 5: Civics, Citizenship, and Government

Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the United States and other nations; the United States Constitution; the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.


New York State English Language Arts Performance Standards:


E1c:  Read and comprehend informational materials.

E2a:  Produce a report of information.

E3b:  Participate in group meetings.

E3c:  Prepare and deliver an individual presentation



CONCLUSION: In the end you will have learned more about domestic abuse. You will be able to recognize the domestic abuse danger signs and the possible bad endings to abusive relationships. Unfortunately this is a way of life for many. Hopefully this web quest either helps you or through you helps someone else. You will also have learned how to use the six public policy steps when putting together any report or research paper in the future. Don’t let your learning stop here, analyze and compare your life to others. Are you in an abusive relationship at home? Do you know someone that’s in an abusive relationship? Use this web quest experience for the future.