T. I. P. S.











     You are a historical researcher and this is your first major assignment.  You are experiencing slight difficulty with your current assignment.  Boss Hog, your director has asked that you pin point social problems which affected people of the Victorian period.  However you have had no experience within the Victorian period (or any other period for that matter) and you are very confused.  You decide however to begin at the library, so picking up your jacket and the hat you hurry along to the library before it closes.  An elderly librarian advises that the best pieces of literature about the Victorian period would be in the basement two flights down.  As you enter the area you feel a cold chill in the air and hug the jacket closer to your body.  In the dim basement lights you see the glimmer of something faint on the floor. It’s a book!  You read the title, Great Expectations  and open the cover.  A tremendous tunnel of wind suddenly gusts around you and you feel yourself swept away….away….away…..   Carefully you open your eyes and find yourself staring at a young Pip, in the graveyard trembling before the convict.  You have become Pip’s invisible companion.




        For this assignment you are asked to show the manner in which Imperialism existed between two socio-economic classes of people in Victorian England, the wealthy represented by Ms. Havisham and the poor/underdeveloped class which Pip belongs to.  You will need to show the ways in which Ms. Havisham (wealthy class) becomes an imperializing force in Pip’s life and give examples showing the ways in which Pip is “imperialized ” by the wealthy class during the period of Victorian England.




Step 1: State the problem which you are asked to solve.

·       remember that a social problem can be viewed as a gap between the GOALS of society and it’s present conditions.


Step 2: Show evidence that such a problem exists.

·       be sure to use the text to state your problem and to show necessary examples


Step 3: Identify the causes of the problem.

·       this may be found in history textbooks as well as on the websites given.


Step 4: What laws were in effect at that time which dealt with class domination, or class privileges?     

·       for this section you will need to look at historical laws or policies which were passed by the English government during the Victorian period.

·       these can be found in History texts as well historical documents


Step 5: What laws and policies which you can recommend which would solve the problem of the imperialization of classes?


·       Remember that for this paper you are asked to use the proper essay format as well as use the characters of Ms. Havisham and Pip to explain your answer and site examples (Step 2)

·       You will be required to use at least four outside sources which can include books, magazines, and websites.  The websites which you will be able to use will be provided for you.




Victorian society:



Biography on C. Dickens:


Study Guide on Great Expectations        http://www.eiu.edu/~multilit/studyabroad/greatexpectations/







A (100- 90 pts)

B (89-80 pts)

C (79-70 pts)

D (69-60 pts)

F (59 pts\ <)

Step 1- Introduction

Background information

Thesis statement & examples

Thesis statement and examples of essay direction

Thesis statement and one example

Thesis statement

Background information

Step 2-


Show evidence from text to prove thesis (at least three for each character)

Show evidence from text to prove thesis (three)

Show evidence from text to prove thesis (two)

Show evidence to prove thesis (one)

Provides evidence and thesis statement as a unit

Step 3-


From research show possible causes for problem (at least three causes)

From research show possible causes (two)

From research show possible causes (one)

From research show possible causes (one)

Shows one possible cause of problem

Step 4-

Laws which existed

Site at least two laws which gave the wealthy class more privileges

Site at least two laws which gave the wealthy more privileges

Site one law which gave the wealthy power

Site one law which gave the wealthy power

Does not site a law which verifies claim

Step 5-

Reform possibilities?

Give at least three possibilities

Give three possibilities

Give two possibilities

Give two possibilities


Step 6-

Best solution

Of the three choices choose the best one

Of the three choices choose the best one

Choose the better of the two choices

Choose the better of the two choices

Gives a recommendation

Spelling, Grammar


There should be a minimum of five.

Minimum of six

Minimum of eight

Minimum of ten

Minimum of eleven.