A WebQuest for Living Environment Students


Designed by Andrew DiDonato



Introduction: You are a member of an award winning college debate team. President Bush has selected your team along with eight other collage teams from all over the country. President Bush is in the process of making policy dealing with weather or not research on human embryonic stem cells is ethical, and what if any thing should be done. The president is in the position of doing nothing, completely banning the research or regulating it in one way or another. Both scientific and religious groups have lobbied him heavily in an attempt to promote the pros of their argument and the cons of their opposition’s arguments.  The President has charged all of you with helping him decide what the domestic policy on “embryonic” stem cell research should be. More specifically is the current policy adequate, and if not what should be changed. President Bush has asked that your team research the topic and consider each of the many scientific and religious groups’ points of view. Furthermore he has cautioned each team to render an impartial opinion based on the facts and findings of their team. 



The Task:

President Bush wants each team to research the topic of embryonic stem cell research on the Internet. He wants each team to take a position on stem cell research either for or against it and defend it. He wants to know what major organizations are for or against it and why He wants to stage a debate between opposing teams at the White House. President Bush will make his decision based on your research and debates. He wants to see a work sheet from each team that includes all of the following;


1.     Detailed use of the PPA web site as a resource

2.     List and number all web sites used, example (, (1)) and for each question answered indicate the number of the site where you found the answer, (1).

3.     What is a human stem cell?

4.     Where do researchers get human stem cells?

5.     What is the current policy regarding stem cell research?  

6.     What are the major positions for or against stem cell research?

7.     Who supports stem cell research?

8.     What are the potential benefits of stem cell research?

9.     Who opposes stem cell research?

10. What are the ethical reasons that stem cell research is opposed?

11.  What is the position of your team and why?

12.  Considering your teams position what policy changes would you recommend that president Bush make?

13.  On the TIPS web site use the public policy analyst cost and benefit page.



Process Part 1:

Team Organization (to be done in class)


1.     You will work in teams. Each team will be comprised of a partnership of two students working together. You may pick a partner or you will be assigned one. KEEP IN MIND, 30 % of your project grade is based on your contribution to the project and how you work together with your partner as a team.

2.     Your team will pick a college to represent and will take the name of that college. For example the Lehman team or the NYU team.

3.     Each team member will be assigned a job either as the researcher (responsible for selecting websites then guiding your team) or the recorder/presenter (responsible for recording data on the research work sheet and organizing their argument for the debate).

4.     Each team will sit together in the computer lab. The researcher will work as follows; click on one of the hyperlinks provided and search the web site for answers to the questions, both team members will review the site and discuss what information they will use, search as many sites as you need. The recorder will fill in the project work sheet on the other computer.


Process Part 2:

Project Organization (to be done in the computer lab)

1.     Each of you will be assigned a computer terminal seat next to your teammate.

2.     We will go over lab rules and computer start up/shut down.

3.     The recorder of each team will open the Web Quest file on the shared p: drive and scroll down to the student work sheet.

4.     The researcher of each team will open the Web Quest file on the shared p: drive and scroll down to the web links page.

5.     With the guidance of the recorder, the researcher will surf through one web site at a time looking for information, to answer the questions on the work sheet.

6.     Each team will discuss the question, and agree on the best possible answer using the information provided on the web sites.

7.     Computer lab time is limited to 2 class periods so if your team needs more time to complete the project, you are responsible to complete it after school. Note I will arrange for lab time after school.



Web Resources

Encyclopedia Britannica

Stem cell research and the Catholic Church

What is a Stem cell?

The Why files guide to stem cell research


High school bioethics

The coalition of Americans for research ethics



Public Policy Analyst, Steps





Student Work Sheet

1.What is a human stem cell?


2. Where do researchers get human stem cells?


3. What is the current policy regarding stem cell research?


4. What are the major positions for or against stem cell research?


5. Who supports stem cell research?


6. Who opposes stem cell research?


7.What are the potential benefits of stem cell research?


8.What are the ethical reasons that stem cell research is opposed?


9.What is the position of your team and why?


10.Considering your team’s position what policy changes would you recommend that president Bush make?



11.On the PPA web site use the public policy analyst cost and benefit page.






Each student will be evaluated and graded on the following criteria. Note to receive an “A” you must do above satisfactory work in two of the four categories.








Team Work, Both in the computer lab and debate


Worked collectively with your partner

Worked collectively with your partner, showed maturity and courtesy

Above and beyond satisfactory, showed leadership qualities


Student work sheet



Answered most questions adequately

Answered all questions adequately

Answered all questions adequately, Showed advanced understanding


PPA cost and benefit section


Used cost and  benefit introduction to fill out worksheet 7-8

Showed understanding of concept of cost & benefits of public policy, through worksheet 7-8

Showed mastery  of concept of cost & benefits of public policy, through worksheet 7-8


Participated in a class debate with your team


Showed up prepared and assisted in team debate

Showed up well prepared and assisted in team debate, played leadership role

Above and beyond well prepared, team leader, great presenter












Upon completion of this assignment we all should have increased our understanding of what a public policy is and how a given policy may personally affect us. The way we view contemporary news topics such as stem cell research has changed. We have researched the topic and understand the pros and cons. More over we can see the process of how and why certain laws are made. We can appreciate how personal this issue really is to many Americans. I sincerely hope we appreciate how powerful each of us is in helping to make and shape public policy. Simply voting for a local politician that is committed to passing a law that supports an issue you believe in is powerful. Taking political action in any manor such as supporting a local grassroots organization or joining a political party is powerful. In short we are all affected by many public policies, it’s a good idea to find out as much as possible about those policies which affect us, and get involved.


Teaching Standards addressed:


This web quest focuses on the following English Language Arts Performance Standards:

E1c: Read and comprehend informational materials.

E2a:  Produce a report of information.

E3a:  Participate in one-to-one conference with the teacher.

E3c:  Prepare and deliver a group presentation.

E4b:  Analyze and subsequently revise work to improve its clarity and effectiveness.


This web quest focuses on the following Science Standards:

S4a:  order and organizing; form and function; change and constancy; cause and effect

S4b:  the relationship between science and technology

S4c:  personal and environmental safety

S4e: Demonstrates an understanding of the impact of science.

S5a:  frames questions to distinguish cause and effect

S5b:  uses S1-S4 to explain a variety of observations and phenomena

S5c: Uses evidence from reliable sources to develop descriptions, explanations, and models; and makes appropriate adjustments and improvements.

S5d: Proposes, recognizes, analyzes, considers, and critiques alternative explanations; and distinguishes between fact and opinion.

S5e:  identifies problems; proposes and implements solutions; evaluates the accuracy of design, and outcomes of investigation

S5f:  Works individually and in teams to collect and share information and ideas.

S6d:  acquires information from multiple sources

S6e:  recognizes and limits sources of bias in data

S7a:  represents data and results in multiple ways

S7b: Argues from evidence.

S7d: Explains a scientific concept or procedure to other students.

S7e: Communications in a form suited to the purpose and the audience.