Making of the Policies to protect a community

from the spread of the West Nile Virus



Denise Cooper

Gompers High School
















Web quest on the West Nile Virus









West Nile Virus is threatening the residents of New York City and the world.  The virus is being spread  at an incredible rate through out the eastern United States by mosquitoes.  We have to figure out how to stop the mosquitoes from spreading the virus throughout the United States and the world. One major problem that we face is how can to contain the virus without overexposing the environment to toxic chemicals.   It is imperative that we destroy the mosquitoes that are spreading The West Nile Virus and keep the pesticides at a safe level..  We must make sure that the lethal dose isn’t reached.  How can we solve this problem?  The current solution is to spray mosquito-bearing habits with melathion.  The conflict with this idea is that we share the habitat of the mosquito.   We coexist and in some cases compete with the mosquito in natural habits. You must check the current public policies in place that protect citizens from epidemics. You must explain the epidemic policy in place and how the mayor stopped the spread of the West Nile Virus in New York by utilizing the current policy. Examine the current laws and decide if you would keep the policies the same or would you change them. Do you think that the mayor used the current policies effectively or could you do better?  How would you protect New York with the current policies?


We must constantly think about the steps that the mayor took to control and aid the city against this disease.  We must ask ourselves if he implemented the laws correctly.  Did we as citizens play a constructive role in maintaining the safety of our communities?  There are many questions that we ask our neighbors and ourselves: Who decided what areas would be sprayed?  Who decided which areas would be sprayed first?  Who decided which pesticide would be used?  Who decided how it would be administered?  How could we have helped in the decision making process? Who decided how they would notify communities of the spraying? Why were not the residents notified sooner of the spraying?  Who decided which public media would be the most effective to getting the information to all the residents in the communities?  It is obvious that the community boards played a role in protecting the communities.   The community boards and the citizens of New York bonded together to ensure that the mayor and the current policies were followed to protect the communities. 


The mayor and the community protect New York from the west Nile virus:

The mayor with the help of community boards activated the various networks and communities to broadcast the schedule of sprayings. The citizens of New York took an active role in protecting their communities from the spread of the west Nile virus and over exposure of pesticides.  How did we help?    We looked for areas that the mosquitoes might bread besides major waterways.  We added bleach to standing puddles or water bodies.  We monitored the daily spraying schedules and looked to see if certain areas were getting over exposure to pesticides.  We reminded our shopkeepers to cover produce.  We watched the mayor and educated him of the constant threat of over exposure of pesticides.  The citizens alerted him to the possible exposure of pesticides due to consumption.  The mayor’s response to the citizens of New York was to implement a schedule of spraying so that vendors and vegetable stands could cover their produce. Our community boards and action groups paid close attention and monitored the line of action that the mayor took.  We must look at the current laws and examine the changes that could be made to make them more effective in controlling an epidemic spread by a carrier host We must help our government protect our communities from the spread of the West Nile Virus and epidemics


The inspection of birds for signs of exposure of The West Nile Virus.


New Problems affect the making of old policies:

The current environmental issue is Anthrax.  Epidemiologists and Environmentalists are studying the spread of Anthrax and its containment.   Congress and the country is looking at possible epidemics that may take place and are trying to institute and revise some current policies to protect the masses from biological warfare and the spread of epidemics. The revision   of old policies helps implement procedures to implement new policies.  Then the new policies   will help defend our communities from an epidemic and make it better to execute community defenses.  We will be able to alert communities at faster rate and the communities will have a constructive role in policy making.  The West Nile Virus outbreak in New York may have helped   the Mayor of New Yorker help establish procedure to handle the Anthrax epidemic.




You are epidemiologists.  You have studied other epidemics cases like cholera and malaria. You will relate your knowledge from the above to the application of the West Nile Virus epidemic. You will note the factors that you must take in consideration while trying to create a solution that will protect the city.  Your goal is to protect your communities from the spread of this disease and any other disease that may cause the same fear and panic in New York City and the rest of the world.  You will use the decision making process to determine the best solution that will comply with the current policies or you will think of ways to revise the current policies to comply with your best solution to contain an epidemic. You can use the mayor’s model as a road map to revise the current policies.  Please access the CDC and EPA websites and find facts to back your opinion. You will write a report with all the below components included we will call this a web quest. Your document must contain at least 5 web links that relate to the current policies in place. And support your improvement of the current policies in place. One of the links must be to the Public Policy Analysis website.




1.       You will break into cooperative groups containing only two students to be assigned by the teacher.

2.       You will define the nature of the problem that has arisen by the threat of the current policies of “West Nile Virus Extermination Plan". Define your Problem.(day 1)

3.       You will list the possible causes of the problem that you have chosen and gather evidence of their existence. (day 2)

4.       You will evaluate the current policy and how your problem has been addresses or not addressed in your current policy. Evaluate the current policy.(day 3)

5.       You will state several policies in place that have been executed in containing epidemics and list their cost and the benefits or advantages versus disadvantages. ( day 3)

6.       You will decide whether the current solution of spraying is the best solution or the worst solution. Think of what solutions you can develop by developing solutions.

7.       You will state what your alternative solution to handling the West Nile Virus Epidemic.

8.       Determine if your solution is a better alternative and identify your causes.

9.       You will state possible modifications of your plan and the public policies stated in the "West Nile Virus Extermination Plan".  You will select a solution and state why it is the best solution. You will state your policy and how it can be used to modify the current policy.

10.   You will decide if your solution is feasible based on the web quest that you have executed.  Does your solution take in consideration the current epidemiological policies?  Is your solution environmentally safe?  Do your advantages outweigh your disadvantages?

11.   You will explain how you used the decision making process to come to your conclusions.

12.   You will use TIPS Worksheets to aid you to make your outlines.











Your project will be graded on a scale of 1 to 4:


  1. You have completed a web search and have included the above steps unto number 5 and have proofread your work.   GRADE 55       


  1. You have completed web search, have included the above steps to number 8 and proof read your work.   GRADE 70



  1. Your have completed all the steps above and has one web quest link, and has proofread work. GRADE 85



  1. You have completed all the above steps and have two web quest links, included graphics and has proof read their work. GRADE 90.




S5-Scientific Thinking

ELA 1, 2, 3 (Reading, writing and communication)

S7-Scientific communication

M7 -Mathematical calculation




The goal of protecting a city or a country from an epidemic is a sophisticated job.  It takes many agencies working together to implement policies that protect the masses.  It is very important that we as citizens understand the intricacies of how policies are made and   how they affect our communities.  We also must understand   our role as citizens in the policy making process.  The goal of this process is for you to understand our role in the community as citizens.  Don’t forget that even students as young as yourselves has representation on community boards and community groups.  It’s your job as a citizen to get involved in the making of policies.   Take a tip from tips and get involved!!!