Freedom of Speech or Treason

A Web Quest for High School


Yvonne Calderón





TRAITOR!! That is what the New York Post called Mr. Isanu Dyson on October 15th. Mr. Dyson, a fifth generation American who converted to Islam wants to join the jihad against the United States. We have just learned that Mr. Dyson has been speaking ill of the United States and has been publicly praising Osama Bin Laden. He has been flying the Islamic flag and handing out Islamic propaganda to anyone who will take it. People in his community are outraged and have begun to congregate in front of his home. There have been several exchanges of inflammatory comments from both sides. He has taken to carrying a sword and dagger after Sept. 11 “for protection”. We have now read that the Portland police department has arrested Mr. Dyson on treason and inciting riot.




Your task will be to determine if Mr. Dyson’s right of free speech has been violated, or can he be held and tried for treason and inciting riot. You will research court cases on freedom of speech and act as part of either Mr. Dyson’s defense team or as the prosecution.




You will be divided into groups of four. Each group will:







Students will be evaluated using the following rubric:


Grade of A

Grade of B

Grade of C

Grade of D




As a result of this Quest you have learned about your freedom of speech. Is this freedom extended to those residing in the United States but not necessarily a citizen? Should it be extended to everyone as long as they are on U.S. soil? If not what should be done with those who speak against the U.S? Continue your research and decide for yourself!


Standards Addressed

ELA- 1, 2a,3b,3c,4

Social Studies- 4