Pollution impacts ecosystems around the world by destroying the biotic communities


Webquest: Freshman Honors Biology

Dr. Brauerman (SB44@aol.com)

Bronx High School of Science



Man has a greater effect on the environment than any other species. The reason for this can be attributed both to our intelligence and our ability to use tools. Our intelligence has allowed us develop technology so we can manipulate our environment. Using this technology, we can now produce more food, genetically engineer crops and offer these crops at reduced cost to our populations. With advances in medicine we have decreased infant mortality, increased the life expectancy and eradicated many deadly diseases. The result of these advances however has been a drastic rise in the population resulting in even greater effects on the environment. Many of these effects result in increasing pollution of the air, water and soil.



You are a member of Congress and you are concerned about the quality of the air, water and soil. Working in groups of four you will use the Public Policy Analyst to:

  1. First pick a topic of pollution that interests your group
  2. You must determine if the pollution is a real threat to the ecosystem
  3. What is the cause the pollution
  4. What effects does the pollution have on the environment
  5. Research what has been done so far to alleviate the problem
  6. Propose legislation to stop or correct the problem



  1. Working in your group use the websites to gather information
  2. You must develop a policy statement and then present evidence to support your position
  3. Your final task will be to present the evidence to the class in the form of a power point presentation and convince them first that the problem is real and secondly that your solutions will work.



Air pollution                                                                              Acid rain

http://www.epa.gov/airnow/                                                      http://capita.wustl.edu/CAPITA/

http://www.epa.gov/oar/                                                           http://www.epa.gov/airmarkets/usca/

http://www.4cleanair.org/                                                          http://www.epa.gov/airmarkets/emissions/





Global warming






Ozone hole





Water pollution











www.agnr.umd.edu/users/agron/nutrient/Factshee/Phosphorus/ Eutrop.html




Soil pollution

http://www.nortechgsi.com/environmental-monitoring-instrumentation.html http://es.epa.gov/ncerqa_abstracts/centers/hsrc/metals/metals.html





Evaluation:                    PROPOSED RESEARCH PAPER - Grading Form

Your research paper/power point presentation should include the following elements:



1.       Presentation of the general biological concept underlying your research

problem and the significant classical work done in the field                             (5 pts)              


2.       A review of the literature described in your own words with citations

incorporated into the body of Introduction                                                      (15 pts)            


3.       A linking of the two previous sections should lead up to the specific

problem concerning Congress                                                                       (5 pts)              




This includes the evidence that the problem exists and proposed legislation to correct the problem.

1.       Substantial evidence to support that the problem is a real concern                    (5 pts)            

2.       Cause of the problem and the effects of the problem on the environment

or some other aspect that is causing public concern.

a.       Scientific data must be presented in this section

b.       Evaluation of the data must be included                                             (15pts)             





This is a discussion of existing plans to alleviate the problem and your proposed legislation to stop or correct the problem.

1.    Include results of the existing plans                                                              (5 pts)              

2.    Feasibility of your proposed legislation                                                         (5 pts)              

3.    Design some experiment to test the effectiveness of your proposed               (10 pts)            




This section should contain a complete listing of all materials used in your research, organized in a standard bibliographic form. A URL is not an acceptable reference.                                     (5 pts)              




Your packet should include the following materials submitted in a timely manner:

1.   3 primary sources and abstracts in your own words                                       (5 pts)              

2.   5 secondary sources and abstracts in your own words                                                (5 pts)              

3.   Outline                                                                                                        (5 pts)              

4.       Synthesis (Written introduction)                                                                    (5 pts)              

5.   Abstract                                                                                                      (5 pts)              



LETTER GRADE_______                                                                   POINT TOTAL                      



At the completion of this project students will be able to present the supporting evidence for pollution as a far-reaching problem involving more than local governments and societies. Additionally, through research and the analyzing of data students will be able to suggest legislation to prevent or alleviate further damage to the environment.






1:  Students will use mathematical analysis and scientific inquiry, to pose new questions and develop solutions.

2: Students will access, generate, and process information using appropriate technologies.

3: Students will become mathematically confident by communicating and reasoning mathematically, by 

    applying mathematics in real-world settings.

4: Students will understand and apply biological concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the living 


6: Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and 

     technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

7: Students will apply the knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address real-life problems and make informed decisions.