Should Prior Consent By Parents Be Required For Minors Who Seek Abortions?


A Web Quest For 12th Grade Economic Students at South Bronx High School

Designed by Edwin Baez





        In American society many minors are getting pregnant without taking the necessary precautions and don’t realize the repercussions that come after they become pregnant. One of the major problems that children face is that they may not know whom to turn to. Second, it becomes a serious financial responsibility if they were to have their own child. It is true that many things go through their young minds and unfortunately; they decide to make the decision of having an abortion on their own. Should minors decide to make a decision like this on their own?

-         The learner should define the concept of abortion.

-         Determine the difference between a legal and an illegal abortion                                  

-         Explain at what age is a teenager mature enough to make important decisions that may affect them for the rest of their lives

-         Learners once again will work with many vital resources in the Internet\

-         They must also familiarize themselves with the ninth, tenth, and fourteenth amendments




             The Enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.




The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.







A Summary: Defines citizenship and prohibits states from denying anyone “due process of law” and “equal protection,” specifically to protect the civil rights of the newly freed slaves.




       You are member of the Miami Dade County Board of Health, you and the other members are going to debate whether or not to support a bill that will require parental consent to teenagers seeking abortions. Currently it is legal in the State of Florida for a minor to have an abortion without parental consent. Each member or student will be required to prepare a Power Point Exercise of at least 7 to 10 slides using a School Computer.  




1.      Groups of four students will form a team forming a least a total of 6 to 8 teams, depending on the total number of students available in class. 

2.      One group being pro-abortion and one group being con.


4.      Each team will research their side of the issue by using at least of the TIPS websites provided and two additional non-TIPS websites.

5.      Make a list of all facts including the website you found them on. You must have least four from each site and twenty facts total. You must have at least four facts from your additional sources. The list will be on for you to use as reference and may be requested by the instructor.

6.      Each student will be responsible for the presentation of a Power Point product of a presentation of at least 7 to 10 slides.

7.      Before debating you must transfer all of your facts from your Power Point products into your

Notebooks, you will be using these facts during your debate. Once again your notes can be obtained by the Instructor upon request.

8.      The last task/process will be to debate your teams side in front of the class using your notes

and your Power Point Product.


Learning Advise1


   Write a brief paragraph(4 or 5 sentences) give your opinion about the words used by the general public about THE PROS AND CONS OF ABORTION.



-         The baby has a the right to live

-         The baby is innocent and did nothing to deserve to be killed

-         It did not asked to be born



-         The fetus has no feelings or memories

-         It doesn’t look human

-         Mother has a right over her own body, even if she is a teenager under 18 years old



Learning Advise 2

 In one paragraph, explain why the government should or should not intervene in the decision making of whether a minor should or should not consult their parents about having an abortion.


Learning Advise 3

 Before you begin your research on the Eighth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments, it would be good to note that these amendments have complicated sentences. To interpret them, define the following key words:


1.      Enumeration:

2.      Construe

3.      Delegate

            4.   Due Process

            5.   Equal Protection

            6.   Civil Rights

            7.   Jurisdiction

Internet Resource 1


       The Internet Public Library


       The Webster’s On-Line Dictionary


Internet Resource 2

        You can refer to a number of Supreme Court cases that are relevant to the topic.

        Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)


        H.L. Matheson (1981)


        Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (1989)


        Maher v. Roe (1977)


        Roe v. Wade (1973)


        Eisenstad v. Baird (1972


        Planned Parenthood v. Ashcroft (1983)


        Thornburgh v. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (1986)


        Williamson v. Lee Optical (1955)



        You can also refer to these other Internet websites:







You  will also use the following TIPS Resources:





Ask A Legal Eagle





(Questions to be considered while doing your research)


1.      Why shouldn’t a woman have the right to choose an abortion if she needs one?

2.      But, how does this apply to the case of abortion, where the woman is the only one affected, and no-one else’s

Fundamental rights are in question?

3.      How can a fetus be a human being when it has no separate existence? Surely it is part of the woman?

4.      Isn’t the fetus only a potential human being?

5.      But isn’t the fetus completely dependent on his or her mother?

6.      Even if the fetus is human, it is not a person with rights.

7.      Why should the rights of an undeveloped fetus take precedence over the rights of a grown woman?

8.      But bringing up a child means a huge commitment of time and energy for a major part of the woman’s life?

9.      The woman may lose her job or have to give up her education because of her pregnancy.

10.  How can women ever be equal to men if they are not allowed to control their fertility?




Each student will be evaluated by his/hers individual presentation. You will get a maximum grade of 100 points and it will be averaged into the percentages of tests that you will get for the marking period. Please refer to student contract for more information on the grading policy. Each member can have a partner to give each other assistance during the preparation process of your work. HOWEVER; YOU ARE STILL RESPOSIBLE TO HAND IN YOUIR OWN POWER POINT.

The Instructor will be using a Rubric Assessment to evaluate all your work using the following guideline:




Grading Schedule

100% Exceptional

Student has at least 7 to 10 slides, using the proper fonts, colors, words, sounds, and most of all , was able to answer

all the questions in a logical and organized manner.


80% Admirable

Student has at least 7 to 10 slides, using some of  the proper fonts, words, sounds, but was not able to answer all questions in a logical and organized manner.


        60% Acceptable

        Student has at least 5 to 7 slides, using some proper fonts, words, sounds, but was not able to answer all questions in a

        logical and organized manner.


        55% Amateur

        Student only used 3 to 5 slides, using some proper fonts, words, but no sound. Also was not able to answer all questions

        in a logical and organized manner.




         The students will be able to explain the eighth, tenth, and fourteenth amendments of the Constitution of the United States. Describe how minors can become part of the struggle of individual rights when it comes to making choices about whether to have a child or not.  To explain that it is also vital to determine the extent of Parents’ rights and responsibilities whether or not to be informed about their children’s pregnancies.


NYS State Standards


Ø      Analyze the development of American Culture, explaining how ideas, values, beliefs, and traditions have changed over time and how they unite Americans.

Ø      Compare and contrast the experiences of different groups in the United States.

Ø      Take, defend, and evaluate positions about attitudes that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in public and constitutional affairs.

Ø      Prepare essays and oral reports about the important social, political, economic, scientific, technological, and cultural developments, issues, and events from New York State and United States Social/Economic History.