WEBQUEST: Cellphones


Anthony F. Mahabir

07 December 2000




Everyone today has a cell phone; children use them to stay in contact with their family when they are out on the town. In a short time you will be eligible to drive a car, but will you be able to talk on your cell phone and drive you car at the same time?


There are at least two counties that have recently passed laws that will make it illegal for a person to talk on their phone and drive at the same time. The fines can be as high as one hundred and seventy-five dollars. This new social policy will have an influence on all of us.




You are to take a position for or against the new social policy on the use of cell phones while driving. You can take the position of the government, who wants to ban the use of cell phones while driving or you can take a position of a cell phone owner who wants to be able to use their cell phone while motoring.




  1. List the points that support your position.
  2. List points that will go against your position, and create a defense against these points.
  3. Be prepared to debate you stand against someone who has taken the opposite stand.
  4. You should also poll your classmates for views they have that will support your stand.





The Internet:




You should be prepared to argue your point against a classmate who took the opposite point. You should also hand a copy of your paper to me for approvial. To earn the appropriate grade please refer to the chart below.


A         seven points that support your position, and a paper free of grammatical errors.

B          no less than six points that support your position, and some grammatical errors.

C         five points that support your position, with grammatical errors.

D/F      less than five points that support your position, points that do not clearly support your position one way or the other.

Many grammatical errors, and clear evidence no proofreading occurred.