Second-hand Smoking: Are non-smokers in danger?


A Webquest for Living Environment Students

Designed by Sunitha Koshy




Ever stand at the bus stop next to someone who was blowing cigarette smoke into the air? How about that guy who’s always in that same corner of your block, smoking cigarette after cigarette? Is he the only one smoking it or are the people walking by who catch a whiff of it smoking it too? Although it may not seem like it, innocent bystanders whose lungs get some of that smoke are in just as much danger, perhaps even more, of the dangers associated with smoking. These bystanders are experiencing second-hand, or passive, smoking. Sidestream smoke from a burning cigarette contains twice as much tar and nicotine as does inhaled smoke, 3 times as much of a cancer-causing agent, 5 times as much carbon monoxide, and 50 times as much ammonia. So although they are not smokers themselves, they are exposed to the dangers of smoking to a greater extent than the smokers themselves.


We will perform investigations that will answer such questions as:


1.  What are the effects of second-hand smoking?


2.  Who are at risk the most?


3.  What policies can we enact in order to control the exposure to second-hand smoke?



The Task  

            Your mission, should you choose to accept it:


            1.Take an online survey on the effects of smoking.


2.Research second-hand smoking.  


3. Prepare a 4-5 page report based on your findings.


4. Present your findings with the class in the form of an oral report.



The Process   


            1. You will take an online survey at about smoking.


2. You will choose 2 other people to comprise a group.


            3. Each group member will have  a  job to fulfill:

                        A.  Find one website, in addition to the ones listed below, that contains information on the

                        topic at hand.

                        B.  Each member will choose one generation and describe how second-hand smoke affects

                        their health.

                        C.  Contribute one policy which may help decrease the incidence of second-hand smoke.


            4. Each group will investigate at least 8 of the websites below and use the best 5, if not all 8, for the

written report.
























            As you go through the websites, answer the following questions:

                        a. What is second-hand smoke?

                        b. How is it different from the smoke that a smoker inhales?

                        c. What’s in the smoke that makes it so dangerous to our body?

                        d. What organ systems or parts of the body does the smoke affect the most?

                        e. What age group is at the most risk for the effects of second-hand smoke?

                        f.  What  are the statistics, in terms of number of deaths, due to second-hand smoke?

                        g. What measures, if anything, has the government taken to alleviate or diminish the


                        h. What policies do you think should be in place to help alleviate the problem?

                        i.  Who will you need help from in order to carry out your policies?


            5. You will write a 4-5 page report based on your research.


            6.  You will present an oral report to the class, showing any diagrams or charts if necessary.


            7.  Retake the survey


            8. This Webquest incorporates the following New York State Standards:

                        * Math, Science, and Technology Standard #6- Learning the relationship between math, 

                        science, and technology and apply these relationships to other areas of learning.

                        * Math, Science, and Technology Standard #7- Apply the knowledge and thinking skills of 

                        math, science, and technology to address real life problems and make informed decisions.

                        * English Standard #1- speak, listen and read for information understanding

                        * English Standard #3- speak, listen and read for critical analysis

                        * English Standard #4- social interaction





            Your work will be evaluated both as group work and individual work but mainly as individual work. The final report grade will be based on the following:


            1. Oral Report ( 30 points); The oral report must be communicated well by the members of the group to the students in the class. Charts and diagrams must be displayed and group members should work well together while presenting for the full 30 points.


            2. Written Report (70 points) :

                        a. MLA Style

                        b. 8 ½”x11” white bond paper

                        c. 12 or 14 font size only

                        d. double-spaced

                        e. 4-5 pages of text

                        f.  cover page with appropriate illustrations

                        g.  Bibliography ( at least 5 sources)






            You have all just investigated a problem that faces our society today by acting as public policy analysts. You are now capable of investigating other problems which you feel need to be addressed by finding ways to alleviate the problem. Your written reports will be posted on the bulletin board outside our class and a copy will be on the school website along with those of other students.