Mosquito Population Growth &

the West Nile Virus



by Tyneka Harrington

Math, JHS139


Introduction:  The West Nile Virus has been a problem for the people of New York City and the surrounding areas for the past 2 years.  It is possible that this problem will persist when warm weather returns in the spring of 2001, since spring is breeding time for the mosquitoes that are known to carry the virus.

In the warm weather seasons of 1999 and 2000, the chief preventive action against the virus has been the use of chemical sprays.  Many individuals and organizations have opposed the use of these sprays due to the potential health risks to citizens who live and work in areas that are affected.  However, this is the counteraction that government officials have agreed to as the most effective means of stopping the spread of the virus.  Are there other means of controlling the spread of the virus?


Task:  You are the Commissioner of Health in New York City.  Your task is to curb the spread of what has become known as the West Nile Virus and to prevent its rise to epidemic proportions in the area. You must discover the best way to keep your public safe from the health threats associated with the virus, while keeping the tax payers happy with the costs related to controlling the disease.  In order to do this, you must research and calculate the potential for mosquito population growth in NYC.   You are well aware of the protests that have arisen from the use of chemical sprays to counter the disease.  You are also very concerned about the potential health risks associated with the spray and are determined to find alternative solutions.  However, you agree with current policy makers that the best solution is to curb mosquito population growth before they have the potential to spread the virus.  The city is depending on your investigative skills to develop an effective and efficient solution, in light of the current evidence.  Good Luck!


Process:  As Commissioner of Public Health, you must use the resources below to:

1) Investigate the natural patterns of mosquito reproduction and population growth.  Identify 5 factors that influence mosquito population growth. 

2) How long does a mosquito survive?  How many offspring can one female mosquito produce in one mating? How many times can a mosquito reproduce during its lifespan?

3) In a given area, suppose one female mosquito deposits 150 eggs during a cycle of reproduction every 10 days

a)     In one generation, how many offspring will she produce?

b)    Create a table showing how many offspring will be produced in each of 3 subsequent generations.











c)     Write an equation for the number of offspring, which will be represented by the letter o, in a given generation of mosquitoes, which will be represented by the letter n.

d)    What is the total number of offspring in all three generations?


4) Based on your equation, how many mosquitoes will have the potential of carrying the virus after 5 successive generations?

5) Write a report to policymakers in whom you detail your findings and suggestions for an alternative to dealing with the West Nile Virus.  Include the following information:

a)     your information on the rate of mosquito population growth

b)    the factors that influence mosquito population growth

c)     suggestions for three alternative plans of action to curb the spread of the West Nile Virus based on your research

d)    a review of the solutions you have suggested and your selection of  the most feasible and cost effective solution

e)     explain and justify your selection.







Evaluation:  Your evaluation will be based on the quality of your report.

Use the following rubric to guide your writing:








Calculations are correct and show an understanding of exponential growth

Calculations are correct, but explanations are unclear


Calculations are incorrect, but explanations show an understanding of exponential growth

Limited understanding of exponential growth and mathematical processes

Incomplete, irrelevant, or incoherent response

Factors Affecting Population Growth

Identifies at least 5 factors and able to explain their relevance

Identifies 5 factors and explanations are unclear


Identifies 4 factors and explanations are clear & relevant

Identifies less than 4 factors an explanations are clear & relevant

Incomplete, irrelevant, or incoherent response

Alternative Action Plans

Suggests 3 alternative plans of action and able to explain why they are viable

Suggests 3 alternative plans of action, however explanations are unclear

Suggests less than three alternatives


Includes no explanation of the alternatives suggested


Grammar& Mechanics

No errors occur in capitalization and punctuation


Grammar is essentially correct


All or nearly all spelling is correct

Few errors in capitalization and punctuation

Few errors in grammar, but writing still makes sense


Most words are spelled correctly

Many errors in capitalization and punctuation

Grammar is mostly incorrect and makes little sense


Many words are spelled incorrectly





Most of the report has punctuation and capitalization errors



Most words are spelled incorrectly



Conclusion: You have researched the factors contributing to mosquito population growth and their potential effects on the spread of the West Nile Virus.  Given that information, you have designed an alternative strategy to combating the spread of the virus.  The work you have done is only some of the research, calculation and organization that contribute to developing public policies.  How likely do you think it would be that the alternative you have chosen would be adopted as public policy?