Teaching Problem Solving (TIPS)

By Renato da Silva

Graffiti Web Quest



I. Introduction: Graffiti is used by many New Yorkers to make a social statement.  Some people refer to it as art, while others perceive it as visual pollution.  Whatever one’s analysis is, graffiti is present in personal and public property- walls and facades of buildings, interior walls, and desks in schools. 


II. Task:

You will work in a group to research, develop and present a public policy proposal that addresses an issue associated with graffiti in your community.  Your group will create a written proposal and a PowerPoint presentation incorporating the results of your research and your public policy.  Then, you will present your Power Point presentation to the leaders of you community trying to get this problem solved.



III. Process:

A.      Your group will research a specific problem regarding graffiti and its social implications in your community. 

B.     To do the above quest, answer the following steps :

1.  Identify the issue or problem

2.  evidence that this is a problem

3.· causes of the problem

4.· existing policy or lack of one

5.· possible policies that will address the problem

6· the best policy that the city government might implement

7.      Assess costs and benefits

8.      8. Developing a strategy using the Prince System to implement your policy:

C. Use the TIPS Public Policy Analyst/PPA website to help you with the above 8 steps.:


D. Written proposal Use the researched information and prepare a typed written proposal.  This should include:

1. the answers to the steps above (process line 2)

2. PPA Worksheets #1-8

E. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation. Feel free to be creative. However, you must incorporate your knowledge and your analysis acquired from this project


IV. Internet Resources:

A. The following sites will be of useful while to you are conducting your research:

Art Crimes: The Writing on the Wall: www.graffiti.org

Graffiti.net: www.graffiti.net/

New York City Graffiti @ 149 St.: www.at149st.com/

American Gang Graffiti: www.members.tripod.com/~Carl815/amergraf.html/


B. The following sites will help you analyzing and developing your public policy:

Public Policy Analyst






V. Evaluation:  This three part project is worth 200 points.

A.      Researching 60 points

B.     Written Proposal and creation of PowerPoint project 80 points

C.     Presentation 60 points


VI Standards: This web quest focuses on the following New York State Standards

Standard 1: Language for Information and Understanding

Standard 3: Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation

Standard 4: Language for Social Interaction

Standard 5.1 The study of civics, citizenship, and government involves learning about political systems; the purpose of governments and civic life; and the different assumptions held by people across time and space regarding power, authority , governance, and law.


 Good luck and have Fun!

(Any questions?  See me period 5, 7, or 8 in 610 or Tuesdays and Thursdays after 9th period in 764.)