A Project SAVE Web Quest


“You Are What You Eat!”

By Ms. Salute

P.S. 161


 The Don Pedro Albizu Campos Elementary School

New York City, NY





Nobody wants to be unhealthy.  But everyday students around New York City fill up on potato chips, candy bars, and soda.  Even though they think these foods taste good, they know they are considered “junk food.”  They don’t eat these foods just because they taste good though.  Kids eat so much junk food because its cheap, sometimes it’s the only food around, and they don’t know what healthy options might taste good to them.  Many people believe that eating so much junk food can cause children a lot of health problems, and Coke-junk-food-Bouquet.jpgresearch shows that many of these problems affect the Hispanic community more than any other in New York City. 

bloomberg_hires.jpgThere are literally tens of thousands young children in New York City damaging their health every day. Just look around PS 161. There are many with severe illnesses caused by poor diet. Their future as adults is being destroyed before they reach teenage years! What a waste. Moreover, all Americans suffer from high health costs and poor school performance.

This is a critical social problem we MUST face! And face right NOW!!!!


Mayor Bloomberg realizes the severity of the problem.  He wants kids all over New York City to start eating healthier this school year.  But he thinks that the message about eating better foods and being healthier to come from kids themselves, rather than adults.  He believes that if students research the issue, they will have a better understanding of the dangers of eating a lot of junk food. Mayor Bloomberg wants YOUR suggestions since you deeply are involved in the problem. He hops to read all your suggestions! In this web quest you will have an opportunity to suggest public policy changes that can affect millions. Good Luck!




The Mayor has decided to hold a writing contest for students.  He is asking that kids submit a one-page minimum article about this issue and the winner will be published in the next issue of Time for Kids.  You will be researching the problem of eating too much Magazine Coverjunk food and find public policies to counter this terrible tragedy. Because the mayor knows that students at P.S. 161 are amazing writers, he has specifically asked that our 5th graders participate in the contest.  Your one page minimum article must include all the steps from the Public Policy Analyst. This will be described in the “process” section of the web quest.


Process   What junk food can do!


You will work in a group of three students to research this problem, find out what has already been done to solve it, and figure out other possible public policy solutions.  Your solutions should include what kids, parents, schools, and communities should do to help kids find healthier snack options so they can be healthier kids.  You will follow six steps of the PPA as you research.  Click on each link below to find out about each step.  Each of the six steps of the “Public Policy Analyst” has a worksheet. You will complete each worksheet using the Internet links listed in the “resource” section of the web quest. You will use these worksheets as a basis and outline for your one page letter. All six steps must be included in the persuasive letter. Focus on step # 5 and step # 6. You will actually become a public policy analyst!


Here are the links to the steps and the worksheets. Click on them and begin completing all the questions. 


Step 1- What is the problem? (Worksheet)


Step 2- Where is the evidence? (Worksheet)


Step 3- What are the causes? (Worksheet)


Step 4- What policies are already trying to take care of this problem? (Worksheet)


Step 5- What should be done to solve this problem? (Worksheet)


Step 6- What is the best solution? (Worksheet)


After you gather the information, you can use the worksheets as an outline for your article.  You will each write your own individual one-page articles.  Again, your article should have information from all of the six steps and worksheets.  Make your article stand out to the Mayor by including lots of strong evidence to support your ideas, writing with voice, and presenting your ideas in a creative way. You may want to use charts, graphs and pictures to highlight you findings. Let’s put a stop to junk food eating in PS 161 now!




Use the links below to help you research each step.  Make sure you back up your ideas with facts from the websites in your article.

You will use these links to complete all the worksheet information.

·       What is Junk Food?

·       “When Being Overweight is a Problem”

·       “Obesity and the Schools”

·       “Child Obesity Picture Grim Among New York City Poor”

·       Being Overweight and Having Asthma

·       “Schools Cut Down on Fat and Sweets in Menus”

·       “New school rules help, but kids must learn to choose good foods”

·       The Food Pyramid for Kids

·       “5 Tips for Eating Smarter”

·       Tips for Families

General Search Web Sites

·        Google

·        Yahooligans


Evaluation     New York City Hall

Your article will be assessed by Mayor Bloomberg using the rubric below.  Remember, the solutions you propose should include what kids, parents, schools, and communities should do to help kids find healthier snack options.  The strongest and most creative article that receives a level 4 will win the contest and be published in Time for Kids.



  • Student’s writing is clear, focused, and has exceptionally strong voice.
  • The article is presented in a creative way that stands out among the rest.
  • The article has a catchy title.
  • All six steps are reflected in the article. (The problem, evidence, causes, current attempts at solving the problem, new solutions, and the best solution.)
  • Possible solutions include what kids, parents, schools, and communities should do.
  • Correct grammar and punctuation are used throughout the article.
  • Writing is organized into paragraphs.


  • Student’s writing is clear, focused, and has some voice.
  • The article has a catchy title.
  • Five of the six steps are reflected in the article.
  • Possible solutions include what three of the four groups should do.
  • Correct grammar and punctuation are used throughout most of the article.
  • Writing is generally organized into paragraphs.


  • Student’s writing is somewhat clear and focused.
  • The article has a title.
  • Four of the six steps are reflected in the article.
  • Possible solutions include what only two of the four groups should do.
  • Correct grammar and punctuation are used throughout some of the article.
  • Writing is somewhat organized.


  • Student’s writing is not clear or focused.
  • The article has no title.
  • Less than four of the six steps are reflected in the article.
  • Possible solutions only reflect what one group should do.
  • There are many grammar and punctuation errors.
  • Writing is not organized.




Congratulations!  Your writing will have a chance to be featured in Time for Kids if you impress Mayor Bloomberg.  More importantly, you have practiced researching an important issue that affects your and your community.  Now you have the skills to look at future problems as a public policy analyst and find strong solutions.  Even if your article doesn’t get chosen, go out there and make your community a healthier place!  Let’s hope you made a difference. Let’s hope you stopped junk food eating which has led to childhood diabetes and other major illnesses that plague American youth and ADULTS. You have learned much from this web quest.  Let’s hope you keep making a difference..

Thanks for your participation!



New York State Learning Standards Addressed

English Standards

  • English E1 – Read and comprehend informational materials
  • English E2- Produce a persuasive and reflective essay
  • English E3 – Participate in group meetings
  • English E4 – Analyze and subsequently revise work to improve its clarity and effectiveness
  • English E7 – Produce functional documents appropriate to audience and purpose



Social Studies Standards

Standard 5 – Civics and Government

Students will…

  • evaluate, take, and defend positions on what the fundamental values and principles of American political life are and their importance to the maintenance of constitutional democracy (Adapted from The National Standards for Civics and Government, 1994)
  • take, defend, and evaluate positions about attitudes that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in public affairs
  • consider the need to respect the rights of others, to respect others’ points of view (Adapted from The National Standards for Civics and Government, 1996)
  • participate in school/classroom/ community activities that focus on an issue or problem
  • prepare a plan of action that defines an issue or problem, suggests alternative solutions or courses of action, evaluates the consequences for each alternative solution or course of action, prioritizes the solutions based on established criteria, and proposes an action plan to address the issue or to resolve the problem



Junk Food Image-



Mayor Bloomberg Image-



Time for Kids Cover Image-



Students Image-http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.uel.ac.uk/employabilityworks/images/StudentsN280percentsmaller.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.uel.ac.uk/employabilityworks/Previous_EWorks.htm&h=333&w=386&sz=30&hl=en&start=9&usg=__te8TJe8L3kRuchv-zEsg1YhDvbQ=&tbnid=8zsIfzct89g-sM:&tbnh=106&tbnw=123&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dthree%2Bstudents%2Bcartoon%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive


Thumbs Up Image-
