Mr. Donner




M.S. 326—Literacy Arts Academy




The Declaration of Independence was a document, whose purpose was to cut ties with Britain’s King George III and British rule and to express a new way of free life for every American.  The specific line from the Declaration of Independence reads We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  Did this new government really mean to include everyone? Who was left out?  Why were they left out? How would you feel if you were fought in the American Revolution, risked your life for freedom and did not gain the civil liberties of other Americans?


Because there are certain people that were left out of the Declaration of Independence there is a danger that you, or someone you know may face a similar fate.  You and your friends are worried about something happening to you if you are not in the “protected group.”  This also makes you and your friends a little upset because you believe that you feel as though you deserve to share in the benefits of “the protected group.”  In fact, the struggle to fully enforce the ideals of the Declaration of Independence that began in 1776 continues to this very day.


You have an important task ahead of you. You must figure out why, the ideals stated in the Declaration of Independence, did not apply to all American citizens. Your findings may have n important impact on America today. Many are still trying to solve these very questions…Good Luck in completing this web quest. You can make a difference!



You and your group are to create a report that identifies those people who were not originally protected under the Declaration of independence. Secondly, you will figure out why these people were not included. Thirdly you will create changes to the Declaration or unique laws that include these people.  You must also create a poster board demonstrating your findings and present it in front of the class.

To save true democracy in America, you have to create a REPORT that includes:

·        Why the Public Policy stated in Declaration did not include specific groups of people. You will investigate problems that this exclusion created, and you will make recommendations regarding how this policy could have been be changed or and recommend alternative public policy solutions. You will accomplish this task by using the “PUBLIC POLICY ANALYST”

o   Go to the Public Policy Analyst (PPA) website and use the worksheets to develop the information for your report. (you can access these worksheets in the process area as well)

o   The report must be 5 paragraphs.

§  Paragraph 1 = Introductory

§  Paragraph 2 = 3 Reasons why the certain groups were not included.

§  Paragraph 3 = 3 problems that this created.

§  Paragraph 4 = 3 Recommendations on how to change this law/or a new way(s) to solve the problem altogether.

§  Paragraph 5 = Conclusion—Summarize the essay and also state which one of the 3 recommendations in paragraph 4 your group chose and why.

o   The report must be typed using Microsoft Word.

·        A POSTER or picture summarizing the issue. (Click to see a sample)

o   The sample poster board is that of a science fair exhibit—this of course Social Studies, so note the following changes going counter-clockwise starting at the project title.

§  The Project title should be the same as this web quest and then the group member’s names.

§  The “Problem/Purpose” section is the topic of this web quest.

§  Instead of the Hypothesis section, this section will be “The Reasons Certain People Were Excluded from the Declaration of Independence.

§  Eliminate the procedure section.

§  “Science Fair Board Layout” (bottom-middle) will be the recommendation that your group chose and why.

§  Eliminate the “Recommendations section.”

§  The “Conclusions section” states the 3 recommendations that your group came up with.

§  The “Results section” states the 3 effects that the exclusion of certain people had on society.

§  The middle “graphics and data” section, find an appropriate picture or graphic to enhance your poster.  Use either the last link under the resources section, or one of the search engines to find an image—IT MUST BE A RELEVANT IMAGE, something that relates to what you are doing.



                                                             The class will be divided into groups of four.

Go to the PPA (Public Policy Analyst) and complete the worksheets using the internet sources as a basis to complete the task, which is your report and poster.  There must be evidence of work that was done on all 5/6 worksheets in your final report and poster.  All the steps in the worksheet process must be included on  the poster board: Identify and define the problem, evidence of the problem, causes of the problem, 3 public policies or solutions to the problem, and an evaluation and choice of the most effective public policy or solution that your group chose.  Attach the completed worksheets to the final report: You will use these worksheets as resource material to complete your task assignments. Each step may be an outline for you poster and report.


1.     Identify and define the problem of not including certain people in the Declaration of Independence and complete the worksheet:



2.       Gather evidence of the problems that excluding certain groups of people caused and complete worksheet:



3.      Identify causes of not including certain groups in the Declaration of Independence using the worksheet found at the website:



4.     Create three of your own public policies that will address the social problem of excluding certain groups from the Declaration’s protection.  Use the worksheets found at:

http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/plegal/TIPS/worksheet4.html and http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/plegal/TIPS/solutions.html


5.     Finally, evaluate the effectiveness of your public policy solutions and select the best solution to solve the problem of  excluding certain groups from the Declaration’s protection by using the worksheet found at the website:





Public Policy Analyst (PPA) Website




Search Engines








1.     Lack of Rights for Women, Ethnic and Racial Groups under the original Constitution (Resources through Project LEGAL)

2.     Overview of the Declaration of Independence

3.     Not Very Equal  (Very hard read—difficult vocabulary)

4.     History of Women’s Rights in the United States

5.     The Slavery Clause

6.     5 facts about the Declaration of Independence—check out #2

7.     Declaration of Independence--broken down for kids





Upon completion of your report, each group will be graded based upon:

A)  The amount of information gathered

B)   The quality of the information gathered and

C)   How well the report was presented in the poster and the written report, pictures and graphs.










Writing shows in depth understanding of the social problem

Shows understanding through explicit references to the social problem

Shows understanding through implicit references to the social problem


Clear, elaborate sentence structure; gives background, analysis, and persuasive evidence for new policy

Writing varies length of sentences; gives some background, analysis, and partly persuades with some evidence

Writing uses basic sentence structure; news story gives little or no background or analysis, and does not support new policy






There is strong evidence that all group members participated equally

There is some evidence that all group members participated equally

There is little or no evidence that all group members participated equally

Visual Piece

Poster or Picture is appealing; images represent the themes in the report

Poster or Picture captures the social issue but is not as relevant as category 3

Poster or Picture does not capture the social problem or the themes of the report





From this web quest you should have learned the reasons why the Declaration of Independence did not include certain groups of people and the effects exclusion on 18th & 19th American society. You have also proposed public policy solutions to this problem.  By completing this web quest, you have actually become an historian and a public policy analyst. These highly educated people are crucial to a maintaining a democratic society. They study the past to find lessons that can be applied to social problems always present in our contemporary society. America is always faced with “the left out”. It is the goal of every truly democratic society to “bring in” those who deserve. We learned this lesson from history. Thanks for your participation in this web quest. Let’s hope you made a difference.



ELA Standards



Read and comprehend informational materials.


Produce a report of information.


Participate in group meetings.


Demonstrate an understanding of the rules of the English language in written and oral work.


Analyze and subsequently revise work to improve its clarity and effectiveness.


Respond to non-fiction, fiction, poetry, and drama using interpretive and critical processes.


Social Studies Standards

Social Studies Standards

Students will:


Standard 1
Key Ideas
1  2  3  4
Alternate Assessment for Students with Severe Disabilities

History of the United States and New York

use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York.

Standard 2
Key Ideas
1  2  3  4
Alternate Assessment for Students with Severe Disabilities

World History

use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.

Standard 3
Key Ideas
1  2
Alternate Assessment for Students with Severe Disabilities


use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live—local, national, and global—including the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earth’s surface.

Standard 4
Key Ideas
1  2
Alternate Assessment for Student with Severe Disabilities


use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of how the United States and other societies develop economic systems and associated institutions to allocate scarce resources, how major decision-making units function in the U.S. and other national economies, and how an economy solves the scarcity problem through market and nonmarket mechanisms.

Standard 5
Key Ideas
1  2  3  4
Alternate Assessment for Students with Severe Disabilities

Civics, Citizenship, and Government

use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the U.S. and other nations; the U.S. Constitution; the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.

