Worksheet6: Selecting the best public policy solution

Date: September 17, 2003 Group Members: John Smith, Jane Doe, and Joe Shmoe


Your problem (phrase):


Asthma in the Bronx.


List the three public policy alternatives from Worksheet5. Create a short word or abbreviation to summarize each policy and write it at the end of each policy (see example).


  1. Re-locate industry from the Bronx to another area of New York City. (Move industry)
  2. Mandate that there must be a week-long program, in health class on asthma education in all Bronx schools (elementary, middle, high schools). (Education)
  3. Purchase and distribute thousands of pieces of medical equipment valuing $500,000,000 including spacers, nebulizers, peak flow meters and bed covers to prevent exposure to dust mites. (Medical supplies)







Use the format in the example to complete the matrix below:






















Move Industry






Medical Supplies








Discuss the reasons for your decisions in the matrix.


Moving industry out of the Bronx would be highly effective in reducing industrial pollution; however it is not very feasible to move factories and industries to another part of New York City.

Increasing education in all health classes would be highly feasible since children already are taught health education in school. It would be somewhat effective at reducing the problem since it is unlikely that they are learning about asthma prevention at home.

Purchasing and distributing medical supplies would be highly effective at reducing asthma because people would be equipped with supplies to reduce their exposure to harmful allergens. This policy has low feasibility because medical supplies would be very expensive to purchase.


Discuss why your group prefers one alternative over the other two alternatives.

We believe that increasing asthma education in all Bronx public schools will have the most widespread effect on reducing asthma in the Bronx since it is not too expensive to implement but will reach many people.

