NAME:          John Smith and Sally Jones



State your problem (from #4 in Worksheet 1)


Bullying in Jefferson Elementary School




1.      What is one of the main current policies to solve the problem?


Bullying has been combined with the policy against fighting.  Punishments differ according to repeat offenses and the type of situation.  The first offense involves a warning from the principal.  After the second offense, the principal contacts the parents by phone.  A third offense requires a meeting with the parents and may result in a one day suspension.





2.      Is the policy in #1 being enforced?  Explain


Some teachers ignore bullying especially if fighting does not take place.  Others only give the bully student a warning and do not report it to the principal





3.      Is the policy in #1 strong enough?  Explain


No.  Bullying is not treated as seriously as fighting.  Fighting results in an immediate punishment such as suspension.  Often nothing ever seems to happen at our school to bullies.





4.      What are the advantages of the policy?


At least the school finally has a policy about bullying.  Sometimes it will stop the behavior if the parents have to meet with the principal.





5.      What are the disadvantages of the policy?


It is not strong enough and teachers do not always enforce it. 





6.         Based on your answers to the prior questions above, how can the existing policy be improved?


There needs to be a new policy that defines bullying. It should contain appropriate punishments for each violation and provide a clear message that bullying will not be tolerated at Jefferson.