Worksheet2:  Gathering evidence of the problem


Date:                                                      Group Members:


Your problem (phrase):


Lack of safety and basic government services after the fall of Rome.



Present evidence that a problem exists.  Be as specific as possible and cite at three sources of data:


According to Professor Lynn Harry Nelson,

There was no set of common laws, weights and measures, currency, civil service, and the like. The Roman system of roads and bridges was falling apart, the Roman canals were caving in, and transportation and communication were constantly becoming more difficult.


Below are some examples of the invasions following the fall of Rome until the middle of the 9th century:

·         Danish king, Cochilaicus, raids Western Europe (515 A.D.)

·         Byzantium generals conquer the Ostrogoth kingdom in Italy (536-562 A.D.)

·         Justinian of Byzantium conquers southern Spain (554 A.D.)

·         First Viking raids on the east coast of England (793-795 A.D.)

·         First Viking raids into the Frankish kingdom (799 A.D.)  

·         Northmen invade Germany (800 A.D.)

·         Viking raids into Frisia begin (810 A.D.)

·         Danish Vikings begin a series of attacks on England (835 A.D.)

·         Viking attacks on the Carolingian empire (840 A.D.)
