

The challenges to the power of the Roman Catholic Church (1400—1650)

                Belief Systems, Conflict, Change, Nationalism


                General (all subheadings):

Catholic Encyclopedia Website Article about King Henry The Eighth of England (1491-1547).  Describes the rivalries between European monarchs and Henry VIII's struggles with the Catholic Church and the Pope and his eventual break with the church and establishment of his own church, the Church of England, with King Henry VIII as its head.


Wars of Religion, Parts I and II:  Poulet Gauche Web pages describing in detail 16th Century religious wars between the French Catholics, supported by their Kings, against the Protestants (Huguenots).  Includes map of French territorial divisions by religion.



                Belief Systems, Conflict, Change:


Galileo Project - Website about Galileo's Life (1564-1642) and Scientific Work.  Also contains searchable database of 600 persons from 16th and 17th Centuries who made significant contributions to Western science:



History of Astronomy, from the MacArchive Math Tutor of the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, including discussion of 16th Century sun-centered theory of Copernicus and 17th Century development of this theory by Galileo, which challenged the previously established theory as set forth by Ptolemy (AD 85-165):



Early Modern (European) History Web pages from the Virtual History Library.  Click on "Reformation/Counterreformation" for links to collections and information on Martin Luther, John Calvin, and other Protestant and Catholic church reformers, as well as Spanish documents from the 1500's:




© Project LEGAL, Inc.

Syracuse, NY

August, 2002