

The problems for traditional authority posed by the scientific revolution (1450—1770)

                Science and Technology, Change



Internet Modern History Sourcebook:  Fordham Medieval Legal History - from the Fordham University Internet Medieval Sourcebook, part of the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies  Website with information and links about topics such as Aristotle’s theories, Astronomy in the 16th Century, Galileo, and the Scientific Attitude:



The History Guide (excellent, non-commercial site) by Professor Steven Kreis, Lecture 6:  The Scientific Revolution (1543-1642):


“Catalog of the Scientific Community in the 16th and 17th Centuries”-- information searchable by name, scientific field, etc., on Rice University website; also includes timeline of Galileo’s life:


University website on the history of mathematics:

- the period C.E. (A.D.) 1500-1599, includes biographical information about the most famous "Renaissance Man"--Leonardo DaVinci, and others such as philosopher/ mathematician Rene Descartes, and those who helped evolve the modern calendar and mathematical fields such as algebra.

- the period C.E. 1600-1699 includes information about Sir Isaac Newton and others who advanced the fields of calculus, algebra and geometry, and

- the period C.E. 1700-1799 includes information on mathematicians whose work also advanced the fields of  astronomy and logic .





© Project LEGAL, Inc.

Syracuse, NY

August, 2003