Inappropriate Language: Saying the Right Thing!


Webquest Created by Helena Osinloye-Renrick & Anjinette Piccirella




When you walk down the hallways in Lincoln High School, you cannot help but hear the cursing, derogatory terms and other hurtful words being hurled from one student to another. Is there another way that we can  communicate the same feelings without using such harsh words? Should the school be more strict with those students who consistently use offensive language towards their peers and adults in the building? Using the Public Policy Analysis (PPA) model, a team of students will develop solutions to solve this epidemic in our school.





Your high school principal has enlisted your team to come up with three strategies that can be implemented to reduce the amount of inappropriate language being used. Your group will gather information as to why students use appropriate language before you can develop the strategies.




Process: How will you accomplish this task?




A) The following is the six steps of the Public Policy Analysis process:


1.    Define the Problem (Worksheet)


2.   Gather the Evidence (Worksheet)


3.   Determine the Causes (Worksheet)


4.   Examine an Existing Policy (Worksheet)


5.   Develop Solutions (Worksheet)


6.   Select the Best Solutions (Worksheet)





B)  Using the steps listed above, your group will research the topic of inappropriate language usage by completing each of the worksheets. The worksheets serve as a guide to keep your group on track as well as recording important information for each section. The worksheets will be submitted as part of the final presentation.


C)  The following roles need to be assigned in each team:

·        Chairman- sets group goals and ensures the goals are met by keeping track of time

·        Recorder- types up any necessary materials for the final project

·        Reporter- speaker for group if there is a problem, concern or question in the group

·        Researcher(s)- sort through websites provided to find information necessary for successful completion of the project


*** Each group member is responsible for contributing equally ***


D) After all of the research and worksheets are completed, your group is responsible for submitting a final project. The project can be in the form of a poster, brochure, skit (manuscript provided) or PowerPoint. Your final presentation will be evaluated by a panel of judges including teachers from various disciplines. They will evaluate your presentation on the rubric provided below.





Below are links from the internet on the topic of inappropriate language. This is not a comprehensive list of all the websites available but it is a place for your group to start. Each group should use at least 3 websites below for their project. If any other websites are found, please see a teacher to verify if it is an appropriate site to use.


Duct Tape, School Bus Fights and Inappropriate Language: Teachers Need Training, Too


Coach Admit Inappropriate Language, and Hopes to Move on


Books that were Censored/Banned because of Inappropriate Language

Curbing Bad Language


Students Face School Disciple for Inappropriate Language Use on MySpace


Suspicious Speech


Out of the Mouth of Babes . . .  Foul Language?


Cursing is Costly at Two High Schools


Foul language proves bad for box office, study finds


Johnson School Bans Books, Hunts for More


Say what? Profanity has become part of many teens' everyday language





Written Project Rubric








Data and evidence

The problem has been researched and PPA worksheets were completed

The problem has been researched and some PPA worksheets were completed.

The problem has been researched partially and some PPA worksheets were completed.

The data and evidence gathering was not completed


Causes and Existing policy

Causes and existing policy were identified and properly written

Causes were identified and existing policy was not properly written

Causes were not identified completely and existing policy was identified

This part was not completed


Policy effective and feasible

Policy is effective and feasible and well written

Policy is effective but not totally feasible

Policy is somewhat feasible and somewhat effective

Policy is not feasible



Total scores are as follows:

A- (10-12 points)

B- (8-10 points)

C- (6-8 points)

Less than 6, the group needs to redo the project


Oral Presentation Rubric









Everyone in the group presents

Everyone in the group presents.

1-2 people in the group present.

Only one person presents


Eye Contact

Excellent eye contact

Most people maintain decent eye contact

Eye contact half of the time

Little eye contact



Clear and loud speech

Volume and clarity of speech is sufficient

Can understand most of the time.

Difficult to understand and hear.


Visual Aids

Creative use of visual aids

Visual aids used appropriately

Some use of the visual aids, may be in appropriate.

No or minimal use of visual aids.



Total scores are as follows:


A- (10-12 points)


B- (8-10 points)


C- (6-8 points)


Less than 6, the group needs to evaluate and re-present the project.





Congratulations on accepting this challenge. The faculty and administration appreciate your time and dedication regarding this issue. Your role as Public Policy Analysts will positively affect the climate and student behavior of the school. We hope that you will share your finding with others so that people can be more aware of this common issue.





Learning Standards for Mathematics, Science and Technology


Standard II: Students will access, generate, process and transfer information using appropriate technologies.


Learning Standards for English/Language Arts


Standard I: Students will read, write, listen and speak for information and understanding.


Learning Standards for Social Studies


Standard V: Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity of civic values and the roles, rights and responsibilities of citizenship.