I have the right to clean air!

A Webquest by Sunitha Howard, Emerson Middle School



Dr. Virgina Slims, a professor at Syracuse University has just come out with an article in the Journal News. Her article states that second-hand smoking does not exist. She explains in her article that it was just an idea made up by non-smokers who hate the smell of cigarette smoke. She states that smoking in public places should be allowed, including schools such as Emerson Middle school. Her article also states that smoking only hurts the smoker and NO ONE else. According to her article, we are denying smokers their rights by not allowing them to smoke. Mayor Amicone, after reading Dr. Slim’s article, is strongly considering whether to allow Yonkers residents to smoke any where they want.

You have been chosen, as part of the Medical Magnet at Emerson, to evaluate Dr. Slim’s article and help Mayor Amicone make his decision.

Mayor Amicone has agreed to meet with the Medical Magnet students from Emerson Middle school before he makes his final decision.

I wish you luck as you embark on your journey. All of us non-smokers are depending on YOU!


Your task, in groups of 3-4, is to create a Powerpoint with 15-20 slides that explains exactly why Mayor Amicone should not allow smoking in public places.

Please use all the resources that are available to create a thorough and persuasive Powerpoint.

You will use the PPA steps to help you in your quest.



Here’s what you will do:

1.  You will work in cooperative groups of 3-4:

2.   Each of you will have a specific task: one member will research asthma, another will research the ill effects of second hand smoking, another member will research the correlation between cigarette smoke and asthma, and another member will gather all the pertinent statistics

3.   All six worksheets must be completed and handed in, in order to be approved to complete the Power point presentation

4.   The information will be presented in an organized and relevant manner in a Power point Presentation of approximately 15-20 slides using the steps shown below. Each step of the PPA MUST BE IN THE POWER POINT.


Step 1: Define the Problem   Worksheet: http://www2.maxwell.syr.edu/plegal/TIPS/worksheet1.doc

Step 2: Gather the Evidence Worksheet: http://www2.maxwell.syr.edu/plegal/TIPS/worksheet2.doc

Step 3: Identify the Causes  Worksheet: http://www2.maxwell.syr.edu/plegal/TIPS/worksheet3.doc

Step 4: Evaluate a Policy   Worksheet: http://www2.maxwell.syr.edu/plegal/TIPS/worksheet4.doc

Step 5: Develop Solutions   Worksheet:http://www2.maxwell.syr.edu/plegal/TIPS/worksheet5.doc

Step 6: Select the Best Solution   Worksheet: http://www2.maxwell.syr.edu/plegal/TIPS/worksheet6.doc





























Surgeon General’s Warning about Children and Secondhand Smoke


Secondhand Smoke Exposure in the Home


Protecting Yourself and your loved ones from Secondhand Smoke


Promoting Smoke-Free Homes and Cars for Children


Facts on Secondhand Smoke


Search Engine












Gathering Information:


Problem is identified and researched thoroughly.  All steps of the PPA are addressed and the handouts are complete.    

Problem is identified and researched.

All six steps of the PPA are addressed.  Most worksheets are completed correctly. 

Problem is identified and partially researched.  Some of the worksheets are incomplete.


All of the required topics are addressed thoroughly in the Powerpoint.  Content is accurate and ideas are supported well by research. 

All of the required topics are addressed in the Powerpoint, however, some topics could have been researched more thoroughly.  Content is accurate.

All of the topics are not addressed in the Powerpoint.

More than two topics are not covered in enough detail.

Content is inaccurate.

Oral Presentation

  Students speak clearly and address the question completely.

The presentation is unclear at times.  The question is answered completely.

The flow of the presentation is unclear.

Questions are not answered completely.

Total Score = _________


A= Total Score 7-9

B= Total Score 5-7

C=Total Score 3-5

F= Total Score <3



You did it! You researched secondhand smoking and how correlates to asthma, especially in young children. You have also informed others about the relationship between asthma and secondhand smoke. By using the Public Policy Steps, you have seen how Public Policy Analysts can play a vital role in improving the lives of others. Great Job Analysts!! What’s the next problem you want to tackle using the Public Policy Analyst Steps? Think about it!

Thanks for your participation. With your persuasive Powerpoint, let’s hope Mayor Amicone does the right thing and keeps the ban on smoking in public places.



Standard 1: Analysis Inquiry, and Design

Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers and develop solutions

Standard 2: Information Systems

Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using the appropriate technologies

Standard 5: Technology

Students will apply technological knowledge and skills to design, construct, use, and evaluate products and systems to satisfy human and environmental needs

Standard 7: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving

Students will apply knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address real-life problems and make informed decisions