Domestic Violence and Immigrants

By: Evelina Medina



Coming to a new country can be very difficult. New immigrants often face hardship when they arrive to their new home. Frequently, they miss their family, friends, and old life. In addition, Immigrants may not know the language, customs, the law and services that are available to them. This is specially a concern for immigrants that are facing Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence is physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse between intimate partners. It can involve threats, pushing, punching, choking, sexual assault, shouting, name calling, threatening to harm children and other violent acts. There is usually a power struggle and one person tries to dominate the other. Immigrant victims of domestic violence have the right to feel safe in their own homes. There are crisis centers available to help victims and they will not contact the immigration and Naturalization Service.



Your assignment is to analyze the existing policies available for domestic violence and immigrants. You will need to research the current causes for immigrants staying quiet and not seeking help. You are a community liaison

in New York and your goal is to make sure that every immigrant is aware of their civil rights. Don’t forget to review the existing policies and don’t be afraid to suggest changes and new solutions to your community leaders. You will be working in groups to present a two page essay on your findings and possible solutions. You also need to prepare an oral presentation on your research.  Come up with a proposal to create a crisis center for immigrants.

For all parts of this assignment you will use the six-step public policy approach in order to:

·        Define the problem

·        Gather evidence

·        Identify Causes

·        Evaluate a Policy

·        Develop a solution

·        Select the best policy



·        You will be assigned to work in groups of five people.

·        You will use the worksheets described on the Public Policy analyst to record your research. These worksheets can be assessed by selecting the hyperlinks above. You need to use these worksheets to complete your project.

·        Research the sources listed below to explore facts about domestic violence and formulate a possible solution.

·        After you complete the six worksheets begin writing your essay.

·        Submit your essay along with the completed worksheets.

·        Prepare with your partners for your oral presentation. Each team member will have five minutes to speak.




Domestic violence research

Family violence

Immigration and violence against women center





These are the guidelines in how you will be graded

·        Essays should be a minimum of 2 pages

·        Essays should be typed

·        The font used for the essay should be no larger than 14 and double spaced

·        A work cited sheet as well as an outline should be included

The following rubric will be used to grade this webquest project:

Writing piece



Proficient (4)

Advanced (3)

Intermediate (2)

Beginner (1)

Idea Development

·         My ideas are clear with many details that explained my topic

·         I completed all parts of the task

·         My ideas are clear with some details that explained my topic

·         I completed most of the task

·         My ideas are supported by a few details which explains my topic

·         I only completed a few  parts of the task

·         I need details and examples to support my topic

·         I did not complete the task.

·         I wrote about another topic


·         My ideas are organized well and make sense.

·         I used paragraphs correctly to show a change of in ideas, time or place.

·         My conclusion ties my ideas together.

·         Most of my ideas are organized and make sense.

·         I used paragraphing to organize my ideas and most of my details are in the appropriate place.

·         I have a clear conclusion.

·         I need to change the order of some of my ideas to make better sense.

·         I tried to use paragraphs to organize my ideas but I am not sure when to start a new one.

·         My writing has a conclusion but it needs to be developed.

·         I need to put my ideas in order in a way that makes sense.

·         I need paragraphs.

·         I need a conclusion.

Language use

·         I used strong descriptive words to make my writing interesting.


·         I used some descriptive words that made my writing interesting.

·         I used a few descriptive words that made my writing interesting.

·         I forgot to use descriptive words in my writing.

Mechanics and Spelling

·         All of my sentences begin with a capital letter and end with the appropriate punctuation.

·         I spelled every word correctly.

·         All of my sentences are complete.

·         Most of my sentences begin with a capital letter and end with the appropriate punctuation.

·         I spelled most words correctly.

·         Most of my sentences are complete.

·         Some of my sentences begin with a capital letter and end with the appropriate punctuation.

·         I spelled some words correctly.

·         Some of my sentences are complete.

·         Only a few sentences begin with capital letters and end with the correct punctuation.

·         My spelling makes it difficult for the reader to understand my writing.

·         My sentences are complete thoughts.


Speaking rubric for oral presentation

Proficient (4)

Advance (3)

Intermediate (2)

Beginner (1)

The Student’s response :

·         Is coherent

·         Is fluent

·         Provides appropriate and specific details and/or examples

·         Shows well-developed vocabulary resources

·         Can find the right words



The student’s response;

·         Develops in  somewhat coherent way

·         Is somewhat fluent

·         Provides some appropriate and specific details and/or examples

·         Displays a basic but not wide or extensive vocabulary

·         Cannot find the right words quickly


The student’s response:

·         Presents limited ideas

·         Has difficulties expressing complete ideas without prompting

·         Provides few, if any, details or examples

·         Shows a very limited range of vocabulary

·         Often cannot find the right word




The student’s response:

·         Presents few ideas

·         Is not coherent as the English language



 Domestic violence is a growing problem in our communities. You have explored and examine policies and possible solutions to help stop this crime.

Students engaged in the following standards

New York Learning Standards for English as a Second Language

Standards used for this unit are 1,3,4,5


Standard 1: Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for information and understand.


Standard 3: Students will listen, speak, read and write in English for critical analysis and evaluation.

Standard 4: Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for classroom and social interaction.


Standard 5:  Students will demonstrate cross- cultural knowledge and understand