Eating Disorders IN Teenage Females

Jenna Sigismondo

Harry S Truman High School




          Eating disorders have been a leading social problem amongst female teenagers. A negative body image may result from various factors including but not limited to anxiety disorders, depression, substance abuse, low self-esteem and influences by cultural/media images that favor bodies too underweight to be healthy. 




Your team will produce a campaign to raise awareness within the community of the health risks of eating disorders and propose effective solutions to alleviate the problem. Your campaign will include a brochure that can be distributed to the community and to students in school. It will also include a power-point presentation that will be presented in front of the class with a minimum of seven slides/seven minute presentation. All six worksheets that are part of the PPA process must also be turned in with your brochure on the day of your presentation. A guide to following an understanding the PPA can be found below.



1.    Meeting in groups of four you will gather data from the websites listed below and additional websites if necessary. You will review the data provided to describe the current conditions amongst female teenagers as well as projections for future problems if a solution is not identified. You will also review the articles listed below and attempt to come up with solutions to alleviate this growing problem. Your group’s focus should also be directed toward the role of the media in both causing the problem and playing a role in its solution.

·       Group Leader- A group leader is the person who will organize the group and coordinate the group’s effort. The leader also assists all other members in completing their tasks.


·       Recorder/Secretary- Is the person who will write the results of the researcher in a format that can be presented. The recorder keeps all research materials for the group’s use.


·       Researchers- Students who will look at the websites and present the data for the groups as a whole to analyze. Everyone in the group should contribute to the research process.


·       Presenter- The presenter will describe the group’s findings to the class as a whole. The presenter must also work with the whole group in developing a format for the presentation, which must be a PowerPoint. All members of the group will aid in the presentation process.


Use the Public Policy Analyst to assist you in researching for your presentation.

1.           Define the problem

2.           Gather evidence

3.           Identify causes

4.           Evaluate a policy

5.           Develop solutions

6.         Select the best solution(s) and Worksheet #6



You will be graded utilizing the following rubrics below:


Brochure Rubric



These are just examples and are not intended to limit your group to just these resources.



·        Symptoms of an Eating Disorders|Eating Disorder Symptoms ...

·        Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center

·        Medline plus-  from the National Institutes of Health

·        Academy for Eating Disorders
















S5e - Identifies problems; proposes and implants solutions; and evaluates the accuracy, design and outcomes of investigations.

S5f - Works individually and in teams to collect and share information and ideas.

S6b - Records and stores data using a variety of formats

S6d - Acquires information from multiple sources.

S7a - Represents data and results in multiple ways

S7b - Argues from evidence



At the end of this web-quest students should have a much clearer handle on eating disorders and the effects of the media on female teenagers. They will also recognize the symptoms and continuing problems with eating disorders and attempt to arrive at a solution to remedy these problems.