Webquest By:

Kimberly Michels

School Without Walls

Snapshots in Time



Art as a Political Statement 





Your friend was just were watching TV and saw a commercial for the US Army that reminded her of a video game that she plays everyday.  It made her start to think about joining the military after she is done at School Without Walls because she doesn’t have a clue right now what to do, and hey, the Army looks like fun! 


Check out the video…





She called you up and told you her newest idea for what she will do after high school.  You pointed out this out:  “Did you think about what happens when you are actually in the military and perhaps sent to Iraq?”  Well, she didn’t…it just looked like a movie or something…


Here are some images to think about…









Then, you started to think about the war art that you learned about in your Snapshots in Time class.  You started to remember some of the following:


1.  Pablo Picasso’s Guernica

Check out this website (http://www.pbs.org/treasuresoftheworld/a_nav/guernica_nav/main_guerfrm.html)

to find out more information about Guernica.



2.     Otto Dix’s War Triptych.  Look at this website for more information:  http://www.art-ww1.com/gb/texte/099text.html






You and your partner will complete a short paper on the art of the current Iraq War and create a piece of artwork.


1.  Complete a written paper (3-5 pages) answering the following:

§  Is the art of the current Iraq War one-sided?

§  Should the art of the current Iraq War be a political statement?  Or should it be a reflective and humanitarian statement?  Can it be both?

§  How can this be achieved? 


2.  You have a choice of two art activities:

§  Create a storyboard for a commercial for the armed services that is balanced in its message. 


§  Create a mural or triptych depicting either the patriotism or horrors of the current Iraq War (or you can incorporate both).  You may use pastels, paint, or colored pencils as your medium.




1.                    You will complete the following in pairs:  (When you go to the link, click on worksheet)  This is the public policy analysis.  You need to complete each sheet in order to complete your paper. 

Define the problem

Gather the evidence

Identify the cause

Examine an existing policy

Develop policy solutions

Select the best solution/policy


2.              Use the resources below to help you complete the public policy analysis.  Find your own also!


3.                 Write your paper on the current Iraq War art.  Make sure you answer the questions stated in the task!!


4.                    Create your piece of artwork.


































Both tasks will be evaluated by Kim and one other student through use of a rubric:


Writing will be evaluated by the 6+1 Traits in Writing rubric used in class.


Art will be evaluated by the usual art rubric used in class.



New York State Standards


Standard 3:  Responding to and Analyzing Works of Art
Students will respond critically to a variety of works in the arts, connecting the individual work to other works and to other aspects of human endeavor and thought.

Standard 4:  Understanding the Cultural Dimensions and Contributions of the Arts
Students will develop an understanding of the personal and cultural forces that shape artistic communication and how the arts in turn shape the diverse cultures of past and present society.

Social Studies: 

Standard 1:   History of the United States and New York                                                                                                      Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York. 

Standard 2:   World History                                                                                                                                                    Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.

Standard 5:   Civics, Citizenship, and Government                                                                                                                           Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the United States and other nations; the United States Constitution; the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.



You have created a paper and a piece of artwork expressing a view on the current Iraq War.  Do you think that your paper and artwork would convince your friend to look more into the current war before enlisting?