Helping Students Choose the Right Career




There is a problem seen in Thomas R. Proctor High School on a yearly basis, which is student uncertainty of career pathways upon graduation in June. This negatively affects the future of many students as they are unsure of the next steps in their lives. So that this does not happen to you, exploring careers before your graduation day is crucial!


Your class has been chosen to complete a career research project that will assist you in planning for your future after high school. This will be through internet exploration, recording, and reporting.




1.      Complete the 6 worksheets related to the Public Policy Analyst (PPA) steps.

2.      Students will complete the career interest inventory packet.

3.      Students will create a brochure on the career that most interests them.



All steps will be completed individually!

STEP #1:

Using the links below, complete the 6 worksheets dealing with the Public Policy Analyst


The 6 Steps of the Public Policy Analyst (PPA)


1.      Define the Problem


Read the article below to assist you in summarizing the problem.


2.      Gather the Evidence






3.      Identify the Causes





4.      Evaluate an Existing Policy






5.      Develop Solutions


·         Using your own knowledge, come up with 3 solutions for the problem stated above.


6.      Select the Best Solution  (Feasibility vs. Effectiveness)


·         Choose one solution that is the most feasible and effective. Explain why you chose this solution.

STEP #2:

Because of this problem, I have come up with one solution myself which is completing a Career Interest Inventory Worksheet so you have an idea of the careers that may be right for you.


Follow the steps on the worksheet below to visit a variety of career exploration and college websites. Doing this will assess your personality, skills, values, and interests; and match the results to a variety of careers.


Career Interest Inventory Worksheet


STEP #3:

In addition to this solution is creating a brochure on the one career that interests you most.


Now that you have spent many days exploring careers, it is time to make a brochure that will help others to decide.

Using Publisher, your brochure should include:


·         what career focus you have chosen and why

·         what classes you would like to take during high school and how the courses you have suggested would aid in preparing someone for college

·         description of the job

·         education and training requirements

·         salary expectations

·         where would you need to live

·         anything else you feel would be important for someone to know about the career (possible colleges?)

·         graphics that relate to the career




Grade 1:
6 Steps of PPA



Did you complete Worksheet #1? DEFINE THE PROBLEM

5 pts

Did you complete Worksheet #2? GATHER THE EDVIDENCE

5 pts

Did you complete Worksheet #3? IDENTIFY THE CAUSES

5 pts

Did you complete Worksheet #4? EVALUATE AN EXISTING POLICY

5 pts

Did you complete Worksheet #5? DEVELOP SOLUTIONS

5 pts

Did you complete Worksheet #6? SELECT THE BEST SOLUTION

5 pts

Total Points Earned: 

30 pts



Grade 2:
Answering and Evaluating Career Interest Inventories



Did you complete the Color Assessment?

4 pts

Did you complete the Skills Assessment?

4 pts

Did you complete the Career Interest/Careership?

4 pts

Did you complete the second Career Interest?

4 pts

Did you complete the College/Program Search

4 pts

Total Points Earned:

20 pts



Grade 3:
Brochure Explaining Your Future Career



Was your brochure well written with complete sentences?

5 pts

Did you use proper grammar and spelling?

5 pts

Did you indicate career focus and/or career choice?  Did you provide valid reasons for choosing your career?

15 pts

Did you indicate high school classes that you would need to take to prepare for your career?  Did you provide reasons
for taking such a course load?

10 pts

Did you summarize the contents of your portfolio?

10 pts

Did you use appropriate graphics?

5 pts

Total Points Earned:

50 pts






CDOS Standards

            1: Career Development: Students will be knowledgeable about the world of work, explore career

options, and relate personal skills, aptitudes, and abilities to future career decisions.


            2: Integrated Learning: Students will demonstrate how academic knowledge and skills are applied in the workplace and other settings.

            3a: Universal Foundation Skills: Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for success in the workplace.


Social Studies Standards

            4: Economics: Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of how the United States and other societies develop economic systems and associations to allocate scarce resources.


3b: Career Majors:

Students who choose a career major will acquire the career-specific technical knowledge/skills necessary to progress toward gainful employment, career advancement, and success in postsecondary programs.


            ELA & Literacy Standards

            Literature (RL), Informational Text (RI), Writing(W), Speaking and Listening (SL), Language (L)

The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (“the Standards”) are the culmination of an extended, broad-based effort to fulfill the charge issued by the states to create the next generation of K–12 standards in order to help ensure that all students are college and career ready in literacy no later than the end of high school.


            RL 4, RI 4, RI 7, W 2a, W 4, W 9b, SL 1b, SL 1c, SL 2, L 3, L 6




This assignment is a tool for the students to start to consider what they want to do after high school. It allows them to evaluate themselves and determine what their interests are and how that can play a role in their career choice. It is also a guide that they will use to find the right career as well as help others who look and read their brochures.  All the brochures will be forwarded onto the career counselors to be used at the high school level.  Maybe we can save a few of those college drop outs!