I Hate Needles!

“Do I really need to get shots before I can attend school?”



A problem in Donovan Middle School and other places in the world.





Introduction             Task               Process        Evaluation       Conclusion          Standards




A WebQuest for Biology 8

By Ms. Pamela Allen




Donovan Middle School Utica, NY 13502




Since the 1700’s when Edward Jenner discovered that milkmaids didn’t get smallpox, science has been able to progressively win battles in the war on infectious disease and effectively change the world. Your class is going to use the Public Policy Analyst to investigate the use of vaccines in public health and whether the current policy is justified or whether the risk of side effects should allow some people to be exempted.



The year is 2020 and there has been a recent outcry from the public concerning health risks associated with immunizations required to attend public schools. You are a new employee of Oneida County Health Department, and the Director of Patient Education has asked you to develop an informational piece that will inform the public about the pros and cons of ONE specific vaccine that is now required for entrance into New York State schools. You may present a poster, a brochure, photo essay or a slideshow to show your findings.





1.  You will use the 6 steps of the Public Policy Analyst (PPA) to help you solve your problem.  Use the Resources below to help you research your topic and complete the 6 worksheets of the PPA.


2.  After you have done your research, develop a Patient Education publication that will teach the public about the benefits and risks of at least 1 vaccine that is currently required in order for students to attend school.                               

                       (Helpful Tip: Read and print the evaluation before you do your publication)


3.  You will present your project to the class in an oral presentation.



Public Policy Analyst

1.   Identifying the Problem, and Worksheet #1

2.   Gathering Evidence, and Worksheet # 2

3.   Identify Causes of the problem, and Worksheet # 3

4.   Evaluate the Policy, and Worksheet #4

5.   Develop a Solution to the Problem, and Worksheet #5

6.   Selecting the Best Solution, and Worksheet #6





BBC- Edward Jenner article


12 deadly diseases cured in the 20th century


10 vaccines that changed the world


Forbes graphic shows how vaccines have changed our world


Vaccines required in NYS in order to attend school


CDC - side effects of Vaccines


Autism and vaccines







Helpful Tip: Print a copy of the rubric to use as a checklist, before you do your project. 




Congratulations! By this point you have successfully researched the history and details of a specific infectious disease and the steps way we use science and technology to combat its spread in public health. You have also determined what the risks are and if they are worth the benefit of getting that vaccine. In addition you related your research to existing and future public policy in the field of medical research and immunizations.






Common Core Writing Standards for Literacy in Science etc:

·       Text types and purposes 1a. 1b. 1c. 1d. 1e. 2 b. 2d.

·       Production and distribution of writing 6. Use  technology

·       Research to build and present knowledge 7,8,9.


Common Core Reading Standards for Literacy in Science etc.

·       Key Ideas and Details 1,2

·       Craft and Structure 7,8


MST 2- Information Systems 1.1

MST 4- LE 1.2j

MST 6- Interconnectedness 6.1

MST 7- Interdisciplinary Problem Solving 1.1, 1.2, 1.3




Picture 1 -Smallpox 2002 - Silent Weapon

 This article was published on guardian.co.uk, 6 February 2002.


 Picture 2- http://stephenornes.com/?p=308 what ever happened to smallpox?