Males in Prison

Teacher: Ms. Wilson


English 11 – Bread and Roses High School for Integrated Arts





Are any of the males in your family in prison? Did you know that currently in the United States there are more African American males in prison than there are in college? For many years, men of color have suffered many injustices in the legal system due to racial profiling. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Tom Robinson is falsely accused of rape primarily because of his race. He is sent to prison by an all white jury for this crime although it is clear to most that he is innocent. At the end of the novel, he attempts escape and is murdered while doing so. Although Harper Lee’s novel is fictional, it is largely based on the real trial of the Scottsboro Boys and although written decades ago, still highlights a major social issue that many families of color in our community still face today.



In this WebQuest, you will research the number of African American males in prison in comparison to other ethnic groups or races. Based on your findings, you will deliver a presentation in groups of 3 to the class in which you identify 3 possible reasons why this gap exists and suggest 4 possible solutions.  Then, you will select the best solution based on their potential feasibility and effectiveness. You must cite the sources of your information and explain the reasoning behind your suggested solutions thoroughly.  


Questions to consider:

·        How did this problem begin?

·        Can anything be done to lower this number?

·        Are there any policies currently in place to address this issue?

·        Does this issue affect you currently?

·        Do you think this issue will ever completely go away?



In order to conduct your research and create your presentation, you must follow the Public Policy Analyst steps for looking at this problem. Initially, you will work individually on steps 1-4 to collect your data. At step 5, your teacher will place you in groups of 3, to develop and select the best solution, develop your script and plan your presentation.

On your own:

1.     Define the Problem- How does the incarceration rate of African American males compare to that of other ethnicities in the Unites States?

2.     Gather the Evidence – Find specific statistical data that highlights your problem

3.     Identify the causes- What are the reasons/ causes of this problem? What is the root of this issue?

4.     Evaluate an Existing Policy- Research an existing policy and clearly state whether it is helping to address the problem or ineffective

5.     Develop Solutions- In order to develop a public policy solution for your social problem, it is helpful to consider multiple alternatives.

6.      Select the Best Solution (Feasibility vs. Effectiveness)- In Step 5 you listed three alternative policies and you made an initial selection of your preferred policy. Two criteria that will assist in determining the best policy are feasibility and effectiveness.



General search engines:






1.     Prison in the Cards

2.     The American Prison Nightmare

3.     Plight Deepens for Black Men, Studies Warn

4.     Mass Imprisonment and the Life Course: Race and Class Incarceration in U.S. Imprisonment

5.     Uneven Justice: State Rates of Incarceration By Race and Ethnicity

6.     Race and Incarceration in the United States

7.     Changing Direction?: State Sentencing Reforms 2004-2006

8.     Million Dollar Blocks

9.     1 in 100 U.S. Adults Behind Bars, New Study Says

10. Black Incarceration Rates Remain High, But Prison Population Drops Overall


Evaluation: Your group presentation/ Video will be evaluated using the following rubric.

Conclusion: This WebQuest will allow you and your classmates to reflect on the current prison system and the racism that exists within it.  As a result of this project, you will have the opportunity to share the information you learned and express your opinions with your classmates about how to improve public policies that affect this problem in our society. This is the goal of your presentation.



Comprehension and Collaboration

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Comprehension and Collaboration