Ozone Layer Clip ArtOzone Layer and Health Effects

Earth Science

Mr. Pagidas

Rice High School

Email: mpagidas@ricehighschool.com



You have been selected by the New York News casters association to develop a News Editorial to be submitted to our local news station.

The title of the editorial will be, “The depletion of the Ozone Layer and how has it affected the health of people.”  We have learned the multiple sicknesses that have been linked to the depletion of the ozone.  Some of the illnesses are skin cancer, breathing problems (that can include coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath).   This has affected people in all areas.  How has it affected the people in your living area, compared to the rest of the United States.



Working in groups of two (2), one as a Reporter and the other as a(n) Environmentalist. Complete a 3 to 4 page information write- up as if one of you were the News Reporter and the other the Environmentalist. The reporting should be on the health effects the ozone has caused. Educate the viewers in your news coverage area.


News Reporter is a person who reports news events and shares his/her opinions with news viewers.


Environmentalist is a person concerned with problems of the environment; especially with the effects of pollution in the earth’s atmosphere.




Present the information to educate the viewers of the news cast, about the depleted ozone and the health effects that have been caused. Use the Public Policy Analyst (PPA) steps below. The links below will also help guide you in the step process including worksheets for assistance.

* Introduce and identify the problems of Health effects the Ozone has caused

* Gather Evidence, List all sources of information and provide as much information as possible, including graphs and photos.

* Identify the causes of ozone depletion

* Evaluate an Existing Policy and discuss its success or ineffectiveness.

* Develop solutions that are effective and feasible in solving the problem of ozone health effects.

* Select the best solution and supported information.



EPA of New England Ground level Ozone Information: This site contains information about weather associated with increased risks of ozone and the effects of depleted ozone on humans, animals, and vegetation. 

Ozone and Your Health: Information on what ozone is and its affect on human health. 

Ozone Good Up High Bad Nearby: Information on what is being done, the difference between the two types of ozone, the causes, the health risks, and what one can do to help. 

Office of Air Quality: This site contains information on what ozone is and the difference between atmospheric ozone and ground level ozone. It also contains causes of smog and health risks.

Department of Environmental Conservation for New York State

PPA link (Public Policy Analyst website)




Grading Guidelines:           

  1- Oral Presentation – 40 points

  2- Research Report – 60 points



Criteria for: Oral Presentation



1   (2.5 Pts)

2  (2.5 Pts)

3  (2.5 Pts)

4 (2.5pts)



Audience cannot understand presentation because it is inaudible.

Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around.

Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow.

Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow.


Content Knowledge

Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject.

Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions.

Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate.

Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required)with explanations and elaboration.



Student used no visuals.

Student occasional used visuals that rarely support text and presentation.

Visuals related to text and presentation.

Student used visuals to reinforce screen text and presentation.









Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for students in the back of class to hear.

Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation.

Student's voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly.

Student used a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms.









Criteria – Research Report









All questions were answered completely and rationales for the answers were clearly stated.

All questions were answered completely, but rationales for the all the answers were not clearly stated.

Not all questions were answered completely, or greater than 2 rationales for the all answers were not clearly stated.

All questions were not answered completely.



All areas of the task were addressed and handled with a high degree of sophistication. The plan followed by the team demonstrated a great deal of thought.

At least one area of the task was not addressed. The plan followed by the team demonstrated a great deal of thought.

At least two areas of the task were not addressed. The plan followed by the team demonstrated a moderate level of thought.

The task is incomplete and/or it is apparent that little effort went into the development of the task.


Process: Teamwork

It is evident that a mutual effort and cohesive unit created the final product.


The team worked well together, but could have utilized each other's skills to a better degree.


The team had problems working together. Little collaboration occurred.


The final product is not the result of a collaborative effort. The group showed no evidence of collaboration.          





   Of Public



The ideas expressed by the body of work demonstrate a high degree of originality.

The ideas expressed by the body of work are mostly original. The group may have improved upon a previous idea.

The ideas expressed by the body of work demonstrate a low degree of originality.

There were no original ideas expressed in this project.


Grammar,     Format,  and Spelling

The final body of work was free of grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.

The final body of work had 1 error related to either grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.

The final body of work had 3-5 grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.

The final body of work had major grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.










Upon completion of this project, you will have an understanding of the importance of how public awareness can help implement policies to protect both the environment and well being of the general public. You will also learn the importance of team work and cooperative learning.




Read and comprehend informational materials.


Produce a report of information.


Analyze and subsequently revise work to improve its clarity and effectiveness.




Demonstrate scientific competence by completing research.


Communications in a form suited to the purpose and the audience.


Uses evidence from reliable sources to develop descriptions, explanations, and models; and makes appropriate adjustments and improvements.

Proposes, recognizes, analyzes, considers, and critiques alternative explanations; and distinguishes between fact and opinion. 

Copyright and citations information The information on this site will help you understand what you can and cannot do regarding copyright laws.

