Obesity: A Serious Children’s Health Problem


Presented by: Ms. Manuel

North Bronx School of Empowerment

Bronx, NY





The Parent Association President has selected your class to find out the causes of Obesity. Your class will make use of the public policy steps to determine the cause of the problem as well as propose a solution.



Source: http://www.nccor.org/downloads/ChildhoodObesity_020509.pdf




Your task in this Web Quest is to utilize the steps of the PPA to determine the cause of obesity and develop a proposed solution to the serious health problem of obesity among children.


Each group will develop a Power Point/Prezi Presentation demonstrating each step of the public policy implemented in developing their solution. Your culminating activity will be a group presentation of your findings to the class.




Your group must work together to determine the cause of the problem and outline the best solution to solve the problem. Your group must utilize the internet searches, sample case studies, data and statistics to show the health problem in obesity among children. Your group is composed of 5-6 members and must use the 6-Step Public Policy Analyst to meet your goal. Your final product will be presented through a Power Point/Prezi presentation.




1.      Group Leader- makes sure that goal is met and that members are collaboratively working and that time is efficiently utilized to meet the deadline.

2.      Data Analyst- makes sure that correct data is utilized.

3.      Researcher- makes sure that legitimate resources are obtained.

4.      Project Designer- responsible for creating an artistic, neat and informative Power Point presentation.

5.      Presenter- Orally presents the project with clarity and eloquence



1.      The 6 steps Public Policy Analyst is used: https://flippedtips.com/plegal/tips/pubpol.html

2.      A minimum of 2 illustrations relevant to the topic

3.      Data on child obesity collected from at least 2 sources and presented from case studies, statistics and internet searches.

4.      Identified at least 6 causes of obesity

5.      Minimum of 3 possible solutions are identified

6.      Solutions are backed up with supporting data

7.      Authentic sources are used and properly cited



·         http://www.nccor.org/downloads/ChildhoodObesity_020509.pdf

·         www.uclahealth.org/soundbodysoundmind/?gclid=CP6b1JCo1NACFUxMDQodPR4GnA

·         http://www.webmd.com/children/guide/obesity-children#1

·         http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/overweight-obesity.html








Your presentation is graded using the following criteria as described in the rubric:











Public Policy Analyst

WebQuest appropriately utilizes all 6 steps of the Public Policy Analyst

WebQuest utilizes all  6 steps of the Public Policy Analyst and at least 5 are utilized appropriately

WebQuest utilizes at least  5 steps of the Public Policy Analyst and at least 4 are utilized appropriately

WebQuest utilizes less than 5 steps of the Public Policy Analyst and less than 4 are used appropriately


WebQuest contains a minimum of 2 illustrations that are relevant to topic

WebQuest contains 2 illustrations but only  1 illustration  is relevant to topic

WebQuest contains 1 illustration that is relevant to topic

WebQuest does not contain illustrations

Data Collection and solutions

Data on children Obesity collected from at least 2 sources, 6 causes and 3 solutions were clearly presented and supported.



Data on children Obesity collected from at least 2 sources and at least 5 causes and 2 solutions were clearly presented and supported.

Data on children Obesity collected from at least 2 sources and at least 4-3 causes and 1 solution was presented and supported.

Data on children Obesity collected from  1 source and at least 2-1 cause/s  and 1 solution was presented and supported.


All sources used within presentation are appropriately cited

Most sources used within the presentation are appropriately cited

Some sources used within the presentation are appropriately cited

Only a few sources used within the presentation are appropriately cited






Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. to enhance the presentation.

Makes good use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation.

Makes use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. but occasionally these detract from the presentation content.

Use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. but these often distract from the presentation content.

Oral Presentation




Interesting, well-rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention.

Relatively interesting, rehearsed with a fairly smooth delivery that usually holds audience attention.

Delivery not smooth, but able to hold audience attention most of the time.

Delivery not smooth and audience attention lost.




Having completed your group project, the members of each group should have increased their awareness about the seriousness of Obesity as a public health problem. Students of each group must have increased their knowledge and developed the ability to use Public Policy Analyst as a strategic tool to inform the general public about the cause and solutions of Obesity and other real world problems. The Parent Association President must have used the students’ research work through PPA to inform and encourage the people in the community to increase their awareness about the health problem. The students have improved their ability to work as a team and increased their knowledge regarding research and technology and the use of statistics to address the health problem that requires careful attention and solution.





CCLS Personal Health and Fitness (


1. Students will understand human growth and development and recognize the relationship between behaviors and healthy development. They will understand ways to promote health and prevent disease and will demonstrate and practice positive health behaviors.



CCLS Family and Consumer Sciences


1. Students will use an understanding of the elements of good nutrition to plan appropriate diets for themselves and others. They will know and use the appropriate tools and technologies for safe and healthy food preparation.


CCLS Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas



4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.


 5. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.


6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.