First Grade Here We Come…

Taking the “Scary” out of Transitioning
Ms. Boskey
St. Aloysius School



Transitioning from Kindergarten to first grade can be pretty exciting, but scary! Your teachers and parents want your transition to be one of the best experience in your school career.




In May we began “Shadow Day” to allow you all the opportunity to spend the morning with your soon to be first grade teacher.  Ms. Albano & I felt this was a good way to help you all get excited about going to first grade. Now you and your group will let us know what you all feel would be additional good practices to help alleviate the scary part of transitioning from Mother Theodore to Pierre Toussaint.

Your group will create a storyboard poster of ideas that you all feel would make transitioning between Kindergarten and First Grade less “scary”. Each of you will be responsible for contributing to the storyboard

Each group will present their storyboard to the class.




We will read First Grade Here I Come by Nancy Carlson and listen to The Night Before First Grade as a class and discuss the problems the main character has on his first day of First grade.

Create a storyboard poster of possible solutions.

You will use the following steps in creating your storyboard:

Step 1: Define the problem Transitioning to first grade can be scary
Step 2: Gather evidence What are the social-emotional needs?
Step 3: Identify causes There is more interaction with older/bigger students, change in routine, only a lead teacher, larger classroom setting, more independent work
Step 4: Evaluate policy We have one shadow day in May
Step 5: Develop solutions What can be done to help you look forward to first grade with confidence and joy?
Step 6: Select best solutions What would make transitioning to first grade less “scary”? Can it actually happen?








Oral Presentation

Students don’t understand PPA and show no use of it in presentation.

Students somewhat understand PPA and show some use of it in presentation.

Students fully understand PPA and show use of it in their presentation.

Poster Research

Storyboard poster shows weak relevance.

Storyboard poster shows some relevance.

Storyboard poster strongly shows relevance.

Poster Conventions/Creativity

Storyboard poster shows weak use of convention of the English language and no creativity.

Storyboard poster shows some convention of the English language and some creativity.

Storyboard poster strongly shows convention of the English language and a lot of creativity.




By creating the storyboard poster, students will provide ideas for best practice in transitioning from   kindergarten to first grade. Using the PPAs, students will adapt problem solving and research skills.




With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.

With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.

Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.

Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.