Diabetes in Adolescents


Jeannie Wong

Our Lady Queen of Martyrs




http://s1.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20120521&t=2&i=609883080&w=580&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&r=CBRE84K1OME00    http://www.cartoonaday.com/images/cartoons/2012/04/type-2-diabetes-boy-cartoon-598x414.jpg   http://www.gnet.org/wp-content/uploads/childhood-diabetes.jpg


The Introduction

You are hired by the Department of Health to investigate the growing problem of diabetes, especially among children and teenagers. This is a recent phenomenon that is not yet fully understood.  Growing up is challenging under the best of circumstances.  Having a chronic disease such as diabetes makes the challenges become even greater.  Fortunately today, advances in treatment and monitoring of blood glucose levels have made diabetes far less difficult to deal with than it used to be.  However, about one-third of total diabetes among Americans is undiagnosed.  Uncontrolled diabetes is a leading cause of blindness, end-stage kidney disease, and limb amputations. It also doubles the risks of heart disease and increases the risk of stroke. Eye problems including cataracts, and glaucoma are also more common in diabetics.


How is your body supposed to regulate blood sugar levels?  What are the two types of diabetes? What goes wrong in the bodies of teenagers afflicted with diabetes? Are there groups of people that are more likely to be affected by one of the two types?  What might cause the increasing numbers of type I diabetes among teenagers?  What can be done to prevent teenagers from getting diabetes?  How can patients with diabetes be helped?  Why is it that a lot of teenagers are not aware that they have diabetes?



https://barryislandps.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/pt_meeting2.png             Task  


1. You will be working as a team of 4. Your team is to prepare:

- a display including the Public Policy Analyst (PPA) model

You will use the internet (some useful websites are listed below) and other resources to find your information. You need to use at least 3 different internet websites.


2. The PPA will aid and advise your team step by step in accomplishing your task.


3. Your team will do a presentation of their research to the class.


*The display (including all PPA worksheets) and presentation will count for 200 points. The rubric you find under “Evaluation” will tell you exactly how your team’s work will be graded. 



https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR5lMj57vqbcYhJIxV4H9a1c-JEtnlK-C2J8LhQu8aGsGDVj2id4Q           Process     http://images.clipartpanda.com/group-clipart-CLIPART_OF_16323_SM_2.jpg

1. Break up into groups of 4. Choose a team leader, recorder of information, and timekeeper to keep the group on task.

2. The following T.I.P.S. links (1. - 6.) will guide you in completing the six steps PPA process for your report.  You will use the internet websites listed below to complete the steps.


Click onto the link, read the information provided and fill out the worksheets for each step.  Use the internet resources provided below as needed.


1.   Decide who is going to: Define and describe the problem as a group  

2.   Decide who is going to: Gather evidence for this problem

3.   Decide who is going to: Identify causes for this problem

4.   Decide who is going to: Describe and evaluate the existing policy for this problem.

Rejoin in your group and discuss your findings. Together, you will then:

5.    Develop solutions/policies for the problems for this existing policy and:

6.    Select the best policy for this problem


3. Once your group has thoroughly researched your topic and completed each worksheet, you will work on completing the Display on two poster boards.  Please be sure to include pictures and graphs.  Each member of the group must be prepared to speak about his/her research and findings.


The websites below will help you in answering your questions.  Be specific in what you are looking for.  You can also do your own search, by typing in keywords “Diabetes + Adolescents in NYC”.


General Information:                 http://tomcopelandblog.typepad.com/.a/6a0133f3fc5805970b01a51195f457970c-pi                        http://blog.duarte.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/thumbnail.jpg


Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The American Diabetes Association

NYS Department of Health Diabetes in NYS

National Diabetes Information Clearing House



http://sr.photos2.fotosearch.com/bthumb/CSP/CSP606/k21611898.jpg         Evaluation http://www2.maxwell.syr.edu/plegal/tips/t4prod/hiebingerwq1_files/image016.gif


The following rubric will be used to grade your display:








An abundance of material clearly related to project; points are clearly made and all evidence supports findings; varied use of materials

Sufficient information that relates to project; many good points made but there is an uneven balance and little variation

There is a great deal of information that is not clearly connected to the project

Project not clear; information included that does not support project in any way


Project is clearly stated and developed; specific examples are appropriate and clearly develop findings; conclusion is clear; shows control; flows together well; well organized

Most information presented in logical sequence; generally very well organized

Concept and ideas are loosely connected; lacks clear transitions; presented in an uneven and choppy manner

Presentation is choppy and disjointed; does not flow; development of project is vague; no logical order of presentation


Very original presentation of material; captures audience's attention

Some originality apparent; good variety and blending of materials/media

Little or no variation; material presented with little originality or interpretation

Repetitive with little or no variety; insufficient use of materials


Balanced use of multimedia materials; properly used to develop project; use of media is varied and appropriate

Use of multimedia not as varied and not as well connected to project

Choppy use of multimedia materials; lacks smooth transition from one medium to another

Little or no multimedia used or ineffective use of multimedia


Poised, clear articulation; even and steady pace; good eye contact; enthusiastic; confident

Clear articulation but not presented with confidence

Some mumbling; little eye contact; uneven rate; little or no expression

Inaudible or too loud; no eye contact; rate too slow/fast; speaker seemed uninterested and used monotone


Involved the audience in the presentation; points made in creative way; held the audience's attention throughout

Presented facts well; held the audience's attention most of the time

Some related facts but went off topic and lost the audience; mostly presented facts with little or no imagination

Incoherent; audience lost interest and could not determine the point of the presentation


The following rubric will be used to grade your presentation:








Eye Contact

Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact

Consistent use of direct eye contact with audience.

Displayed little eye contact with audience.

Displayed minimal eye contact with audience.

No eye contact with audience


Excellent use of drama and student meets apportioned time interval

Good use of drama and student meets apportioned time interval

Delivery is patterned, but does not meet apportioned time interval.

Delivery is in bursts and does not meet apportioned time interval.

Delivery is either too quick or too slow to meet apportioned time interval


Use of fluid speech and inflection maintains the interest of the audience.

Satisfactory use of inflection, but does not consistently use fluid speech.

Displays some level of inflection throughout delivery.

Consistently uses a monotone voice.

Whispers or mumbles, hardly audible.

Introduction and Closing

Student delivers open and closing remarks that capture the attention of the audience and set the mood.

Student displays clear introductory or closing remarks.

Student clearly uses either an introductory or closing remark, but not both.

Student does not display clear introductory or closing remarks.

No introduction or closing remarks.


Student made excellent use of visuals to reinforce screen text and presentation.

Visuals related to text and presentation.

Student occasional used visuals that support text and presentation.

Student occasional used visuals that rarely support text and presentation.

Student used no visuals.



http://cache3.asset-cache.net/xc/153899560.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=B53F616F4B95E553AD99B24E170CE8A926AA3F9DBA72C0943909BE485ECCA9D4        Conclusion

Through researching and analyzing data regarding diabetes, you will have a better understanding what goes wrong in someone’s body who has been afflicted by this disease.  You will list possible reasons for the growing number of diabetes cases, especially among adolescents.  You will also understand the need of early diagnosis and preventive measures in order to avoid dire health consequences later in life. 



Common Core State Standards NYS Performance Standards:

This web quest focuses on the following English Language Arts Performance Standards:

E1c: Read and comprehend informational materials.

E2a: Produce a report of information.

E3c: Prepare and deliver an individual presentation.

E4b: Analyze and subsequently revise work to improve its clarity and effectiveness.


This web quest focuses on the following Science Performance Standards:

S5d: Proposes, recognizes, analyzes, considers and critiques alternative explanations; and distinguishes between fact and opinion.

S5e: Identifies problems, proposes and implements solutions; and evaluates the accuracy, design and outcomes of investigations.

S5f:  Works individually and in teams to collect and share information and data.

S6d: Acquires information from multiple sources.

S7a: Represents data and results in multiple ways.

S7b: Argues from evidence.