Absenteeism Among New York City Students

By: Steven Steigman


IVDU High School




Absenteeism is an important issue to discuss because it affects many students in this country. Absenteeism is defined as missing a large amount of school or more specifically missing at least 10 percent of school during the school year. In New York City between the years 2010 and 2011 absentee rates were 20 percent or approximately 200,000 students.

Absenteeism increases among higher grades levels such as during high school. Out of individuals in the 10th grade with more than 10 absences, only 60 percent of those 10th graders successfully graduated high school.

Individuals who frequently attend school perform better in math and on their standardized exams. Attending school every day can make a substantial difference.

Source: https://ct.global.ssl.fastly.net/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTQvMDgvMTUvMjE1dnkya3BzOF9GSU5BTENocm9uaWNBYnNlbnRlZWlzbVJlcG9ydF9NYXkxNi5wZGYiXV0/FINALChronicAbsenteeismReport_May16.pdf.pdf?sha=ffcb3d2b

Source: http://www.nyc.gov/html/truancy/html/home/home.shtml



You will work in groups of two to create a power point presentation on Absenteeism among New York City students. The power point presentation will be e-mailed to your teacher and needs to include the Public Policy Analyst (PPA) to create solutions for reducing absenteeism among New York City students.



Each PowerPoint presentation needs to include all 6 of the following requirements: include at least 10 slides, a title slide, the 6 steps of the Public Policy Analyst, at least one chart, at least one transitional animation, and a references slide.


Public Policy Analyst (PPA):

Step 1: Define the Problem

Step 2: Gather Evidence

Step 3: Identify Causes

Step 4: Evaluate Existing Public Policy

Step 5: Develop Solutions

Step 6: Select the Best Solution



1)     The Importance of Being In School: A Report on Absenteeism in the Nation’s Public Schools

2)     Student Absenteeism

3)     Collaborative Approaches to Reduce Absenteeism Among K-12 Students








Accuracy of Content

The entirety of the information within the PowerPoint is accurate.

Most of the information contained within the PowerPoint is accurate.

Some of the information contained within the PowerPoint is accurate.

None or very little of the information contained within the PowerPoint is accurate.

Spelling and Grammar

Information contained within the PowerPoint slides does not contain any spelling or grammatical errors.

Information contained within the PowerPoint slides contains 1 spelling or grammatical error.

Information contained within the PowerPoint slides contain 2 spelling or grammatical errors.

Information contained within the PowerPoint slides contains 3 or more spelling or grammatical errors.

Meets Specified Requirements

The PowerPoint presentation meets all 6 of the specified requirements

The PowerPoint presentation meets 5 of the specified requirements

The PowerPoint presentation meets 4 of the specified requirements

The PowerPoint presentation meets 3 or less of the specified requirements



1)     English Language Arts Standards

2)     New York State Common Core Standards for Social Studies



By reviewing research on absenteeism among New York City students, utilizing the Public Policy Analyst approach, and creating a PowerPoint presentation you now are more knowledgeable on the importance of being in school and possible solutions on how to decrease absenteeism.